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SAD's 4 week cycle. Here we go.......



TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
Wasn't planning on starting this until the end of March, but due to some events popping up at the end of April, I will be starting tomorrow. Running a four week cycle that will be the first of three 4 weekers this year. The schedule will look like this: 4 weeks on, 2 weeks pct, 6 weeks off, repeat. Not looking to bulk or cut this year, just looking for a constant body recomp.


27 yrs old
6'2.5" (6'3" in the morning)
228 lbs
14-15% bf? (not really sure)

Goals after PCT of first cycle:

220 lbs
10% bf

Goals after PCT of third cycle:

235-240 lbs
9% bf

So here's the cycle layout.

Day 1:
Test P - 200mgs
Mast P - 300mgs
Anavar - 100mgs

Days 2-24:
Test P - 75mgs ED
Mast P - 100mgs ED
Anavar - 100mgs ED

Days 25-28:
Anavar - 100mgs ED

Will be throwing in methyltrienolone at 750mcg/day for two weeks, as soon as santa comes (should be running it weeks 2 and 3).

PCT of Toremifiene at 90mgs week 1, 60mgs week 2. First time using Torem, we'll see how it goes. If I don't like it, cycle 2 and 3 will be clomid/nolva PCT.

Will be using adex at .5mgs EOD for 10 days, then .25mgs EOD for 14 days. Will adjust as necessary. Don't think that hcg is required, but I will be running it as an insurance blanket for quicker recovery, 250iu 2x/week for the first 3 weeks.

As far as diet, I will be eating slightly above my maintenance calories, i.e. 3750-4250, with an emphasis on proteins and fats.

Training will be Lyle McDonald’s Bulking Routine . Will be my first time trying this, so again, a bit of an experiment, but an educated one.

If I'm missing something, just ask. "Before" pictures will be coming as soon as my wife gets home.
Last edited:


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
Here's a few "before" pics. Looked a lot harder and more cut 2 days ago before my carb load, but fuck it, what you see is what you get. Keep in mind, my years of lifting were never for bodybuilding or powerlifting until about 2 years ago. I was a football, baseball, wrestling star in HS, wrestled in college, and fought MMA after college. Then military workouts were all about muscular endurance and cardio. So I'm not on the same level build-wise as most of you vets, but I'm on my way.



Sep 10, 2010
You look good for someone that doesn't train for bodybuilding.
Everything looks good with the cycle but i don't see why you need so much Masteron. Also, i am very skeptical about this kind of workouts. When I was on my second cycle i tried the original 10x10 workout and wasn't pleased at all. In fact i am starting to believe that this could be the reason i wasn't pleased with the gains.

If you know what kind of workouts work the best for you, stick with them. If it ain't broke don't fix it brother.

Good luck with your cycle! I will follow your log!


I Look Good...
Sep 13, 2010
Yo, bro u got a wide ass frame. Build those shoulders pecs and lean the waist down youll look ridiculous!


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
You look good for someone that doesn't train for bodybuilding.
Everything looks good with the cycle but i don't see why you need so much Masteron. Also, i am very skeptical about this kind of workouts. When I was on my second cycle i tried the original 10x10 workout and wasn't pleased at all. In fact i am starting to believe that this could be the reason i wasn't pleased with the gains.

If you know what kind of workouts work the best for you, stick with them. If it ain't broke don't fix it brother.

Good luck with your cycle! I will follow your log!

I ran mast before at 525mgs/week and loved the gym aggression and libido boost, and after talking with Solo47 about it for a while, decided that this time I'll bump it up to 700mgs/week for the extra hardness, vascularity, and psychological effects.

As far as the workout, I respond pretty well to most programs I try that hit each bodypart twice per week and have the option of going heavy. Lyle's program gives me both, so I'm excited to try it out. Not much of a bodybuilder, but not a powerlifter either, so I guess I'm somewhere in the middle as far as how I'm built and how I like to feel.

Thanks for the advice bro, stay tuned. With the kickstart I have planned, shit should jump-off in a hurry.


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
Yo, bro u got a wide ass frame. Build those shoulders pecs and lean the waist down youll look ridiculous!

Unfortunately, my waist is wide no matter how LEAN I get. When I was less than 180lbs and 5-6%bf in college with an 8-pack, I still had a wide waist. As far as the shoulders and chest, those are definitely on my hit list. I can overhead press 125lb dumbbells for 3 sets of 5 reps, and slight-incline press 160s for sets of 6-8, but still have trouble building shoulders and chest. Working a lot on my form now and the mind-muscle connection. Thanks for the props on my frame. Figures you would compliment me on something I was born with, not worked for. Hahahaha.


I Look Good...
Sep 13, 2010
Unfortunately, my waist is wide no matter how LEAN I get. When I was less than 180lbs and 5-6%bf in college with an 8-pack, I still had a wide waist. As far as the shoulders and chest, those are definitely on my hit list. I can overhead press 125lb dumbbells for 3 sets of 5 reps, and slight-incline press 160s for sets of 6-8, but still have trouble building shoulders and chest. Working a lot on my form now and the mind-muscle connection. Thanks for the props on my frame. Figures you would compliment me on something I was born with, not worked for. Hahahaha.

Wtf? Bro its obvious you work out, but u can use ur genetics to be a wide mutha fucka


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
It was a joke home-slizzle. I wasn't implying that you were taking a cheap shot or anything, just poking fun at myself. I have been told many times that if I built my shoulders up and slimmed down I would have a freaky X shaped frame. But I'm ok with not being able to slim the waist down. Some guys just cannot achieve that taper, and I'm one of them. I honestly believe that having a genetically wide waist can help to build more strength, both functional and gym strength, in the long run versus somebody with a little tiny waist.

Keep following bro, I should be making some big strides on my chest and shoulders in the next 8 months.


Feb 24, 2011
two weeks is not long enough for your post IMO. You are going to be shut down completely. It will take your body longer to recover than two weeks.


I Look Good...
Sep 13, 2010
two weeks is not long enough for your post IMO. You are going to be shut down completely. It will take your body longer to recover than two weeks.

I agree maybe with HCG included you could recover in 4 weeks.


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
Definitely looking into that a bit more, thanks. I felt very well recovered after a 14 week cycle and only 4 weeks of pct, so I figured 2 would be fine for a 4 weeker, but my logic may be flawed. Thanks for the input guys, that's half the reason why I am logging this.
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