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Proud of my kiddos



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
This past Friday, my son completed a cross country race for his school. He's not the biggest sports fan, so I have to push him to stay active and get interested in physical activity. He's 10. He actually has pretty good physical genetics, but he will probably never take advantage of them...we'll see. I mean, he's only 10, lol. He's pretty clumsy though and very uncoordinated, but he doesn't really practice anything for very long to get good. It's hard for him to be good at stuff. He's more artistic I think. LOL

Daughter, who is 7, almost 8, is a very good athlete, very talented at everything, and she is physically very strong and fast. When she was younger, she was heavily muscled, but she has thinned out and got taller the past 2 years. We took pictures of her a few years back, and I swear she looked freaky for a little tiny girl. We had a really hard time finding little girl clothes that would fit her without them being too big and not fit right. She can do pull-ups and push-ups really easy, as well as sit-up and stuff. She is stronger than my son in some basic lifts. I can't wait to get her in sports. Anyway, I work at their school, and caught her holding the flag for their morning flag salute....was a proud dad moment for sure.


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jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Nice bro. Is she interested in wrestling. Even if she does not pursue it past highschool it will translate to the ability to put a big dude on his head if they mess with her for self defense. Also functional strength and disipline.

My son was the same way, he grew up so fast that he was awkward and clumsy.


VIP Member
Nov 12, 2012
My son started to do BJJ at 5 years old. Did that for a while then he started to play soccer.
Stopped the BJJ and focused on soccer. Played high level competitive until freshman in highschool.
He started playing football in middle school and just fell in love it it. Was one of two sophomores to played varsity.
I have spent plenty of hours in the stands, driven hours to play a soccer game and done the weekend tournaments.
Worth every single minute and every single dollar.

He is one of the best punters in the district and did a 55 yard field goal at the age of 16.
He dont really practice the kicking but got invited to the Kicking world national in December.
He is a starting wide receiver and punter.

In elementary school he decided to do public speaking competition via a school program. Had no clue he had interest.
But I got behind that in a second. Its all about supporting them where ever they want to grow.

Dont push your son too hard into sports if he dont want too. I just dont think that works out well.
Support his other interest, we all cant be jocks. Teach him how to focus on what he likes, find something to build a relationship around.

It will be a different relationship with him vs your daughter.
She might be more into what you are so it might feel easier but your son will need you just as much.
I love seeing fathers being excited about their kids. Fucking love it. So many deadbeat fathers out there today.


Nov 15, 2012
This past Friday, my son completed a cross country race for his school. He's not the biggest sports fan, so I have to push him to stay active and get interested in physical activity. He's 10. He actually has pretty good physical genetics, but he will probably never take advantage of them...we'll see. I mean, he's only 10, lol. He's pretty clumsy though and very uncoordinated, but he doesn't really practice anything for very long to get good. It's hard for him to be good at stuff. He's more artistic I think. LOL

Daughter, who is 7, almost 8, is a very good athlete, very talented at everything, and she is physically very strong and fast. When she was younger, she was heavily muscled, but she has thinned out and got taller the past 2 years. We took pictures of her a few years back, and I swear she looked freaky for a little tiny girl. We had a really hard time finding little girl clothes that would fit her without them being too big and not fit right. She can do pull-ups and push-ups really easy, as well as sit-up and stuff. She is stronger than my son in some basic lifts. I can't wait to get her in sports. Anyway, I work at their school, and caught her holding the flag for their morning flag salute....was a proud dad moment for sure.
Awesome Brother, I think it's so important to support your kids while letting them find their path in sports. Now that 2 out of 3 are grown I can see where we could have tweaked here and there but we "pushed" sports of any kind, not always the best way but we were very fortunate something stuck and it eventually resonated into a way of life for them. Stay on it your kids are young, keep doing what you're doing...our house rule was one sport and an additional hobby like an instrument. Keep them busy and around like minded parents and kids is what I can tell you.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Thanks guys! Yea, there is a balance and fine line of pushing your kids and forcing them to do something they dislike. I just want my son to do 'something,' and for him to not just sit and do nothing except sit on his ass and play games and videos and crap, lol. So I will force him a little if I have to right now rather than be too easy. As he gets older, i'll let him decide, but if he doesn't get involved right now, he will fall behind all these other kids who will gets years of experience that he will not be able to overcome in time if he decides to do them later to make a team.

