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Shoulders...everyone needs to read this



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 16, 2010
My left elbow and right shoulder have been bothering me for over a month now. It’s taking a while to heal, but you have to keep working it.


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Anyone else do shoulder hangs? I thought I was gonna have to have surgery but after doing this for almost 2 years I am way better with far less pain and far less tweaks and injuries, in fact I cannot recall the last time I hurt my shoulders. Worth a try fellas. Takes time but makes a huge diff. Start small and work up. Seriously, do not go hard from the start.

"Dr. John M. Kirsch is a practicing orthopedic surgeon with over 30 years of experience in treating patients with wide-ranging issues when it comes to the shoulder girdle. He is the author of Shoulder Pain? The Solution & Prevention, in which he details exercise and rehabilitative exercise protocols to help alleviate or eliminate shoulder pain. He found that in 90% of his patient population who were expected to have shoulder surgery, prescribing one movement as an alternative actually eliminated their pain altogether. And this movement is the brachial dead hang."
Interesting. I have actually been doing this for my back. Every day I’m at the gym I will hang for 30secs or so a couple times. Helps decompress the spine too.


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Think I was lucky. OHPs would always aggravate my shoulders so I stopped doing them early on. Front and side raises while not as glamorous did the job. Think I have decent sized shoulders.


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2022
Think I was lucky. OHPs would always aggravate my shoulders so I stopped doing them early on. Front and side raises while not as glamorous did the job. Think I have decent sized shoulders.

I think upright rows did my shoulders in. Amongst other things. Heavy Dumbbell shoulder presses, and like you said OHP when I was young I had a tendency not to listen, and now I am paying the price.

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TID Board Of Directors
Aug 27, 2010
Anyone else do shoulder hangs? I thought I was gonna have to have surgery but after doing this for almost 2 years I am way better with far less pain and far less tweaks and injuries, in fact I cannot recall the last time I hurt my shoulders. Worth a try fellas. Takes time but makes a huge diff. Start small and work up. Seriously, do not go hard from the start.

"Dr. John M. Kirsch is a practicing orthopedic surgeon with over 30 years of experience in treating patients with wide-ranging issues when it comes to the shoulder girdle. He is the author of Shoulder Pain? The Solution & Prevention, in which he details exercise and rehabilitative exercise protocols to help alleviate or eliminate shoulder pain. He found that in 90% of his patient population who were expected to have shoulder surgery, prescribing one movement as an alternative actually eliminated their pain altogether. And this movement is the brachial dead hang."
Great find! Good info, I need to start doing this.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
When we were younger, we thought the key to growing boulders for shoulders was heavy OHP. It wasn't until I stopped pressing due to shoulder pain and focusing on controlled raises that my shoulders started to really grow.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Anyone else do shoulder hangs? I thought I was gonna have to have surgery but after doing this for almost 2 years I am way better with far less pain and far less tweaks and injuries, in fact I cannot recall the last time I hurt my shoulders. Worth a try fellas. Takes time but makes a huge diff. Start small and work up. Seriously, do not go hard from the start.

"Dr. John M. Kirsch is a practicing orthopedic surgeon with over 30 years of experience in treating patients with wide-ranging issues when it comes to the shoulder girdle. He is the author of Shoulder Pain? The Solution & Prevention, in which he details exercise and rehabilitative exercise protocols to help alleviate or eliminate shoulder pain. He found that in 90% of his patient population who were expected to have shoulder surgery, prescribing one movement as an alternative actually eliminated their pain altogether. And this movement is the brachial dead hang."
You know I do.
Rock Diesel

Rock Diesel

Senior Member
Mar 16, 2022
I used to go crazy on shoulders. Heavy military presses, heavy dumbell presses, ridiculous upright rows. As I've gotten older, it started becoming more obvious my shoulders have taken a beating over the years. There have been several guys older than me I've known who have run into some serious shoulder issues, so I looked at that as a sign to take a step back and make some necessary adjustments. I've since switched everything up, lightened the weights, started throwing in some good rotator cuff exercises and paying especially close attention to any movements over the head. Hoping to keep them in the game with minimal pain as long as I can.


TID Board Of Directors
Apr 2, 2013
How ironic that I’m in the gym doing shoulders right now and saw this in between sets. I’ve been thinking a lot about this the past year, and with joints. I’ve gotten away from getting crazy heavy anymore and really focusing on timed contractions, slower tempo, and tighter squeezes, with more intensity techniques. I’ve also realized how pointless and counter productive high volume is. Intensity is where it’s at. However, I do need to implement a lot of stretching, especially mobility work.

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genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
GF, how’s this working since this post I’m planning to try this approach. I really want to avoid surgery.
I think it has worked well when I couple it with the fact I stopped all over head pressing, minus W press. The only things I do for shoulders are raises and laterals and except for the Dusty Hanshaw side lateral superset where you do full range of motion to failure then double the weight for partials for the same number of reps, my form is really, really strict. All other laterals and raises are done so that I am completely isolating the delts. Except for the superset I mentioned all others are done from a braced position taking the core out of the equation. If you take an incline bench and pin your side to that damn thing and do a single arm side lateral with no momentum, 20 lbs gets heavy really fast.

Delts used to be one of my weak points. Judging by my avatar, I think I am doing alright now.


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
My shoulders are terrible. The pain of calcified tendonitis from years of putting heavy shit up over my head is pretty much at a level where I contemplate not lifting at all anymore.

Whenever you see young people in your gym doing heavy presses just tell them this.

Shoulders are a bitch. You get one set. When you ruin them, you are done for. Take the time to go on youtube and watch at least a dozen videos on rotator cuff exercises with bands and do them a few times a week at home. You will never regret it.
Amen BRO! I have osteoarthritis on both shoulders. 27 years as a competitive powerlifter.
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