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Protein Bioavailability Chart



VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
Whey is food not a "supplement". It is just another means of meeting nitrogen requirements. It has the advantage of not coming along with other fats and carbs which can be helpful if you are controlling calories tightly.

Try getting 220 grams of protein daily from eggs! Along with that you will get 157g of fat (or an extra 1400 cals). This is why eggs suck as a protein source if you are looking to be lean. Oh...but what about the guys who say just eat the whites?....Well of the 7g of pro in an egg, 3-4 of those are in the yolk, so your egg while is 3-4g or pro. So eat 9 eggwhites and that is a scoop of whey. Not really practical. Sure....good food, but impractical as a primary protein source. (unless you are just wanting to be 'big' and being lean is not a goal)

I love when people say....."just eat food". Half these people have not seen an abdominal vein in their lives and will never. When you are attempting to be lean, it get VERY hard to get your protein requirements in while keeping fat in check. While I could eat 3 lbs of chicken breasts a day, that is not anything I feel like doing. I instead rely heavily on whey and get aprox 1/3 of my intake daily from it. (along with 1lb of some lean meat, and the rest dairy). When I am restricting more, I will even rely more heavily on whey to hit my protein levels while keeping overall cals low.

good post, however, I do think most of the posts saying "just eat food" are in response to a teens wanting to take steroids, however, I could be wrong!


VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
at the gym I go to there are some guys who are drinking egg protein as a pre-workout drink. they have the worst flatulence that fills the entire gym with rotten egg smell. several of us have complained very loud and they seem to have taken the hint. would the gass from drinking whatever brand of egg protein they were using be because of it being a very low quality???


Apr 23, 2011
I get gas from cooked eggs so I'm a raw egg guy at least 5 at a time gulp it down they seem to get my blood sugar levels feeling good it's weird


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Lyle McDonald wrote the following in regard to BV:

Biological Value (BV)​

BV is one of the more common methods of measuring protein quality and tends to be the one that is seen the most so I’m going to give it the most discussion. BV is simply a measure of how much of the protein actually entering the bloodstream is retained in the body (e.g. used for proteins synthesis or what have you).

That is it takes digestibility into account. I’d note that some of the protein (again, researchers are actually measuring nitrogen going in vs. out but that’s not important here) that gets into the bloodstream comes back out in the urine.

Since BV is comparing protein in vs. out, the highest possible value for BV would be 100, that would mean that 100% of the protein that got into the bloodstream is being used by the body (note again, some protein won’t be digested in the first place).

No protein has a BV of 100 and claims that whey have a BV of 140 are simply nonsense (they are based on a misreading of a specific paper); this would suggest that for every gram of protein from whey that is eaten, the body somehow stores 1.4 grams of protein. An impossibility.

BV is measured by feeding subjects a protein free diet for three days and then giving them a measured amount of protein, the amount that comes back out in the urine and poop and skin and such are then estimated and BV is calculated. This type of study is called a nitrogen balance study and, for a variety of reasons can be very inaccurate. Again, more detail can be found in The Protein Book.

I’d note that BV is typically tested at very low protein intakes, far below what the average American (and certainly any athlete would eat). Eating more protein lowers the apparent BV which has led to some humorously bad interpretations of BV. As well overall energy intake drastically affects BV. If you eat more calories, apparent BV goes up, if you eat less, apparent BV goes down.

Because of this, BV has a lot of practical problems. It’s very accurate under conditions of low protein intake but caloric has to be meticulously controlled. At the types of high protein intakes seen in most modern countries, as well as with athletes, BV doesn’t tend to say very much.


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2010
I guess I'm doing ok considering I only eat beef, whole eggs and whey protein isolate.
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