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Deca post cycle therapy advice?

Kenneth Hunter

Kenneth Hunter

New Member
Sep 7, 2018
I took my last shot of test e and deca a couple of weeks ago for my pct I intent to do clomid 100/100/50/50 And nolva 20/20/20/20 each day does this sound about rite any advice would be much appreciated thanks


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2017
this is solid.
I like to take 5000-10,000 of HCG the week before starting my SERMs


VIP Member
May 7, 2011
Personally I don’t find any benefit in the bro science of the mega doses of clomid the first couple weeks. 50 mg is at least enough. Otherwise I would also wait until week theee to start the nolva and run it for 4 weeks. That gives you a total six week pct. I would do this for a couple reasons. 1. The clomid and nolva behave slightly different. 2. I don’t want nolva anywhere close to a 19nor as nolva unregulates progesterone receptors, so if there is any prolactin floating around your PRs will be extra sensitive by adding nolva.

Just my two cents to take what you have which is good, and make it perfect (plus the hcg suggestion)


VIP Member
Jan 2, 2014
Personally I don’t find any benefit in the bro science of the mega doses of clomid the first couple weeks. 50 mg is at least enough. Otherwise I would also wait until week theee to start the nolva and run it for 4 weeks. That gives you a total six week pct. I would do this for a couple reasons. 1. The clomid and nolva behave slightly different. 2. I don’t want nolva anywhere close to a 19nor as nolva unregulates progesterone receptors, so if there is any prolactin floating around your PRs will be extra sensitive by adding nolva.

Just my two cents to take what you have which is good, and make it perfect (plus the hcg suggestion)
This! Im on TRT now but typically my PCT would be as follows:

Day 1 I'd hit 50mg Clo AM and 50mg PM to get in. Next 2 weeks Id run 50mg Clomid and then 25mg Clo the following 2 weeks. Nolva I ran at 40mg for week 1 and then 2-4 I ran 20mg. From there I would see how things are going to determine if needed that extra week and at week 6 I would get blood work for review.

Always ran HCG blast tho as well. I wouldnt start the PCT for several weeks out after you feel like shit and ensure all the esters have 100% fully cleared. wait till you start crying for no reason and then go on PCT
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