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Rotator Cuff - Full Thickness Tear



VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
Hey, I thoguth you migth like this too. Dr Lowe is one of the best shoulder, knee and elbow surgeon in the USA. At least you will know what your future will be with rehab. Might be able to do a lot fo this at home.

Rotator cuff rehab



Oct 3, 2016
Ask your surgeon to do the platelet-rich plasma therapy during surgery. They just draw some blood and spin out all of the serum growth factors and re-inject them. Speeds up recovery. Also , deca durabolin is very good for tissue and ligament recovery as is IGF-1 Lr3. GH will also help prevent muscle atrophy post-surgery.

Good info!....
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VIP Member
Sep 7, 2010
Welcome me to the club. Just got MRI results back. 2 torn tendons bicep and shoulder. I see the ortho again on Monday.


VIP Member
Feb 25, 2012
Surgery 4/29. Follow up is tomorrow.

Recliner is my new best friend, Sleeping in the bed does not work. Pain is tolerable. I do have to pop a pill here and there. Sx was on a Thursday, I started PT that following Tuesday. Just passive Range of Motion. This occurs up until week 12. So No work for at least 3 months.

1. Non Traumatic Rhabdomyolysis (broken down muscle enzymes released into the blood/urine, can cause renal/cardiac issues). Total CK level were always elevated since the injury >3000. After Sx, numbers > 5000. IV and PO hydrations ordered. Numbers elevated but i have seen 10x the number.
2. Atelectsis R Lung (partial collapse): Where the Nerve Block is administered (Exparel), the medication can affect that side of the lung. Thursday and Friday, I were fine. Saturday late morning, I became short of breath. i sat and tried to relax. It did not resolve. So I took an Uber to the ER. 02 sats not terrible 88-91% on room air. Oxygen given, Incentive spirometer used in the ER and at home. PE can occur after surgery
3. The Nerve block wore off Friday evening. Early AM Saturday, my arm was numb again from the finger tips to the forearm. ER doctor spoke with the Surgeon and told the Nerve block can come and go in the lower limb up to 3 days. Not sure how this ties into what occurred with my lung.


VIP Member
Feb 25, 2012
Follow up appt today. Expect to be out of work for at least 4 months to allow adequate time to heal, due to the nature of my job.


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
2ez, thanks for the update. We talk about injuries and their care often on the board, and seemingly shoulder injuries more than most. We don't usually get as much detail on what might confront anyone here who has, or will, share your experiences.

. . .

1. Non Traumatic Rhabdomyolysis (broken down muscle enzymes released into the blood/urine, can cause renal/cardiac issues). Total CK level were always elevated since the injury >3000. After Sx, numbers > 5000. IV and PO hydrations ordered. Numbers elevated but i have seen 10x the number.
2. Atelectsis R Lung (partial collapse): Where the Nerve Block is administered (Exparel), the medication can affect that side of the lung. Thursday and Friday, I were fine. Saturday late morning, I became short of breath. i sat and tried to relax. It did not resolve. So I took an Uber to the ER. 02 sats not terrible 88-91% on room air. Oxygen given, Incentive spirometer used in the ER and at home. PE can occur after surgery
3. The Nerve block wore off Friday evening. Early AM Saturday, my arm was numb again from the finger tips to the forearm. ER doctor spoke with the Surgeon and told the Nerve block can come and go in the lower limb up to 3 days. Not sure how this ties into what occurred with my lung.

Clarify for this Layman, please.

I know the basics about Rhabdo, but does the "non traumatic" refer to the original cause, and, if so, does that refer to the original injury at work or to the surgery later? If, otoh, "non-traumatic" refers to your post-op lab numbers, which sound pretty traumatic to my Layman ass, unless you were saying that's not the case? Later, you speak of possible PE, is that "pulmonary embolism" or something else?

Sounds like you are under 100% doctor's care and 0% light duty at work now, but weren't you initially placed on light duty after your work-related injury?


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
@2ez oh boy....I thought i had commented on this before, apologies i did not.

On 8/31/2021, i will be 3 yrs post op on a full thickness RC tear in my right (dominant) shoulder.

oh boy...

Sounds like you experienced one of those risks of the block. Damn dude.
Yea sleeping lying down is a no go for a long time!
I slept in my recliner too. To separate just sitting in the recliner during day and sleeping at night, i would make my bed at night....aka...put a sheet on the recliner LOL. This helped my body get into a sleep mode and prepare for sleep. Probably sounds stupid, perhaps but hey worked for me lol. Also used a stabilizer arm sling thingy.
My doc did prescribe one of those machines that rotate your arm for you, it plugs in and the doc has the #'s programmed. Shit i forgot what the machine was. Some kind of range of motion machine. Anyway, it was great for me because you get out of the sling and it was no cost for me (have good insurance). The guys on here joked about it being a sex machine lol. There is a pic somewhere in the forums, i kept a log too.

Time will go slow and it sucks, there's no sugar coating it. Find something you can do to keep your mind busy, but most importantly keep your mind positive. Celebrate the little improvements that you can make. No lie, this was the toughest surgery i have ever endured and i do not want to do it again.
Hope your PT is a good one. Mine, got me a frozen shoulder and i had to start all over with a new PT. But my new PT was great and new my goals and really worked with me. Matter of fact, i go back to him every now and then for deep stretching and questions on other body parts LOL.

