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Please Give Me Advices Thank You Very Much! BULKING



Senior Member
Dec 12, 2011
but people in other forum said that i need to bulk more, if i cut i will lose all muscle what you think about that? thanks
Would you rather keep the fat?

You can retain muscle while dieting down. However, even if you lose some strength/muscle, dropping the fat and continuing from a better place is worthwhile.

Running a calorie deficit will aid in weight loss. This can be done by reducing calorie intake (especially on non training days) or increasing your caloric demand. Some cardio could help or increase weight training intensity. Not familiar with Dorian Yates program, but increasing sets and time under tension may help calorie expenditure over lower rep programs.

3400 calories with training shouldn’t be super excessive, but I would reduce calories each week until you start losing weight and adjust as needed.
Reduce your fat intake and make sure to stick with good complex carbs. If 50% of your calories (carbs) are pepsiDoritos, and candy those carbs aren’t going to help you. Eat healthy and feed your body, not your stomach.

keep protein levels up 150-175g/day should be good and keep busting your ass in the gym.

As BD mentioned, don’t worry about bulking and cutting. A lean bulk is what you want….sufficient calories to support growth while staying lean. If you’re lean, you will have little need to cut.

Eat clean foods as your body needs them, rather than cramming calories in for the sake of scale weight. Calories and macronutrients should serve a purpose for your body. Nutrition is systematic.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
but people in other forum said that i need to bulk more, if i cut i will lose all muscle what you think about that? thanks
You could continue to bulk. However, you will likely gain about 1 lbs of muscle for every 5 lbs of bodyfat when you are insulin resistant. When you are insulin sensitive, your ability to pack on muscle goes way up. It is the prime time to build muscle.

For example, let's say you cut down for a show. You step on stage lean AF. The next 8-10 weeks you will put on more muscle than the other 42-44 weeks of the year combined. You might gain 15 lbs of muscle in that year and 12 of it will be the first 8-10 weeks. Once your insulin sensitivity starts to go to crap, the gains slow way, way down. I did a show in July and blasted food for 10 weeks after my show. Looking at it today, I have put on 22-23 lbs of actual tissue when comparing skinfold measurements and conditioning photos. I can't gain that much muscle in 2 years if am insulin resistant.


VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
Keep in mind you are only 16 years old and you still have a ton of physical maturing to do.

Bulking?? Cutting?? Don't worry about that stuff right now... get in the gym, train hard and heavy and have fun. Take in a good amount of protein. You'll keep making improvements for a few years and you'll learn a lot about your body in the process... then you can decide what you'll need to do to further your goals.
YES, this is the advice to follow. Your to young to be worrying about cutting bulking etc. As you gain muscle, and you will due to being so young with high test levels, your metabolism with go up and the body fat will burn off. For the next 5 yrs focus on the basics, squat, DL, bench, eat as much protein as you can and search this site and you tube to learn as much as you can.


Jan 12, 2024
Thank you everyone for answers i will look everything thanks!


VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
try this for 7 months, guarantee u will Luv the results

do 1 set of push ups for a baseline today

now do that set 7 times a day for a few weeks

try to bump up the reps

then bump up the sets to 10-12 per day, space em out every 2 hours or so

I did this for a decade or more in the beginning


VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
oh, fwiw, from those pics you have a great X frame, muscle will llok good

good luck


VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
Sugar is an enemy. Keep your sugar intake as low as possible.


National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
Toss the scale in a closet and go by the mirror. Remember this: no one but YOU is impressed by weighing in big. And be real, no females cares how much you can lift. Get lean and show every ounce of muscle. Chicks will bang the guy with abs.


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
I will say this in the nicest way I can, you are way too fat to be bulking. Start cutting now. When you get down to single digit bodyfat and your insulin sensitive again (your insulin sensitivity is probably garbage right now) then start bulking on clean foods. If you can kill it, pick it or grow it then it is good to eat, with few exceptions.
At this stage you will most likely still grow muscle while cutting. Train the same. One set to failure is fine. At your stage it doesn’t really matter as long as you are fatiguing the muscles. But most would suggest high volume in the beginning. Lower weights with higher volume will enable you to better tune in the mind/ muscle connection. Make sure you are feeling it in the muscles you are targeting during that exercise. This will save you a lot of time in the future when you start getting imbalances. Bit just do what you enjoy right now. Whether it’s failure or high volume. Most important thing is to stay motivated and that will only happen doing what you enjoy. The main thing right now is you just need to change diet. Switch your protein % with carb %. You need more protein to grow period. With less carbs and little to no sugar you will probably recomp (lose fat and grow muscle at same time). Eat most of your carbs around your workout too. Before and or after. And intra too if needed. Good luck!


Jun 28, 2024
so hello guys i am 16 years old 170cm 80kg i am bulking like 8.5-9 months and also training 8.5-9 months same... i feel like i am not that big i see many guys photos with the same height and same weight while bulking and they are really massive like someones like 60-70 kg much bigger, can anyone help me what can i do? i am bulking now also and training hard, when i started first i was 51kg then after 8.5-9 months work i got up to 80kg... thank you guys!
As you gain more muscle you will look bigger, keep on the bulk and do not slow down lifting. On bulk you'll have much more energy to push hard and heavy. The first 2 years are most important because most people will give up as they don't see results that they would wish to see
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