right pec or delt is being a bitch despite wearing my bow tie a lot more recently
db rev flye/ inc db 40x15 50x15 60x12,12
bench 245 (really struggling with the pec issue)
sling shot 275,225x5,5
close grip 135 2x10
db rows 75s
knees feel fine but now my right hip is bothering me. Additionally the right pec thing is out of control.
SSB 145,195,235x10 255x8
squat 315,340,370x3
rdl 135,185,205,205,205 x5
hanging leg raises
db rev flye/ oh 12sx10,12,15,20
pull ups 5x5 few extras here and there
landmine 1 arm row 45lb bumper plate 6x6
ez bar inc ext/ db preacher curl
shoulder/ pec/ bicep tendon whatever it is really hurting. I know I should probably see a doctor to figure out what the problem is but who has time for that?
db rev flye/ inc press 12/40 4x15
bench 225x2,2 all I could manage
played around with the MG bar to see if different grips helped. Not really
db row 75s 6x6 60 6,8,10
rev flye/ db oh 12,15,20,20
btn press 135 3x5 155x2 so surprisingly this is the least painful pressing movement right now
pull ups
lying ez bar extension 60 3x10
dip holds/ db curl
i was looking at myself in the mirror or maybe it was a store window and noticed my glute ham tie in is weak. Kind of look like a P. So I want to focus on posterior chain more.
front squat 135,160,190,210x5 225x3
barbell hip thrust 135 5x5
ab wheel