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Shoulders...everyone needs to read this



VIP Member
Dec 2, 2022
My shoulders are terrible. The pain of calcified tendonitis from years of putting heavy shit up over my head is pretty much at a level where I contemplate not lifting at all anymore.

Whenever you see young people in your gym doing heavy presses just tell them this.

Shoulders are a bitch. You get one set. When you ruin them, you are done for. Take the time to go on youtube and watch at least a dozen videos on rotator cuff exercises with bands and do them a few times a week at home. You will never regret it.


VIP Member
Jan 28, 2011
Agree, good post. I lift so light now so i don't further injure my shoulder it's ridiculous. My right shoulder has been painfully injured for a few years now.
It's funny my "normal" lard ass friends look at me funny and say, "if your shoulder hurts just don't work out". They don't realize it's part of my god damn life. I "HAVE" too.


TID Board Of Directors
Nov 30, 2011
Yes it can make what was once enjoyable
Awfully painful. But I’ll never give up.
Mine had gone from thinking no doubt surgery (turns out that was no option)
To getting strong again.
Takes a LOT of warming up. Sleeping is the worst tho. Gotta take the bad with the good I guess.


National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
I figured that out 20 something years ago. I pre-exuahst my delts (after a complete warm up) and finish with pressing sissy weights OH.
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Anyone else do shoulder hangs? I thought I was gonna have to have surgery but after doing this for almost 2 years I am way better with far less pain and far less tweaks and injuries, in fact I cannot recall the last time I hurt my shoulders. Worth a try fellas. Takes time but makes a huge diff. Start small and work up. Seriously, do not go hard from the start.

"Dr. John M. Kirsch is a practicing orthopedic surgeon with over 30 years of experience in treating patients with wide-ranging issues when it comes to the shoulder girdle. He is the author of Shoulder Pain? The Solution & Prevention, in which he details exercise and rehabilitative exercise protocols to help alleviate or eliminate shoulder pain. He found that in 90% of his patient population who were expected to have shoulder surgery, prescribing one movement as an alternative actually eliminated their pain altogether. And this movement is the brachial dead hang."


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
It takes a lot of fun and enjoyment out of lifting when they are bad, that is 100% truth right there:(

My right shoulder is super bad, but I can manage around it for now. I fell on it, dead smack on the cement, back ion 2016 (a week out from my gallbladder removal and hernia surgery), and it has killed me ever since. I couldn't even stretch out my arm/shoulder on the surgery bed before the operation (GB/hernia) and they were like, "what the hell is wrong with you?" lol. It took all the pain away from my surgery, haha.

My other shoulder has it's pains here and there. However, my whole right side gets numb at night (shoulder/arm), and can be a pain. It effects my neck, and i'm not sure, but I have this gdamn elbow tendonitis (tennis shoulder), and if I had to guess, it's probably a result of my shoulder...not sure.

I am very restrictive on what I can do now, and it sucks ass. Younger, healthier folk have no clue, much like I didn't:eek:

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
My left one is fked. I am going to try the hanging stretches. God only knows why I thought 315 lb behind the neck presses were a good idea back in the day. I can only manage 200 now on the Smith machine now if that. My tempo on everything is now super slow and nothing less than 8 reps.


VIP Member
Dec 2, 2022
My left one is fked. I am going to try the hanging stretches. God only knows why I thought 315 lb behind the neck presses were a good idea back in the day. I can only manage 200 now on the Smith machine now if that. My tempo on everything is now super slow and nothing less than 8 reps.
I am right there with you.

The hanging stuff is good in the moment. I didn't find that it provided any long term relief, but did get me through sets that I would not have other wise gotten through.

If there was a way to fix my shoulders with 100% certainly I would pay whatever the price was. $50K? Take my money. It sucks.


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2022
Agree, good post. I lift so light now so i don't further injure my shoulder it's ridiculous. My right shoulder has been painfully injured for a few years now.
It's funny my "normal" lard ass friends look at me funny and say, "if your shoulder hurts just don't work out". They don't realize it's part of my god damn life. I "HAVE" too.

Exactly!! I can’t quit just not gunna happen, my shoulders are so bad I can’t even squat anymore because I can’t reach back that far…. So I have to use a SSB bar or a Kabuki transformer bar. ROM IS gone.

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jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
My left one is fked. I am going to try the hanging stretches. God only knows why I thought 315 lb behind the neck presses were a good idea back in the day. I can only manage 200 now on the Smith machine now if that. My tempo on everything is now super slow and nothing less than 8 reps.
Start slow, 10 seconds x 3 reps. The key is relax as much as you can. After a couple weeks try 20 seconds and so on. This has the added benefit of grip endurance and strength.


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2012
Wish some one told me this years ago. . My left shoulder is done. Hard to find a good position to sleep in. But, like everyone else I haven’t quit the gym..or even thought about it
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