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On the Rehab Road to Recovery


Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
This is to log my journey to rehab my left shoulder after having a full repair done on December 22. Last Wednesday (Jan 3) I had my post-op visit and got the stiches removed. An X-ray of my shoulder showed the anchors in the bone holding good so far.

Began physical therapy yesterday (Jan 4). For this shoulder I'm going with a different Rehab facility than I'd used for my past two surgeries. This first session was a light session as the therapist hadn't received and looked over the op-report from my surgeon yet. Said he'd have it before our next session this coming Tuesday. For this session he just wanted for us to become familiar with each other and to test my range of motion. He then had me do pendulum swings where I bend over at the waist and just let my arm hang and swing freely. I did the swings from side to side, then front to back, then finally in a clockwise direction all for 30 reps each. At the end of the session they iced my shoulder for 10 minutes. He instructed me to do the pendulum swings followed by ice 2 to 3 times a day everyday till our next session.


Bad Mother
Sep 27, 2010
I'll be creeping...good luck with the rehab!

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Lets get this caught up. I've decided that rather than sit on the couch, I'd do some light workouts 3 days a week to get the blood flowing. Since I'm confined in an immobilizer I can't really do much, nor can I train my left upper. These workouts will be in addition to my rehab.

Monday Workout
Some lower body mobility drills and stretching the legs.
Free Hand Squats - 6 X 20
Rt Arm DB Curl - 10lbs/ 3 X 10
Rt Arm Pushdown - 40lbs/ 3 X 15

Tuesday Rehab
Therapist had me do 2 minutes of pendulum circle swings in each direction. This was followed up by passive stretching where I lay flat and relax while he moves and stretches my shoulder thru various ranges of motion. Trust me when I tell you that this is not fun. The session then ended with 10 minutes of icing the shoulder. Before leaving, I was instructed to continue with doing the pendulum swings at home 2 to 4 times each day followed with icing.

Wednesday Workout
Lower mobility drills and stretching
One Leg Calf Raise - BW/ 5 X 8 (Alternated Legs non-stop until all sets finished)
Standing Leg Curl - 40lbs/ 5 X 12
Leg Extension - 80lbs/ 5 X 15
Free Hand Squats - 5 X 15
One Arm High Cable Row - 70lbs/ 3 X 15
One Arm Incline Bench - 15lbs/ 3 X 15
One Arm Side Lateral - 5lbs/ 3 X 10
One Arm DB Preacher Curl - 10lbs/ 3 X 20
One Arm Pushdown - 45lbs/ 3 sets X 20 X 20 X 15


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011
This was rotator cuff??


Bad Mother
Sep 27, 2010
Nice work staying motivated through rehab. I know the struggle! 6 weeks in an immobilizer is a bitch!

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
This was rotator cuff??
Yes, I had a complete tear of the supraspinatus tendon requiring a full repair to be done this time. Back in April I had surgery on this same shoulder to remove two large bone spurs and to fix what was at the time a partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon. For what ever reason that surgery failed and the tendon tore completely. After this latest surgery, the doctor apologized to my wife while I was out in recovery and said he should have went ahead and done a full repair back in April.

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Nice work staying motivated through rehab. I know the struggle! 6 weeks in an immobilizer is a bitch!
Thanks Mayo. I'm trying to stay motivated and in some semblance of shape that's not round. And yes this wearing this immobilizer is a bitch, I'm going crazy wearing it!


VIP Member
Oct 11, 2011
I had a full repair August 30th. Rehab sucked. Do they have a pulley system to perform stretching? I did that, and still do it to keep it loose. At week 4 Dr said I could start with light bi and tri lifting, as long as my elbow stayed to my side. Good luck, I'm still on the rebound trying to get my strength back.


VIP Member
Nov 21, 2011
Definitely subbed, lookin to have both rotator cuffs repaired this year.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Hey Beast, good luck on this! I fear this is in my future. I've just recently been diagnosed with a small tear in my supraspinatus (same one as you). I've just had a PRP injection and will be doing therapy to aid the muscles surrounding. I'm hoping to avoid surgery this year if I can. I'm still doing my research on this I also do massage therapy and see a chiro once a week.
When I talked to my massage therapist, she said she has seen tears heal. But according to my sports med doc, he says that they do not heal on their own. I just don't want to make mine worse. All I know is that I got my PRP injection last Thursday, and this past Mon night got massage therapy and my shoulder felt tons better after. She really manipulated it. Hurt while she was doing it, but when all was done, I was so much better.
This is my first foray into shoulder issues (i'm 47yo, until Tues LOL). Have a knee issue i'm nursing, but thats just age and lack of cartilage.
Sounds like you have a very good work ethic and desire to take care of yourself. Just don't over do it.
Much luck to you, i'm sure you will recover 100% from this.

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Hey Beast, good luck on this! I fear this is in my future. I've just recently been diagnosed with a small tear in my supraspinatus (same one as you). I've just had a PRP injection and will be doing therapy to aid the muscles surrounding. I'm hoping to avoid surgery this year if I can. I'm still doing my research on this I also do massage therapy and see a chiro once a week.
When I talked to my massage therapist, she said she has seen tears heal. But according to my sports med doc, he says that they do not heal on their own. I just don't want to make mine worse. All I know is that I got my PRP injection last Thursday, and this past Mon night got massage therapy and my shoulder felt tons better after. She really manipulated it. Hurt while she was doing it, but when all was done, I was so much better.
This is my first foray into shoulder issues (i'm 47yo, until Tues LOL). Have a knee issue i'm nursing, but thats just age and lack of cartilage.
Sounds like you have a very good work ethic and desire to take care of yourself. Just don't over do it.
Much luck to you, i'm sure you will recover 100% from this.

Thanks Bova and I wish you good luck with your shoulder.

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Thursday Rehab
Same as Tuesdays, the therapist told me that I have really good range of motion for this point in my rehab therapy.

Friday Workout
Lower mobility drills and stretching
One Leg Calf Raise - BW/ 5 X 10 (Alternated Legs non-stop until all sets finished)
Standing Leg Curl - 40lbs/ 2 X 12; 50lbs/2 X 12; 40lbs X 12
Leg Extension - 80lbs/ 5 X 15
Step-Ups on 14" High Box - 3 X 20 (These caused my shoulder to start hurting from the impact of stepping off the box so I stopped at 3 sets)
One Arm DB Curl - 15lbs/ 3 X 20
One Arm Pushdown - 45lbs/ 3 sets X 20
DB Side Raise SS with Thumb Up Front Raise - 5lbs/ 3 sets 20 X 10
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