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Planning my second cycle



Jan 25, 2011
This cycle will not start until after summer sometime, which around here is august. I'm currently in my 4th week of my first cycle using sustanon 250 every 3rd day, about 580mg per week.
I definately enjoy this. I want to do one more cycle this year and then probably just do yearly winter/preseason cycles to keep my body at about the level I want to achieve, which is 225 with 10% bodyfat or less, I am 6'2". I like sustanon , so will use that or enanthate depending on availability. I am looking at adding either equi, masteron, primo, or a combination. Here's basically what I'm thinking:

1-12 (no problem going longer if suggested):

Sustanon or enanthate 500 mg per week
Primobolan depot 400mg per week
Maybe sustanon 250 per week, equi or primo 400 per week + masteron at 200 per week.

Is there any benefit to adding masteron to either primo or equi?

How's that look for a second cycle?

How should I go about front loading with test prop?

And last question, how should I go about my pins thru the week? I'd like to get it done in 2 sessions except of course the front load with prop I imagine I'll need to shoot that EOD or ED for the first week.


TID OG Member
Sep 19, 2010
This cycle will not start until after summer sometime, which around here is august. I'm currently in my 4th week of my first cycle using sustanon 250 every 3rd day, about 580mg per week.
I definately enjoy this. I want to do one more cycle this year and then probably just do yearly winter/preseason cycles to keep my body at about the level I want to achieve, which is 225 with 10% bodyfat or less, I am 6'2". I like sustanon , so will use that or enanthate depending on availability. I am looking at adding either equi, masteron, primo, or a combination. Here's basically what I'm thinking:

1-12 (no problem going longer if suggested):

Sustanon or enanthate 500 mg per week
Primobolan depot 400mg per week
Maybe sustanon 250 per week, equi or primo 400 per week + masteron at 200 per week.

Is there any benefit to adding masteron to either primo or equi?

How's that look for a second cycle?

How should I go about front loading with test prop?

And last question, how should I go about my pins thru the week? I'd like to get it done in 2 sessions except of course the front load with prop I imagine I'll need to shoot that EOD or ED for the first week.

Really concentrate on finishing your first cycle an educated and complete PCT. FYI, many people (myself included) run a PCT and then after about 2 weeks have to basically run a second PCT due to estrogen rebound.

I guess I'm saying, finish cycle 1 strong...all the way through PCT, then get your head on your next cycle. Make sure you take enough "off cycle" time between cycles. The desire to start another cycle too soon is always there, but understand that off time is a MUST!!!!


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
^^^^^Great advice.

Bigrobbie - pm


Jan 25, 2011
I will definately be taking time off, I won't start up again until after summers over, probably early September. Time off will be nice. Something to look forward to, some consolation for summer ending, I love summer, and it should soften the blow. We gotta squeeze all we can out of summer up here, it's short and our winters suck.


Jan 26, 2011
Shoot your like 6months away, a lot can change from then. I would concentrate on what your doing now and not get to a head of yourself. I know your all stoked being your second cycle but you have plenty of time to read and plan.


Jan 25, 2011
You guys are right, just didn't plan my first one very good and since I will have the funds now id like to buy some of it early. I probably should make sure I don't have everything in advance so there's less temptation to start early. I will just focus on this one, I got all of march and most of April to go still, may hit 250! If I can get to 225 w/10% bf I'll be pretty happy. I'm 230 at about 15% now but tall so I still look scrawny.
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