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Same question different day GH



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2013
Ever since I started using Telmisartan for blood pressure I don’t get bad water retention on hgh or anything really that I used to. Carpel tunel hasn’t been as bad either. At first I was thinking it was just better quality hgh but recently heard of others talking about Telmisartan doing this and I made the connection myself.
I switched to telemisartan from diazide and it’s by far the best anti hypertensive I’ve tried. Micardis actually lowers LDL and total cholesterol while improving glucose disposal.


Dec 3, 2010
I know there's a lot of back and forth and lots of people going on and off and just curious. I do my GH shots right before bed. To avoid any lethargy during the day.

My question cuz it's been many years since I've done GH I'm doing four units a day I'm not worried about the benefits for a long while I'm going to be doing this long term but a lot of people talk about getting numbness in their feet and hands and I've done GH many times and have never noticed this even when I had prescription GH. Is this universal to some people not get the numbness?

I guess my question is I just started it this week four units a day top provider what should I be looking out for as feeling that something is going in the right direction?

Thank you
Yeah, watch out for stiffness in the wrist fingers, joints, knees, and ankles. How long are you gonna take it for short-term long-term 12 weeks a year how long are you gonna take it for? I would do it for three months and then come off of it for three months and then do another three months you may have to take insulin with it because you’re gonna create antibodies and it could become ineffective just a thought and also watch out for your chin growing just kidding.


Dec 3, 2010
Yeah, watch out for stiffness in the wrist fingers, joints, knees, and ankles. How long are you gonna take it for short-term long-term 12 weeks a year how long are you gonna take it for? I would do it for three months and then come off of it for three months and then do another three months you may have to take insulin with it because you’re gonna create antibodies and it could become ineffective just a thought and also watch out for your chin growing just kidding.
You probably really don’t need it just increase your training intensity in the gym instead of training for an hour and a half do the same workout in 45 minutes and that’ll increase your own natural growth hormone in your pituitary gland while you’re sleeping from 2 AM to 4 AM you have a growth hormone spurt provided that there’s not a lot of sugar in the blood


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
You probably really don’t need it just increase your training intensity in the gym
Not trying to be a smart guy here, but define "need." Of course he doesn't need it, if we're talking about anything less than a significant IGF-1 deficiency.

GH sides can differ greatly between individuals. I got the numbness side long, long ago when I first started using, but it went away pretty quickly. I really fill out with GH due to the water retention, but it's not a sloppy retention. Just 4-5 pounds throughout my body that gives me a more 3-D look. I like it. I wish it helped me lean out more. That's a side that I'd really embrace.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
Hey, that's interesting you're going back on GH. The numbness in hands and feet you're talking about is a commonly reported side effect, but it doesn't happen to everyone. You might also start to notice improved sleep quality, skin elasticity, and better recovery post-workout. Since you're doing it long-term, the benefits may become more noticeable over time. Just make sure to keep an eye on blood sugar levels and consult your doc regularly.

Hey, jackass. Stop spamming the forums. I love how you finally slipped in that link as a comma. You post all this generic sounding bullshit, resurrecting old posts, and (in your mind) think "oh I've managed to gain their trust." No, you're just an idiot that wasted everyone's time.


Jun 12, 2023
Not trying to be a smart guy here, but define "need." Of course he doesn't need it, if we're talking about anything less than a significant IGF-1 deficiency.

GH sides can differ greatly between individuals. I got the numbness side long, long ago when I first started using, but it went away pretty quickly. I really fill out with GH due to the water retention, but it's not a sloppy retention. Just 4-5 pounds throughout my body that gives me a more 3-D look. I like it. I wish it helped me lean out more. That's a side that I'd really embrace.
I'm an addict I need gear.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Hey, jackass. Stop spamming the forums. I love how you finally slipped in that link as a comma. You post all this generic sounding bullshit, resurrecting old posts, and (in your mind) think "oh I've managed to gain their trust." No, you're just an idiot that wasted everyone's time.
I gave him a temp ban. Lucky I'm not LK, or he'd be gone permanently. Any more baloney and he's bye-bye.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I gave him a temp ban. Lucky I'm not LK, or he'd be gone permanently. Any more baloney and he's bye-bye.

I'm pretty sure it's just another ChatGPT spammer. The content (super generic) and tone are always the same, usually followed with "talk to your doctor."
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