I think he will be better with individual sports, personally. However, I want him to still get used to some team sports so that if he likes them when he gets older he'll have the experience, and he'll also have the time with these other kids who he will also grow up with so there is more cohesiveness.

@jipped genes yea, I want to get my daughter (and son too hopefully) in mma (JJ, wrestling, and some sort of standup like Muay Thai or boxing of sort, lol). I think it will be more beneficial for my son to help him handle a stressful situation, as he loses it at times. My son is more high maintenance for me, at least from a mental and psychological perspective, and I think it will help him a ton. He gets intimidated by other kids, especially when it comes to anything physical, or if he sees that they are really good at other sports. My daughter is much easier because things come very easy for her right now, but as she gets older and other kids get more experience, I want her to be ahead of them before that happens. She gets so mad when she sees these other older kids with more options (like my son's cross country), and I swear she would put most of these older kids to shame. She would still need to work and stay conditioned for each event/sport, but if she has that down, I don't have any worry about her mental aspect, or her physical abilities.

So I mainly like to push my son for mental health, and then my daughter because if I didn't, it would be a lot of wasted talent not taken advantage of....but we'll see. I don't want to be that dad pushing my kids to do something they dislike and put a wall between us. I just want them to learn to push hard and get in the habit of practicing for something, or a goal, so that they will know how to apply it to everything when they get older.

Of course, there are other things, like art and other things to get them involved in as well, so we are trying to keep that stuff in the mix.

Man, I tried looking for those pictures of my daughter that we took a few years back, but we have thousands, and I have not found them yet, lol. I may have deleted them so I didn't look like a perv looking at my daughter, lol.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
That is awesome brother. My son didn't really want anything to do with sports either when he was younger. We pushed him into t-ball and youth wrestling, but he didn't really like it. Fast forward to middle school and he started just like your son, cross country. Next thing you know he was a three sport athlete, cross country, wrestling and track. He was captain of all three teams his senior year. You never know.
Rock Diesel

Rock Diesel

Senior Member
Mar 16, 2022
That's awesome man!

I was like your son when I was a kid. I didn't like sports, or have any interest in playing them. I was very introverted (still am) and kept to myself and the small circle of friends I had. I was always intimidated by other kids when it came to anything physical. I just wasn't wired that way. I was more interested in things that weren't so physical. I ended up playing in the band and loved every second of it.

My dad never forced me into anything, but he always encouraged me to try things. He was very active in the gym which set the example and motivated me to be active as well, so I always had a good balance with physical activity. Just never got into mainstream team sports. Even to this day in my 40s I'm still not much of a mainstream sports fan, but I found my niche through going to the gym with him. He brought me to the gym with him one day and I fell in love with it. While all the other kids were talking about this game and that game, I was reading Flex Magazine trying to learn everything I could about building muscle and staying fit lol. I'm so thankful for his encouragement to try things because I truly learned what I enjoyed and what wasn't for me. I'm also thankful that he never pushed me super hard in one direction, or another. As I look back on it, I'm so grateful that he supported me with the things I enjoyed. He always taught me that it was important to be active regardless of what my favorite hobbies were. It just happened to be through his love of weightlifting that I found my passion for bodybuilding and the reason I live life the way I do today.


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Sounds like you’re doing it right @MR. BMJ. My oldest daughter played soccer, my son played football and my youngest did gymnastics. None of them were very good at their sports really. Lol. They are all out of high school now. My son has been going to the gym a lot the past year or so which makes me proud. My youngest daughter was a lot like yours. Got good grades and never any problems. Always did what she was asked. The other two it was always an argument to stop playing video games on a school night or get the dishes done. But you never know cause the oldest 2 are doing great now and the angel can’t hold a job and is now in rehab for alcoholism at the old age of 19. Lol. I think she will be ok though. It was her choice to go to rehab and she is staying an extra 30 days even though she doesn’t have to. Good luck my friend. Teenagers are so fun. Lmao
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