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R.I.P. Basskiller......

Lizard King

Lizard King

Staff Member
Sep 9, 2010
I'd like to take a moment here at TID to recognize a true LEGEND in our community. Many here know the name and the myths that surround one of the true founders of the online community. A friend that has helped many and has asked for little in return.

Some wise words were spoken to me " you are excelling as a leader in this community, you can either use it to help others or fall upon wretched around you". I took those words over 10 years ago to excel myself and separate myself from the meek to those who stand above and beyond.

Yes I like to have fun and joke around with many of you, but you all should know I have your best interest in mind.

I did not know Bass as close as some others here, I did know him well enough to be able to consider him a community friend and leader, RIP my friend.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Brother, I wanted to give you a huge thanks for having the forum for many of us to come over to and call it a new home! You deserve a lot of credit for all the help and support you have given to everybody. Besides the great members that were already here, you allowed a lot of the regular members from WCBB to come over, and many of Badham's members who lost 2 homes to have somewhere to land. After Badham died, the members from his private forum lost a great friend and forum home, but a lot made their way over to WCBB (a lot didn't as well), and only for it to go down as well. Even less came over to here, but a good dozen+ I think have made it over. :)


VIP Member
Jun 16, 2020
Brother, I wanted to give you a huge thanks for having the forum for many of us to come over to and call it a new home! You deserve a lot of credit for all the help and support you have given to everybody. Besides the great members that were already here, you allowed a lot of the regular members from WCBB to come over, and many of Badham's members who lost 2 homes to have somewhere to land. After Badham died, the members from his private forum lost a great friend and forum home, but a lot made their way over to WCBB (a lot didn't as well), and only for it to go down as well. Even less came over to here, but a good dozen+ I think have made it over. :)
Echo BMJ...Thank you LK and TID :)


TID Board Of Directors
Jan 20, 2011
Sorry to hear this LG. In the many years I’ve been around I checked in over there from time to time and thought he ran a good board and agree he always put the community first.

What happened? Old timer like me it was just his time or accident? Health?

I also appreciate you and this board.


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
All that moving around to here was mutually beneficial for TID.


VIP Member
May 7, 2011
Sorry to hear this LG. In the many years I’ve been around I checked in over there from time to time and thought he ran a good board and agree he always put the community first.

What happened? Old timer like me it was just his time or accident? Health?

I also appreciate you and this board.
He was chronically ill for some years.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Brother, I wanted to give you a huge thanks for having the forum for many of us to come over to and call it a new home! You deserve a lot of credit for all the help and support you have given to everybody. Besides the great members that were already here, you allowed a lot of the regular members from WCBB to come over, and many of Badham's members who lost 2 homes to have somewhere to land. After Badham died, the members from his private forum lost a great friend and forum home, but a lot made their way over to WCBB (a lot didn't as well), and only for it to go down as well. Even less came over to here, but a good dozen+ I think have made it over. :)
Yes, thanks LK for giving us a new home. Much appreciated, brother.
Pig Vomit

Pig Vomit

VIP Member
Nov 12, 2022
Oh no. So sorry to hear this. Never asked anything of members. If there is a gofundme please post or PM.
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