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Regaining Strength Post-RC Surgery Repair



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Mon, 7/1
Chest /Tri's

Super set (4 sets/10 reps)
-db incline bench
25# & 10# (left arm/right arm)
30 & 10
40 & 12
35 & 15

-single arm db tricep extensions
12# & 12# (left arm/right arm)
15 & 12
15 & 15
15 & 15

Super set (5 sets/10 reps)
-db flat bench
35# & 15# (left arm/right arm)
35 & 15
35 & 20
35 & 20
35 & 20
NOTE: 20's felt great!!!!!!!!!

-cable rope pull downs for triceps
50# for sets 2-5

Finisher: 2 sets/30 reps straight bar pull down for triceps


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Tues, 7/2
(got new plans from coach the other night, just starting new workout plan)

Super set:
-military press (to failure)
10#-set 1
20#-sets 2-5

-db bent over rear delts (5 sets/15 reps)
12#-set 1 & 2
15#-sets 3-5

Super set db (5 sets/15 reps)
-lateral raises
12# & 5# (left arm/right arm) - sets 1-3
12# & 8# (left arm/right arm) - sets 4 & 5

-front raises
12# & 5# (left arm/right arm) - sets 1-3
12# & 8# (left arm/right arm) - sets 4 & 5

db bent over rear delts, 3 sets/30 reps

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Overall how’s your shoulder doing? Do you feel it’s progressing and improving at an acceptable pace?


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Overall how’s your shoulder doing? Do you feel it’s progressing and improving at an acceptable pace?

Hey big guy. I do. I am taking it slow af, im not pushing it that hard as u can tell from the weights im puttin up.
It still feels “off”. Def doesnt feel like before. Im thinkin these next few weeks im gonna kick it up and push a little more. I just dont want my ego to get best of me and lose control and forget good form and hurt myself.
Overall from the normal person, im prolly behind. But then again i dont give af and not comparing myself to anyone.
Im as happy as i can be thus far.
Here on out, i just have to adjust if it hurts.

Now just tryin to build up what i lost. Thats the toughest part. Next few weeks i will start with progress pics. I want to shed more of this fat.

My coach just cut some carbs and im pushing harder on cardio. Should be sheddin more soon
Thanks for asking!


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
I've just been working over here. Lifting 5 days/week. Cardio 6 days/week. Still on a plan. Meal plans are adjusted every 2 weeks.
I just got some turkey bacon, Ezekiel bread and hash browns this week. YUM!

Coach just added some time under tension type work for a couple of the days (back and bi's/tri's). Good stuff.
Shoulder hurt a couple days last week so had to lay off.
Plus i started a 3 week series of shots in the knee (osteoporosis/basically no cartilage) in left knee. So last week i did not do 2 cardio sessions. Last knee injection is next Tues. i'll have to do cardio in the AM lol. Boy that first shot hurt and my knee hurt a cpl days after. 2nd shot was good to do, but i still took it easy.

Hit the 170# mark on the scale.....(i'm 5'2.5").
My next big milestone i'll be excited to hit will be 160#. I really wanna see 160 because I like how it looks on me. Of course, looking back, i liked how 150# was as well....jeez all this mental shit. ugh.

Shoulder this week feels great and i'm pushing the weights good. Tonight is shoulders so we will see LOL.

Happy Lifting Y'All

(pretty soon i'll post up progress pics....I just feel too fckin fluffy now and you know us women and pics and all LOL).


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Ok i lied. Please welcome the Michelin Girl.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Did chest, Sat, 8/3, really pushed it. Still deciding if pushed it too much lol.

Incline smith machine chest press (4/10#'s), did 5 sets of about 15 reps. During the last set, felt tiring on my recovering arm and a slight twingy feeling, but it came and went was not constant. I was slow and controlled with my movement and not fast.

Flat bench db press
Did 25 and 20#; then went to 30 & 25# for sets 2-4.
Did about 15 reps ea set.
I think this movement did me in lol.

-Incline chest press machine-upright. 30# on one arm; 20# on the other.
-Chest flyes machine, 60#.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Arm workout last night, 8/6
Bi's and Tri's

6 sets of 10 reps, 3 sec up/3 sec hold/3sec down:
Straight bar cable bicep curl, standing

4 sets of 12 reps, regular reps for
Straight bar cable bicep curl, standing

6 sets of 10 reps, 3 sec up/3 sec hold/3sec down:
Straight bar tricep push downs, standing

4 sets of 12 reps, regular reps for
ropes tricep push downs, standing

Note: After this weekend, my affected shoulder has been sort of acting up....meaning that there is some pain that comes and goes. And not when doing anything, but sometimes in a simple arm movement. Really weird. I think i'm being paranoid though...after all i am a woman (bwahaha), and that is what we do.
During the workout last night, all was good. Shoulder did not act up, and i was really concentrating on keeping back straight and shoulders back when doing the everyone should when doing this movement.

Well, i'll just take her slow here on out. Maybe I just really pushed it really hard and it is just sore from that. That is probably it.

Happy Lifting Y'all

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Hey Bova, have you regained the full range of motion in your shoulder? Also are you still doing any rehab exercises and or stretches? Just curious. Mine will sometimes bother me if I sleep on it wrong or on certain exercises when I push it hard. Thankfully mine calms down after a day or two and some nsaid.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Hey Bova, have you regained the full range of motion in your shoulder? Also are you still doing any rehab exercises and or stretches? Just curious. Mine will sometimes bother me if I sleep on it wrong or on certain exercises when I push it hard. Thankfully mine calms down after a day or two and some nsaid.

Hey AB! @Anabolic Beast
Good to hear from ya. Yes, i have full range of motion back, has been back for several months now actually.

As far as any rehab exercises and stretches, yes i do them before all of my lifts now. But I don't do them every day like I was. I do all the band movements (IR's, ER's, etc), scapula stretches, door stretches, etc. It's a good 15-20min of this preworkout routine/stretching before I lift anything.

Yea, mine barks at me when i really push it...whoa this passed weekend was scary for me lol. Of course, i did shoulders Fri night and then chest Sat morning, so not even 24 hrs of rest lol. That was sorta silly of me.
I don't typically sleep on my shoulder any longer. When I do roll on it, it is typically for a short period of time and i roll back over onto the other side. I think i'm still scared of sleeping on it lol. But it doesn't hurt when sleeping or when i am on that side.

Take care man, i've been reading your are doing very well!


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Made an appointment with my PT who did my therapy during the 2nd round of PT. Going to have him evaluate strength and I will probably show him a couple of my exercises to evaluate form as well. I only work out with a personal trainer now only once a week. Our schedules lately this is all that allows.

Tonight I worked chest. Coach gave me a new workout schedule (this is #5).


Warm up

Incline smith machine bench press, 4 sets of 12 reps

Flat smith machine bench press, 5 sets, increasing weight each set
Set 1=20 reps (2/5#)
Set 2=15 reps (2/10#)
Set 3=12 reps (2/15#)
Set 4=10 reps (2/20#)
Set 5=8 reps (2/25#)

Pec deck flyes, 4 sets, 12 reps
72# - this weight felt good, and heavy

Cable flyes, lower chest, palms facing inward/up
20#-this weight felt good, and heavy

I'm really scared to go up in weight now. I don't know if I should be or should just say fxck it and do it.

Chest felt good tonight and sore.

Happy Lifting Y'all
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