I used the narcotics at night just to sleep.

You using ice still? I have cooler that we would load with ice and put on shoulder and it would filter through. It has been about a week and a half, i suspect you are using ice still.

Feel free to PM me on anything. I really do feel for you. But keep strong and positive to get through this. It is going to be tough and LONG.

Stay strong!


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
CPM machine is what it was and i can't find my log, since it was a long time ago LOL.


VIP Member
Sep 7, 2010
Fuck they just want to keep giving me shots. I want to get the surgery over with but I cant afford to not work for 3 months. Wish you the best bro.
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VIP Member
Feb 25, 2012
Fuck they just want to keep giving me shots. I want to get the surgery over with but I cant afford to not work for 3 months. Wish you the best bro.

The time off from work is contingent on the job you have to allow proper healing. At least this is what my Surgeon is saying., So my initial thought of 2 to 3 months is more like 5 to 6 months, because of the nature of my Nurse...pushing, pulling, lifting, reaching stretching. Not to mention, even though I was considered on "Light Duty" this did not matter. Due to the Nursing Shortage, I was given full assignment plus some. A patient was walking to the bathroom alone...almost fell, and I ran in grab her....yes....grabbed her with the Injured shoulder. I had to ice the rest of the shift.


VIP Member
Feb 25, 2012
@2ez oh boy....I thought i had commented on this before, apologies i did not.

On 8/31/2021, i will be 3 yrs post op on a full thickness RC tear in my right (dominant) shoulder.

oh boy...

Sounds like you experienced one of those risks of the block. Damn dude.
Yea sleeping lying down is a no go for a long time!
I slept in my recliner too. To separate just sitting in the recliner during day and sleeping at night, i would make my bed at night....aka...put a sheet on the recliner LOL. This helped my body get into a sleep mode and prepare for sleep. Probably sounds stupid, perhaps but hey worked for me lol. Also used a stabilizer arm sling thingy.
My doc did prescribe one of those machines that rotate your arm for you, it plugs in and the doc has the #'s programmed. Shit i forgot what the machine was. Some kind of range of motion machine. Anyway, it was great for me because you get out of the sling and it was no cost for me (have good insurance). The guys on here joked about it being a sex machine lol. There is a pic somewhere in the forums, i kept a log too.

Time will go slow and it sucks, there's no sugar coating it. Find something you can do to keep your mind busy, but most importantly keep your mind positive. Celebrate the little improvements that you can make. No lie, this was the toughest surgery i have ever endured and i do not want to do it again.
Hope your PT is a good one. Mine, got me a frozen shoulder and i had to start all over with a new PT. But my new PT was great and new my goals and really worked with me. Matter of fact, i go back to him every now and then for deep stretching and questions on other body parts LOL.

I used the narcotics at night just to sleep.

You using ice still? I have cooler that we would load with ice and put on shoulder and it would filter through. It has been about a week and a half, i suspect you are using ice still.

Feel free to PM me on anything. I really do feel for you. But keep strong and positive to get through this. It is going to be tough and LONG.

Stay strong!

More true words have not been spoken. Going on Week 4, with approx 12wks more to go. Still icing...Tylenol as needed but no more Oxycodone. \

Thanks for the reply my friend. I have gone to the gym to use the Stationary Bike and work on the legs. I am wondering if i should workout with my Left arm...nothing strenuous/heavy...and then play catch up with my Right operative side when allowed.

Just a thought.


VIP Member
Feb 25, 2012
2ez, thanks for the update. We talk about injuries and their care often on the board, and seemingly shoulder injuries more than most. We don't usually get as much detail on what might confront anyone here who has, or will, share your experiences.

Clarify for this Layman, please.

I know the basics about Rhabdo, but does the "non traumatic" refer to the original cause, and, if so, does that refer to the original injury at work or to the surgery later? If, otoh, "non-traumatic" refers to your post-op lab numbers, which sound pretty traumatic to my Layman ass, unless you were saying that's not the case? Later, you speak of possible PE, is that "pulmonary embolism" or something else?

Sounds like you are under 100% doctor's care and 0% light duty at work now, but weren't you initially placed on light duty after your work-related injury?

Hello Rawdeal.

sorry for the delay . Darn good question. My surgeon explained the Traumatic Rhabdo, is from crushing injuries. I had a Patient before....300lbs, no exaggeration. Bouncing on the backyard trampoline, fractured his leg in more than one place......and had Rhabdo. His Total CK numbers 50k+. They hydrated him with heavy fluids to bring the numbers down and it took days. Traumatic Rhabdo

I had another Pt that started CrossFit with his Girlfriend. Quality time while exercising. after the initial class, he had pain and weakness. after day 2 or 3 he came into the ER. I brought this up to the MD and he believed this was more Non-Traumatic. After this Patient, there has been a handful trying Crossfit and having this issue.

Pulmonary Embolism yes....I have seen a few die after Joint Surgery from this. happens quick. Thats why I took my azz to the ER. Rotator Cuff is not Joint Sx, but surgery....and most Patients are given a blood thinner....surgical and non surgical Patients, unless contraindicated....aspirin, heparin, lovenox.....etc
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