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Planter's Facetious SUCKS !!!!



VIP Member
Jan 28, 2011
So, I wake up one morning roughly a month ago, and nearly collapse after trying to put weight on my right foot . Had no idea what the hell it was but the pain was like a 9 out of 10. So, for the first week did nothing about it figuring it would just go away and ate a bunch of Motrin.. Well, it didn't and now the pain is fkn excruciating every time i try to take a step and put weight on my right heel. Finally start goggling shit and sounded like a heel spur. So, i proceeded to buy 525 different Dr. Scholls shoe inserts over the next week to try and alleviate the pain. Nothing worked. Finally broke down and went to see a Foot Dr and takes x-rays and i have Planters Facetious. He gave me a cortisone injection in my heel, a script for Meloxicam and some overpriced shoe inserts. No joke, this is some of the worst pain I've dealt with. Doesn't hurt at all when I'm sitting or sleeping. But any weight put on it, which is all the time being i have to freaking walk, is ridiculously painful. Has anyone else had this shit? Maybe some tips other than eating anti-inflammatory every day. This has to be like an old man type problem, cause I've never had this shit b4.


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2013
I’ve heard of it but I can’t think of anyone I know that’s bad it. It sounds pretty rough!


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
So, I wake up one morning roughly a month ago, and nearly collapse after trying to put weight on my right foot . Had no idea what the hell it was but the pain was like a 9 out of 10. So, for the first week did nothing about it figuring it would just go away and ate a bunch of Motrin.. Well, it didn't and now the pain is fkn excruciating every time i try to take a step and put weight on my right heel. Finally start goggling shit and sounded like a heel spur. So, i proceeded to buy 525 different Dr. Scholls shoe inserts over the next week to try and alleviate the pain. Nothing worked. Finally broke down and went to see a Foot Dr and takes x-rays and i have Planters Facetious. He gave me a cortisone injection in my heel, a script for Meloxicam and some overpriced shoe inserts. No joke, this is some of the worst pain I've dealt with. Doesn't hurt at all when I'm sitting or sleeping. But any weight put on it, which is all the time being i have to freaking walk, is ridiculously painful. Has anyone else had this shit? Maybe some tips other than eating anti-inflammatory every day. This has to be like an old man type problem, cause I've never had this shit b4.

Shit man, been there.

What Monsoon said. You can use a roller every day and roll your foot back and forth on it for a few minutes. In time it will stretch out the tendon and help alleviate the pain.


VIP Member
Jan 3, 2019
I had this along with a top of foot injury due to wearing safety shoes. I changed fields and got really good custom insoles. It's been 2 years and it's still not gone. Frozen plastic coke bottle under foot, spike ball helps. New Balance 940s. Still have a club foot once in a while when waking up. Calve raises first thing in the morning on the stairs helps along with the daily pushups. Unfortunately I have had to make my left foot care part of my daily life. You have to develop a routine that works for you. It takes time. Time is a thief and a gift. Take care of it.


VIP Member
Jan 28, 2011
I had this along with a top of foot injury due to wearing safety shoes. I changed fields and got really good custom insoles. It's been 2 years and it's still not gone. Frozen plastic coke bottle under foot, spike ball helps. New Balance 940s. Still have a club foot once in a while when waking up. Calve raises first thing in the morning on the stairs helps along with the daily pushups. Unfortunately I have had to make my left foot care part of my daily life. You have to develop a routine that works for you. It takes time. Time is a thief and a gift. Take care of it.
Yes, heard from a few about rolling a ball or bar under the foot. Will try that as well. I've been putting my heel in ice water for as long as i can stand it the last few nights. That also has seemed to help a little. Thanks for the info.


VIP Member
Jan 28, 2011
Shit man, been there.

What Monsoon said. You can use a roller every day and roll your foot back and forth on it for a few minutes. In time it will stretch out the tendon and help alleviate the pain.
Yeah bro, going to start using the roller every morning before work. Shit, bout willing to try anything.


National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
I found changing shoes 2-3 times day reduces 'hot spots' and provides relief and opportunity to recover. Cushy flips, sandals, running/tennis/walking whatever it takes to NOT continue the same pressures on the same area(s). Like Monsoon said rolling a small hard ball gently helps but go at it slowly adding intensity over time. I also had 80oz carpet installed throughout my home and stand on cushion mats in my kitchen while I prepare meals. Long walks wreck me, treadmill will wreck me, do know aout stationary bike due to knees worn out but elliptical is the best bet along with rowing machine to get cardio.

Cut all sugars, flours and gluten also helps.
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022

Plantar fasciitis exercises and stretches Roller ball or lacrosse ball as mentioned, and a percussion massager solved my probs. The exercises and stretching only work over time and you have to keep doing them to maintain benefit. Oh, do not over stretch. I did and made it worse.

Airrosti also made a HUGE difference. The doc manually stretches the fascia allowing free movement of the actual muscle. IT HURTS, but after 2-3 sessions I was a new man. If you do not know Airrosti , google it. Helps my back, legs and bad hip too.

I bought a pair of Oofos slides to wear around the house. They reduce pain by at least 50% and are as comfy a shoe as I have ever worn. They are pricy. But they are amazing.

I used to be like you, I am 98% better now.

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Over the years I have had plantar fasciitis in both of my feet. I’ve seen two different doctors and have had cortisone injections for it. I’ve also seen a physical therapist who did dry needling on my feet. None of it helped significantly. I then learned that plantar fasciitis is a symptom and not the cause. You need to find what is causing your plantar fasciitis and fix that if you want it to go away. What helped me was watching Dr Trevor Bachmeyer’s videos on understanding and fixing plantar fasciitis. His YouTube channel is called SmashweRx. He has a number of videos on plantar fasciitis as well as how to fix many other problems that plague lifters. There are other very good videos out there but I strongly recommend you start by watching his.
Pig Vomit

Pig Vomit

VIP Member
Nov 12, 2022
Ball roller, physical therapy, anti inflams, etc., no relief whatsoever....until....podiatrist recommended this.

Only need to wear it at night in bed. Not made for walking around during day. Solved it within 2 weeks. Get better shoes/boots, that helps immensely. If you aren't wearing shoes/boots which cost at least $100, you are not spending enough. I'm partial to Brooks for tennis shoes.
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