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Private FATTY



Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
Back in the (my) day, they were anxious to get your signature on the dotted line. Once done, they owned your ass and put it in a "fat body platoon" during boot camp, where strict diet and excess P.T. got them ready to join a newer Platoon for regular training.

Of course nowadays that might be ruled unconstitutional or cruelty to animals or some such shit ... there are a coupla fatbodies on SCOTUS ... might be why they wear robes to work.


Oct 23, 2010
Back in the (my) day, they were anxious to get your signature on the dotted line. Once done, they owned your ass and put it in a "fat body platoon" during boot camp, where strict diet and excess P.T. got them ready to join a newer Platoon for regular training.

Of course nowadays that might be ruled unconstitutional or cruelty to animals or some such shit ... there are a coupla fatbodies on SCOTUS ... might be why they wear robes to work.

Absolutely. Being a fat fuck was no excuse back in the day. Just made it harder on yourself. But if you held up the rest of the platoon because you were too out of shape to keep up, you were siphoned off to the fat body platoon, never to return to your old platoon, and never to graduate boot camp till you could qualify for it. Take as long as you want, you fat fuck. Your heart belongs to Jesus. But your ass belongs to the Corps.

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
So the Movie Stripes was a lie? I thought OX (John Candy) was a great soldier! LOL.
I do think they should take all the fatties they can and whip the shit out of them into shape.


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
. . . . Your heart belongs to Jesus. But your ass belongs to the Corps.
Goddamn (so to speak) ... been remembering all the quaint old Drill Instructor-isms recently, and I forgot that one!


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
So the Movie Stripes was a lie? I thought OX (John Candy) was a great soldier! LOL.
I do think they should take all the fatties they can and whip the shit out of them into shape.
They had ways of making that happen at P.I. Normal platoons got to see how the fat bodies were treated in the Mess Hall occasionally, or to jog past fat bodies spending their day moving a giant pile of sand ... one bucket + one shovel at a time ... to a bare spot 50 yards away, then shovel, move, repeat, all day long. Mighta been an occasional Sand Flea burial mixed in for the slowest fat body, not sure.

Summer near Beaufort, SC ........... good times :)


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
Goddamn (so to speak) ... been remembering all the quaint old Drill Instructor-isms recently, and I forgot that one!
Forgot another one!

"your ass is grass, Priv, and I'm the lawnmower!"
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
@rawdeal and @1bigun11 the corps got rid of the fat body (candy stripers) platoons a few years ago. Studies showed 80% of those who started recruit training overweight did not make it to the end of their enlistment. They were much more likely to suffer injuries that ended in medical separation (taxpayer funded for the rest of their lives) or they returned to being fat once they got to the fleet and were kicked out for failing the Body Composition Program.


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2011
I think the biggest thing is that all new methods and etc may work for some but not everyone. It's tough to say without truly researching and then most often trying it yourself. I tend to sit back and try to see if I have someone credible to give feedback. Of course, I also hate dumping money on things that are bunk. Best of luck. What I do trust is many on here. Lot of good feedback from folks on here.


Jun 12, 2023
@rawdeal and @1bigun11 the corps got rid of the fat body (candy stripers) platoons a few years ago. Studies showed 80% of those who started recruit training overweight did not make it to the end of their enlistment. They were much more likely to suffer injuries that ended in medical separation (taxpayer funded for the rest of their lives) or they returned to being fat once they got to the fleet and were kicked out for failing the Body Composition Program.
That's fucking awful. Are those studies military overall or just Marines? I lost all confidence in the army being able to do a study when they picked the UPC camo. The only damn thing it blends in with is a freaking couch. No way it beat out kryptek and I believe there was a variant of multicam in the study.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
That's fucking awful. Are those studies military overall or just Marines? I lost all confidence in the army being able to do a study when they picked the UPC camo. The only damn thing it blends in with is a freaking couch. No way it beat out kryptek and I believe there was a variant of multicam in the study.
It was just Marines.

A lot of people seem pissed about them doing away with the fat body platoons, but I believe they misunderstand what happened. The USMC did not lower the standard. We just eliminated most of the fat bodies from the beginning. For example, for my height, my maximum weight limit is 186 lbs. It used to be that I could ship to recruit training up to 214 lbs and they would make me a diet recruit until I made it down to 186 lbs. Instead, they increased the shipping standard. Now the cut off would be like 199 lbs to ship at my height. Anymore and I am too fat. Waivers always apply to studs and studettes.


VIP Member
Jul 21, 2013
I can’t speak to the corps boot camp, that’s a different animal obviously since once you’ve done it it’s transferable anywhere. But when I did basic it wasn’t hard at all I got the physical fitness badge and scored in the 90’s (back then you could get over 100 but I think I’ve changed the scoring and test in the almost 20 years since)
For reference I was probably 2 years out of college and out of shape and still drinking with friends every weekend(and some weekdays) and not exercising regularly. Then I spent about six weeks before hand just running every day doing push-ups and starving myself(not the ideal plan but I was like 23 and stupid) that was enough for me to drop from 250+ to a weird skinny fat 230’s. I’ll attach pics that borderline alcoholic who did a few weeks of training was at the top of his class fitness wise. My younger cousin went in right after college a few years ago and he said in regular boot and when he to ranger school they are trying to push more lifting. It was just the 2/2/2 when I was there that was the full focus.

I know this about marine boot camp I watched full metal jacket with my dad as a kid and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone hate a movie more. He was a an m-60 machine gunner marine in Vietnam and called the first half (the greatest comedy he’s ever seen) said boot camp was about 10,000 times tougher then the “tough” bootcamp in the movie and among his many complaints (the way the guy wears his ammunition in a bandolier) “you’d never do that it would get filthy” was how he repeatedly said they’d send private pile to fat boy camp and not keep him.
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