Yeah, I'd love to run it with GH, but I won't have my hands on GH until late July, and my PCT will be starting in early July. Looking to hold on to gains until the GH kicks in. And the diabetic thing is slightly overhyped in my opinion. You would have to abuse slin for quite a while to make yourself diabetic, from what I've read. Of course, with your addictive personality, that is a possibility, lol.
Yeah, I'd love to run it with GH, but I won't have my hands on GH until late July, and my PCT will be starting in early July. Looking to hold on to gains until the GH kicks in. And the diabetic thing is slightly overhyped in my opinion. You would have to abuse slin for quite a while to make yourself diabetic, from what I've read. Of course, with your addictive personality, that is a possibility, lol.
Well im overcoming this now with PCT, so im trying.
However when it comes to a substance that can kill you, i dont see myself doing that, i do agree that alot of slin-use is over hyped quite a bit. Id love to run it with GH and see how good it works. While i recover.
Good for you man, seriously. I'd be lying if I said I thought you'd stick to it, but for your health and future, you need to, and you seem to know that.
I've come to the point in my ever-changing theories on cycling, that with GH/peptides and safe, proper, intermittent use of slin, I will be able to run low dose cycles for shorter amounts of time, less times per year, with fewer compounds, and still make gains.
Besides...not exactly a valid need.....GH would make any cycl better. You could run GH with Captain Crunch and see results, lol.
I'm in a situation (profession) where if I ran it on cycle, and saw max results from the gear combined with slin and GH and peptides, I would draw attention to myself that is unwanted. For this same reason, I don't want to appear to change my body composition too much during PCT, so I figured slin would help keep the general appearance of not losing any size or water weight, etc.
Definitely don't want to get fat by any means, so I'll revise my diet post inject.
It should be mentioned that I already can go hypo if I push it too hard without proper nutrition, so I'm erring on the side of safety by going so high on carbs.
So, you're trying to fool yourself or someone else, or both?
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