@2ez oh boy....I thought i had commented on this before, apologies i did not.
On 8/31/2021, i will be 3 yrs post op on a full thickness RC tear in my right (dominant) shoulder.
oh boy...
Sounds like you experienced one of those risks of the block. Damn dude.
Yea sleeping lying down is a no go for a long time!
I slept in my recliner too. To separate just sitting in the recliner during day and sleeping at night, i would make my bed at night....aka...put a sheet on the recliner LOL. This helped my body get into a sleep mode and prepare for sleep. Probably sounds stupid, perhaps but hey worked for me lol. Also used a stabilizer arm sling thingy.
My doc did prescribe one of those machines that rotate your arm for you, it plugs in and the doc has the #'s programmed. Shit i forgot what the machine was. Some kind of range of motion machine. Anyway, it was great for me because you get out of the sling and it was no cost for me (have good insurance). The guys on here joked about it being a sex machine lol. There is a pic somewhere in the forums, i kept a log too.
Time will go slow and it sucks, there's no sugar coating it. Find something you can do to keep your mind busy, but most importantly keep your mind positive. Celebrate the little improvements that you can make. No lie, this was the toughest surgery i have ever endured and i do not want to do it again.
Hope your PT is a good one. Mine, got me a frozen shoulder and i had to start all over with a new PT. But my new PT was great and new my goals and really worked with me. Matter of fact, i go back to him every now and then for deep stretching and questions on other body parts LOL.
I used the narcotics at night just to sleep.
You using ice still? I have cooler that we would load with ice and put on shoulder and it would filter through. It has been about a week and a half, i suspect you are using ice still.
Feel free to PM me on anything. I really do feel for you. But keep strong and positive to get through this. It is going to be tough and LONG.
Stay strong!