VIP Member
- Jan 28, 2011
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So, I wake up one morning roughly a month ago, and nearly collapse after trying to put weight on my right foot . Had no idea what the hell it was but the pain was like a 9 out of 10. So, for the first week did nothing about it figuring it would just go away and ate a bunch of Motrin.. Well, it didn't and now the pain is fkn excruciating every time i try to take a step and put weight on my right heel. Finally start goggling shit and sounded like a heel spur. So, i proceeded to buy 525 different Dr. Scholls shoe inserts over the next week to try and alleviate the pain. Nothing worked. Finally broke down and went to see a Foot Dr and takes x-rays and i have Planters Facetious. He gave me a cortisone injection in my heel, a script for Meloxicam and some overpriced shoe inserts. No joke, this is some of the worst pain I've dealt with. Doesn't hurt at all when I'm sitting or sleeping. But any weight put on it, which is all the time being i have to freaking walk, is ridiculously painful. Has anyone else had this shit? Maybe some tips other than eating anti-inflammatory every day. This has to be like an old man type problem, cause I've never had this shit b4.