That concludes one rep
Ps- I'm totally going to do this thank you!!!@Bomb10shell , on cable laterals....i just tried something new today for these. I think they are called ladder raises or something like that.
Anyway, here is how it is described:
Stand like a normal cable lateral
For one rep, you will do 3 movements:
Take arm up halfway point,
then back down,
Then take arm up 3/4 point,
then back down,
Then take arm all way up to full movement.
That concludes one rep.
I did this just this morning and couldn't do many. I did a total of 7 reps on each arm for 4 sets; at a low weight (10lbs).
I seen your post about cable laterals and thought i'd interject here. Hope you don't mind.
enjoying your log by the way. You look great!
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