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Old and unatural



VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
I actually run like this to keep sides down. I'm 50ish and don't care about big runs or higher doses.

When I mix like this I don't have to worry about the bloaty feeling I get from deca and I don't worry about my blood as much on the eq. The eq helps with vascularity at 300 with a lower body fat percentage.

My anxiety levels can go up on eq at 600 + as well.

I run over a gram total but half is pretty low with the mix of deca/eq.
I keep the EQ on the lower end and split to total dose of anabolic between it and another compound. then I limit the length of its use. i generally run test and something else at the beginning and then add in the EQ. Believe it or not, done that way the EQ hits immediately. It's not just me apparently because a number of guys other on WCBB followed this after blatting it out a few years back and it seemed to work across the board. EQ is weird compound. Just EQ and Test is sort of lack luster but putting it in on top of something is a completely different story. It avoids a couple things 1) no need to run it long time so no massive red cell increase; 2) splitting the dose with another anabolic can avoid using a higher dose can reduce chances of anxiety; 3) the split dose with second anabolic reduced the uncontrolled hunger some see with the drug. On the positive side, it actually works. I have paired with with NPP and Primo. Those seems to work well. Paired with Masteron didn't really work as well.

I should probably note that, because of age, I keep use pretty low end on the dose these past few years. Well really my usual has mostly always been lower end compared to today's normal. So strategies like these help to eek out a little more with a little less.


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Parabolan, Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is a carbonate so not an ester. I don't know what that doe to how it releases the trenbolone base but maybe that has something to do with it.
Interesting! Please stop. I can’t run tren again. I can’t run tren again. I can’t run tren again! Stop it!


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Yep, EQ is a no go for me, because of RBC and HCT. It doesn't matter the dose.
It’s crazy but I’ve never had an issue with RBC or HCT. Even when I experimented with EQ. Went as high as 800mg per week too. What I did get was anxiety after about 6-8weeks on the higher doses though. And honestly didn’t notice a whole lot growth wise. I think it depends on the person. Some get crazy results. I did not. Like others mentioned. I’d rather run Primo and think I have better gains.

Right now I’m on a mix of test prop, test PP, test Decanoate, injectable primo ace. 750mg total AAS. Just ended using dbol 20mg ed and HGH/novolog on workout days. I just added mod grf/ ghrp6 after dropping hgh. First time doing that. I’m definitely shut down. I normally feel a histamine rush from mod grf but I’m not feeling that yet. First day. I’m thinking it will help me start back natural HGH production faster but who knows. I added the ghrp6 to increase hunger and I’m definitely noticing that already. Just hope it doesn’t go away in a week like when I use MK677. Will be switching to Deca/ Test/ DHB or Mast soon. If the DHB is too much pip I’ll switch to Mast. Never used this sources DHB before but it’s dosed a lot lower than other DHB I have used in the past so should be fine with it. Love the strength gains from it and will help with the estrogen sides like primo does. Basically a strong primo imo. I’ll probably start with 400mg test, 400mg deca and 375mg DHB and go up if needed till end of bulk.


Jun 30, 2022
It’s crazy but I’ve never had an issue with RBC or HCT. Even when I experimented with EQ. Went as high as 800mg per week too. What I did get was anxiety after about 6-8weeks on the higher doses though. And honestly didn’t notice a whole lot growth wise. I think it depends on the person. Some get crazy results. I did not. Like others mentioned. I’d rather run Primo and think I have better gains.

Right now I’m on a mix of test prop, test PP, test Decanoate, injectable primo ace. 750mg total AAS. Just ended using dbol 20mg ed and HGH/novolog on workout days. I just added mod grf/ ghrp6 after dropping hgh. First time doing that. I’m definitely shut down. I normally feel a histamine rush from mod grf but I’m not feeling that yet. First day. I’m thinking it will help me start back natural HGH production faster but who knows. I added the ghrp6 to increase hunger and I’m definitely noticing that already. Just hope it doesn’t go away in a week like when I use MK677. Will be switching to Deca/ Test/ DHB or Mast soon. If the DHB is too much pip I’ll switch to Mast. Never used this sources DHB before but it’s dosed a lot lower than other DHB I have used in the past so should be fine with it. Love the strength gains from it and will help with the estrogen sides like primo does. Basically a strong primo imo. I’ll probably start with 400mg test, 400mg deca and 375mg DHB and go up if needed till end of bulk.
Let us know how this goes


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Trying to keep it together. Trying to stay out of trouble.
How have you been big guy??!
I hear you! Me too, lol. Can’t complain. Life is pretty dam good these days. Which is nice for a change. Past few years have been rough with Covid, dog died, moms health and my daughters mental health (thank U government for the 2 years of virtual schooling). Everything is getting better.


Jun 30, 2022
I hear you! Me too, lol. Can’t complain. Life is pretty dam good these days. Which is nice for a change. Past few years have been rough with Covid, dog died, moms health and my daughters mental health (thank U government for the 2 years of virtual schooling). Everything is getting better.
Glad to hear something positive!!!


VIP Member
Dec 13, 2022
Mine stays the same...TRT only.
Although I have been itching to do a little extra....


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
More weirdness. I just finished a little cycle. I mean pretty little. I think I only went up to 700 mg/w max and most of it I was at 350-400 mg. NPP was in there for a bit as were Primo, EQ and Test. So nothing for 10 days and my sex drive is off the charts. Last couple days I added this PCT pill that has Nolva, Clomid and 25 mg Proviron and it really went nuts. usually NPP dampens the boners for a few weeks. Now it's like it's 20 YO.
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