I just keep posting my trials and tribulations here rather than spread them all over LK's fine site. I have been dealing with shoulder tendonitis for 6-7 months. In the past EQ or Deca has helped. It's not every time but like I said, sometimes it works. TB500 and BPC157 helped some but it came right back. Got sick for a month and it settled down and then started up again. On the other side, deca messes up my privates. So it's a little bit of a catch 22. Thinking about doing a low dose staring with 150 test and 150 nandrolone mix. The nandrolone blend would give me 50 mg NPP and 100 mg ND. Thoughts? Right now, for 2 weeks, I have been on Test prop 50 mg MWF hCG 250-500 iu once a week at the weekend.