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So my wife got a new OB/GYN and...

jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Her old OB was OLD and finally retired. Her new one has been in practice for 8 years and is very progressive in treatment as well as wellness. She told me he asked her about her sex drive and she told him it is below zero. He made note, said "we can fix that" and went on with all the other questions and stuff.
He told her he is doing blood work and gave her a book on HRT. She has done it before at 50 mg 1X month. It caused her to get oily skin for a couple of weeks with tons of energy and sex drive that was higher than mine, then it fell off and her sex drive, energy and mood plummeted. Hey I was happy for 2 weeks a month, better than one of my forearms getting a workout 3-4 times a week for sure.

When he gets her bloodwork back he will set up a compounding pharmacy to "brew" her an injectable of test and whatever other kind of hormone she needs. He admitted what he learned in med school on hormones was woefully outdated and at times just wrong. It will be small weekly injections is all I know.

I am very happy about this as she requires me to only have sex with her, but she does not want it so.....
I told her "If we do not want to cook, we eat out and have someone else cook for us. If we do not want to do yard work we hire landscapers. (I do my onw lawnwork) If she does not want to handle my bussiness then she can outsource it.

She said no. But this is a step in the right direction! I will let you ladies and gents and LK (Because he ani't no gent) know how it goes!


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Right on man ! sounds like a smart cookie , its rare Dr's actually want to help. Good luck !!

An until that all starts to kick in and you're still punching the Bishop around the shower ... you might want the industrial size



Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
Her old OB was OLD and finally retired. Her new one has been in practice for 8 years and is very progressive in treatment as well as wellness. She told me he asked her about her sex drive and she told him it is below zero. He made note, said "we can fix that" and went on with all the other questions and stuff.
He told her he is doing blood work and gave her a book on HRT. She has done it before at 50 mg 1X month. It caused her to get oily skin for a couple of weeks with tons of energy and sex drive that was higher than mine, then it fell off and her sex drive, energy and mood plummeted. Hey I was happy for 2 weeks a month, better than one of my forearms getting a workout 3-4 times a week for sure.

When he gets her bloodwork back he will set up a compounding pharmacy to "brew" her an injectable of test and whatever other kind of hormone she needs. He admitted what he learned in med school on hormones was woefully outdated and at times just wrong. It will be small weekly injections is all I know.

I am very happy about this as she requires me to only have sex with her, but she does not want it so.....
I told her "If we do not want to cook, we eat out and have someone else cook for us. If we do not want to do yard work we hire landscapers. (I do my onw lawnwork) If she does not want to handle my bussiness then she can outsource it.

She said no. But this is a step in the right direction! I will let you ladies and gents and LK (Because he ani't no gent) know how it goes!
You 2 lovebirds may be on the right path here. MY self-limited exposure to doctors of any specialty is that (1), some of them are just putting in time until retirement, (2) many of them are pre-retirement but resistant to change until they too reach (1), and ... (3) all the rest.

Sounds like you (may) have found the ideal doctor who either already knows stuff, or else is willing to work with you 2 to help himself provide better care for his similar patients in the future.

*** sounds also like he may/may not get it about esters vs. half lives, and dosing timing, but (maybe) he and the compounding pharmacy can sort that out.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
The analogy about landscaping and other chores that we don't want to do we outsource that is very very good I'm going to steal that information.

My wife and I are very open and our relationship and have been for a long long time. We have always said that if a spouse does not want to have sex then the other one should have the opportunity to still have sex and not have to take care of it themselves. I never really looked at it like you noted above but that is really a great way to look at it.

My wife's been on testosterone replacement going on about 15 years I've been on it for about 20 years. We have a great sex life but I sometimes can't keep up with her and I don't mind if she gets it from an outsourced source. And the same with me she doesn't care if I want to travel outside our bedroom. It's all about being happy and caring about your spouse and making sure they have everything they want and need


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
When I read that original "landscaping" reference it reminded me of my Parris Island professors telling me "your ass is grass and I AM the lawnmower," but ... I digress.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Her old OB was OLD and finally retired. Her new one has been in practice for 8 years and is very progressive in treatment as well as wellness. She told me he asked her about her sex drive and she told him it is below zero. He made note, said "we can fix that" and went on with all the other questions and stuff.
He told her he is doing blood work and gave her a book on HRT. She has done it before at 50 mg 1X month. It caused her to get oily skin for a couple of weeks with tons of energy and sex drive that was higher than mine, then it fell off and her sex drive, energy and mood plummeted. Hey I was happy for 2 weeks a month, better than one of my forearms getting a workout 3-4 times a week for sure.

When he gets her bloodwork back he will set up a compounding pharmacy to "brew" her an injectable of test and whatever other kind of hormone she needs. He admitted what he learned in med school on hormones was woefully outdated and at times just wrong. It will be small weekly injections is all I know.

I am very happy about this as she requires me to only have sex with her, but she does not want it so.....
I told her "If we do not want to cook, we eat out and have someone else cook for us. If we do not want to do yard work we hire landscapers. (I do my onw lawnwork) If she does not want to handle my bussiness then she can outsource it.

She said no. But this is a step in the right direction! I will let you ladies and gents and LK (Because he ani't no gent) know how it goes!
Once a month won't work because you get supraphysiological then nothing after 2 weeks. Would be like us doing 400 mg once month of TC. If she gets into the 12.5 to 25 mg/wk of TC range, that will probably balance her out and keep your one forearm from getting bigger than the other.


VIP Member
Jul 5, 2011
Been working on my wife slowly. At least got her to 1 iu of GH. She has joined the darkside.
How is that working for her my wife is coming around but I haven't found good explanation from real people we know your answer could help.
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