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Heady Muscle

Heady Muscle

VIP Member
Oct 13, 2014
Primo and Winny is what I used before shows


VIP Member
May 27, 2013
Low Dose Dbol and primo would actually probably be a sweet little stack now that you mention it. Some Dbol gains with primo keeping you harder looking and it’s anti estrogen stuff.

Never mind back in the 70s before real anti-estrogens and all the ancillaries.


Feb 27, 2024
I love adding primo to my test. Keeping the primo about half the dose of my test works great for me.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
I love adding primo to my test. Keeping the primo about half the dose of my test works great for me.
When you say, works great for me, how? Physique, the way you feel, etc. Just curious.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I use it at 20mg along with 20mg Mast P and 25mg Test P daily. I never really got much out of Primo the way most people use it, but I did find it helps tamp E2 far more smoothly than an AI. Only reason I use it nowadays. I originally started it thinking simplistically about its anti-catabolic properties (if that is even true).


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I use it at 20mg along with 20mg Mast P and 25mg Test P daily. I never really got much out of Primo the way most people use it, but I did find it helps tamp E2 far more smoothly than an AI. Only reason I use it nowadays. I originally started it thinking simplistically about its anti-catabolic properties (if that is even true).
I've heard this use of primo a lot lately. Seems like an expensive way of controlling estrogen, especially if you've already got mast P in there which is helping a little as well.

I'm beginning to wonder if the "magic" some find in primo is how it provides additional anabolic activity while concurrently allowing you to bump your test higher without estrogen issues. If so, I wonder if the magic is the higher test without the higher estrogen issues. For example, if you don't run test higher than 500mg/wk because of E2, perhaps by adding in primo at 300mg/wk, you can bump your test up to 1g/wk. In that way you get the big bump from the high test, another little bump from the primo, and E2 stays in check.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I gave up trying to understand anything, but the way I figured it out was kind of by accident. I dropped Primo wondering why I was even using it anymore, especially at such a lower dose, and I started getting hit hard with high E2 symptoms. For me, those are ocular migraines and prostate spasms/pain. I've kind of wondered what the Mast P does at times, too, but removing it I lose a bit of strength and pump. It may be that I really could drop one or both of them if I could just ride out the rebounds or readjustments, and I've just created a kind of dependence on them for what is my normal these days. But with this combination, my FT/TT stay in a good place, and everything else is good, too. My E2 does still seem to drift upwards to the point of causing symptoms, and I will take a small amount of Aromasin every few weeks (my left eye has this weird watering thing it'll start to do as kind of an early warning). It's a really small amount of Aromasin, like 2.5mg... I seem to over-respond to it if I take more, which can kill libido and make me a bit cold (emotionally) for at least a few days. Quartering these tablets is a bit of guesswork, though.

TL;DR, I really don't know. I've just worked my way into this particular protocol over the long-term with very slow trial and error. The Mast is definitely not good for the hairline, though, and I will say my prostate feels like it's a bit cramped when I orgasm (hard to put into words, but ejaculation isn't as good as it used to be). I'm feeling like I need to trial dropping the Mast for a few weeks, now.
Last edited:


Feb 27, 2024
When you say, works great for me, how? Physique, the way you feel, etc. Just curious.
Sorry for the late reply.

For me, it's mostly the way I feel and my physique. I do feel like it helps keep estro in check, but that's not necessarily the sole reason I add it. My libido always seems much stronger, I feel better and my physique has a fuller look. (At least to my eyes in the mirror lol) All these are very subjective, but from my own anecdotal experience I like the way I feel and look when including it. And seeming to help with estro is definitely a benefit. Hope that helps.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
I've heard this use of primo a lot lately. Seems like an expensive way of controlling estrogen, especially if you've already got mast P in there which is helping a little as well.

I'm beginning to wonder if the "magic" some find in primo is how it provides additional anabolic activity while concurrently allowing you to bump your test higher without estrogen issues. If so, I wonder if the magic is the higher test without the higher estrogen issues. For example, if you don't run test higher than 500mg/wk because of E2, perhaps by adding in primo at 300mg/wk, you can bump your test up to 1g/wk. In that way you get the big bump from the high test, another little bump from the primo, and E2 stays in check.
I find my "sweet spot" with Primo/Test better than any other combo. Hit the right ratio and everything feels good and looks good given diet training etc. I haven't tested the up end of test Primo much past 500 of each but that worked nicely.
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