Okay, I cannot say this in any nicer way. There is extreme calorie deficit then there is straight fucking retarded. That is straight fucking retarded.
At that point, unless you are on at least a gram of AAS (and probably that is not enough), you are losing way more muscle tissue than fat. I am going to give you a freebie. Set up your meal plan to where you are getting 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass and between 50-75 grams of dietary fat per day. This will ensure you have enough protein to prevent catabolism and enough fat to keep your hormone levels and lipids from dropping off. Now set your carbohydrates so that you are in a calorie deficit of 1,000 calories a day then every 4th day bring your carbs up, so that your calories are at maintenance level. This will keep your metabolism from tanking and you will able burn off 1.5-2 lbs of bodyfat per week. I use this method all the way up until I am at 7% bodyfat, which is really fucking easy to get to. And no, I do not have a fast metabolism. Per my labs, my thyroid levels are middle of the road. I just have discipline and a strong work ethic. In fact, 99% of the population has a metabolism that falls into the normal range. They use it as an excuse as to why they are fat.