I quit coffee a week ago, somewhat on a whim. The past few months, I've found myself enjoying it less and less, so one morning I just didn't make it and kept not making it. My sleep has been better than it has been in a very, very long time... 5+ years at least. I'm also dreaming, something I have also not done in a very, very long time. So, in spite of only drinking it even just the mornings, apparently it was increasing things chronically to the point of interfering with sleep. However, that is one of only a few positives (the other positive being gut related). My workouts have suffered. I can't get a pump for shit. I have little endurance. My mood sucks. My energy levels suck. I'm really thinking of re-introducing it (maybe smaller amounts) but wonder if I should just press ahead. It's only been a week, but I'm wondering if there won't be any return to previous baseline or adjustment.
Has anyone successfully quit coffee and thought "wow I'm glad I did that?" Because while I do love quality sleep, for the other 16+ hours a day, those all have been sucking. It feels very similar to having low Test.