actually no. Tuesday evening I slipped on ice and tore my quad tendon. having surgery this coming Tuesday.
what a coincidence you ask about my wheels the same week I busted up my knee. I only told a few people and no one online.
do you have some kind a super human senses? lol
it tore off right above the kneecap. where that arrow is pointing to.
Are you / were you currently on any particular cycle when this happened?
In the past when I was on high ratio androgen compounds at large doses, I had both tendon and muscle tear issues.
Since lowering my cycle doses, and favoring lower androgenic, more anabolic leaning compounds along with consistent / daily low dose gh (2.5-3.3iu), I’ve no longer suffered anymore of the same injuries.
I’m wondering about your own experience — I’m theorizing to myself a bit anecdotal correlation.
Would you have expected / imagined the level of damage you suffered in relation to the degree of your mishap? In other words; based on the incident, were you surprised that much damage happened?
Thanks, and hope you have a quick and thorough recovery. Injuries of this nature really do suck.
OUCH!!!!!...I had ACL reconstruction surgery years ago!...It still isn't the same...Hopefully your surgery will give u a permanent fix!...
How are u doing now?...
doing very well much better than pre-surgery, as far as pain and getting around goes. as long as I’m not moving around or getting too active the pain is very minimal just taking Tylenol everything’s going good so far.
thank you
@Swiper you look amazing as always brother.
Hey question, what do you attribute to being able to be at that level of leanness consistently throughout the years? Personally, my nutrition intake is strict and precise yet I just can’t get anywhere near your level.
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