for some reason my shoulders are sore this morning.
seated OH MG bar press 145 6x5. Close grip 105 2x10 bar only extension
above all superset with band rows
pull ups and db lateral raises
db curls and push downs
day two of a 20 hour training that has changed my hours and location. Got up early to squeeze in a quick squat.
superset of GHR/ SSB 145,195,235,260,285,305 x 10
all set to squat but back flared up. I could feel it right at the disc.
squat 225x1. Did the right but unhappy thing and quit. Switched to front
135,155,160,165,170,175 x 5
these were superset with banded leg curls.
few more lunges
live to fight another day
went to bed tired, woke up exhausted. I blame the humidity.
Bench 225x5,5 245x4,4 260x3,3 275x1 got to admit my form gat shitty. Have to focus more
DB row 75s
close grip 135x15,10,12
Db curls
another shitty day in the rack. My squat has gone into the toilet the last two weeks. I felt really unballanced and could not brace for shit. Ended up at 330 simply ran out of time.