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r/trt forum reddit. What a laugh.



Feb 25, 2024
For the carbs. If you re-introduce them back in then do it where you have carb and no carb days built instead of just having low to medium carbs every day. That will help with the bloat. Maybe on training days you push them up to 200-250 g and on non training days you stay below 50 g. I have found I can push as high as 1000 g for a high day and have very little bloat if it is followed by a 50 g carb day. However, if I do two 400-500 g days in a row I will bloat for a week.

On the blood viscosity, absolutely not. I used to donate, but realized it is pointless as I would rebound to the same level or higher within two weeks. Additionally, then you start playing with iron/ferritin issues. After reading the studies on how TRT induced polycythemia/erythrocytosis had no significant effect on thrombosis (there isn't a single study showing it does) unless you have a genetic disposition, I stopped worrying about it until I get to HCT of 58 and hemoglobin of 20. When it gets to that point, I cut out all red meat and foods high in iron, cut out all additional vitamin C, double my dose of citrus bergamot/nattokinaise and take 20 mg of telmisartan a day. It will drop it my HCT below 51 and hemoglobin to 17 in 45-60 days.

Thanks for the idea on the carbs but most of my bloat is abdominal/gastro bloat. I'm no where was I was in my 30s as a certain job functions killed my body comp. By my mid 30's I was training for a focus on strength followed by trying to at least maintain a fit/solid look. I had to have a physique that was usable, certain day labor jobs aren't conducive to BB, it just kinda is what it is. If you think the low/no intro will help prevent it then I'm open to ideas.

Embarrassingly, my waist got up to 36 and going keto dropped 3" of bloat out of my gut in a matter of weeks. And when I say bloat, I mean I can be wearing my around the house, do yard work 36" pants and I have certain carbs and I'm having to undo my belt. However, my daily work clothes are 33's and on a good keto day, I have to use a belt to keep my pants from falling.

I will say, researcher utilizing super sups in high doses never gave any significant overall water weight bloat regardless of dosage, "brand", orals or otherwise placed into the body so this gatro bloat is puzzling.


Feb 25, 2024
Man, I am an old F, ypu guys know from gym, and life guys in 20's-40's, it should not surprise me, yet, this stuff is so out of whack compared to our days.

I know the basics are still the same, yet we had protein powder, then some bad pro-hormones, the internet and test.

I guess Katy forgot to bare the door.

What happended to ye old, Test is Best.................................................................period.
Lol, I know right. Everything had a T base.
A50/day for 6 weeks and 600t/wk for 12-16 wks. Or 600t/wk and 350tren A/wk. I recall guys had a rule, don't waste a pin. Low dose guys would do 1.5ml of T and 1.5ml of Deca or Equi. Way back in the day I stumbled across some intersting conversations and/or scenarios in the locker room.
I remember a buddy of mine was in Houston and was working out and ran into Lebrada. They knew each other and had the '#'s' talk and Lee was low dosing something like 4 sus/wk, A50/day/ and an ungodly amount of deca. I can't recall the exacts but I was like, fuk me thats a lot of $$ being spent.


Feb 25, 2024
If memory and protocol are correct If he's 3 hours away from the closest VA he is in a very ideal situation to pick and choose whatever the fuck he wants.
The problem is he lives in bumfuk nowhere so docs don't have any idea on HRT/TRT. They can calf a heifer but no idea on how to handle the endocrine system. I'm trying to get him to come up to my doc to get him on a protocol. Another buddy of mine will be doing the same thing, he's traveling out to me just to see my doc as his current VA doc has zero clue.


Feb 25, 2024
This is somewhat true. If you are more than 60 miles away, you have the option to see a local doctor over a doctor at a VA clinic. I used to do it all the time in Nebraska. All you have to do is say that appointment doesn't work for me and they will set you up with someone closer. However, it is not whoever you want. They still have a network of doctors they use that are VA approved.
Thats my basic understanding. My child is in the military and as long as the clinic/dr accepts VA they coverage is there. My buddy has no one near by that knows WTF they are doing. He's pretty frustrated that he can't get anyone to help him.


Jun 12, 2023
My va primary won't do trt. I've seen the requirement flow chart va has, it looks like a pain


VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Dessicated Liver , lol...tasted like crap and horse pills

Labrada, one of my best friends worked in supp business for years, he was a chemist for Labrada
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
My va primary won't do trt. I've seen the requirement flow chart va has, it looks like a pain
The VA in Nebraska had no problem putting me on, then I moved back to Missouri and the doctor wanted to take me off every chance he got. I told him it doesn't work that way, once you are on, you are on for life. I filed an IG complaint and won. Then I had a little tachycardia/rhabdomyolysis episode last year during prep and they found a reason to cut me off. I cruised into the contest on nothing, but anavar. I did bloods the week after the contest and my total test was 4 and free test was less than 1 and the VA still wouldn't put me back on due to my HCT being over 54 (my normal even without test). I went to Transcend and had a script 2 weeks later.


VIP Member
Oct 11, 2011
My last 2 PC's prescribed 200mg/wk for test c, I'd usually come in around 7-900.


Jun 12, 2023
The VA in Nebraska had no problem putting me on, then I moved back to Missouri and the doctor wanted to take me off every chance he got. I told him it doesn't work that way, once you are on, you are on for life. I filed an IG complaint and won. Then I had a little tachycardia/rhabdomyolysis episode last year during prep and they found a reason to cut me off. I cruised into the contest on nothing, but anavar. I did bloods the week after the contest and my total test was 4 and free test was less than 1 and the VA still wouldn't put me back on due to my HCT being over 54 (my normal even without test). I went to Transcend and had a script 2 weeks later.
That's fucking insane. I tried moving everything to the VA for cost savings, now I'm stuck going to two primary cares, sleep clinic, and psych. So went from one doctor to four you know because employers are so sympathetic for you having to take off four times a month just to go to the fucking doctor for meds


Jun 12, 2023

If you test over a thousand on a low dose they discontinue treatment

Any history of steroid use you are denied treatment

If level is above said 700 between injections therapy is discontinued

Three, six, 12 months check if testosterone is still low but your symptoms improved they will not adjust your dose

If you're being treated for sleep apnea there's a chance you will not get it.

If hemocrat HCT is greater than 54% they stop therapy
The other Snake

The other Snake

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2016
Don't tell me I'm the only one who had a Dr start their TRT with the gel! My numbers didn't go up enough so he had me double the dose. Fuukin dress shirt stuck to you all damn day. Not to mention there was a distant smell to that stuff.

Testum... that was the stuff. lol


Jun 12, 2023
Don't tell me I'm the only one who had a Dr start their TRT with the gel! My numbers didn't go up enough so he had me double the dose. Fuukin dress shirt stuck to you all damn day. Not to mention there was a distant smell to that stuff.

Testum... that was the stuff. lol
You are not alone. I will be there with you. Sorry I broke out in song. Dr started me on AndroGel I believe about a year, I told him I keep putting on deodorant in the morning and forgetting to put on the gel and it's too late. Emphasized I was a medic I could do my own shots.
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