These OG posts keep me motivated..... I'm 45 as of a month ago. I took 4 years off of training when starting a new family with a new wife and I have never felt so physically horrible in all my life as I did after about 2 years of no training.
On new years 2022 I was 225 lbs with over 20%BF. After a strict, very low calorie diet (which Im still on), some testoviron depot and training hard I'm 200lbs with 9% today.
People that say that they are too old to get back to it are simply making excuses.
Well during 2 years of covid since 2020 our country order total lock down for 3 months and then off and on continuous lock down (yes that is how malaysia did that but to me it never even help with getting less infection)
2 yrs we cant hit the gym, and after 2 years of working from home, my body fat increase to almost 27% and lately i started working out, though still a long way to go, after throwing away all carbs in my meal and replace it with vege and chicken and fish, my bf now is 23.8% though according to in-body calculator it is still high, but at least a great improvement, and i will continue to workout and continue to reduce my bf and aiming for 16-18 for a start .. dont think i can go lower than 16 for now.. but i believe i will be able to do that one day
being in forum connecting to people with positive vibes does help me a lot nowadays ...