Ya I’m praying I’ll go somewhere close to where I was atleast over 300. I feel pretty good. Diet is clean as hell and hour cardio a day and lifting heavy as I can. I def regret going on it for. Would have been better off just running Anavar here and thereI just heard a podcast covering this, I don't remember which one. However, statistically those who run 8 cycles or a cycle as long as yours (yes TRT counts, as it suppresses HPTA) become TRT dependent. There are always outliers, so you might be okay. I am just saying the odds are not in your favor. This is why I caution people who have normal test levels from jumping on TRT.
Oh!!my mistake. you've only been off for 1.5 months. then still a big chance you will return. I went on and off a lot over the years. At 6 weeks off not a lot is happening even with PCT in place. With PCT I would be around 300 at 6 weeks. then somewhere between 12 and 16 weeks off I would be in the 500-600 range.Ya no doubt it’s been probably about 1.5 months off now maybe a little longer
All good brother. I was on TRT prob for a year. And then stopped. Hoping things get to somewhat normal range especially my Free t3 . Just started Clomid 4-5 days ago so hopefully it’ll work. If not I’ll try and find a good doctor not an online bs and just get dialed in not a crazy dose.Oh!!my mistake. you've only been off for 1.5 months. then still a big chance you will return. I went on and off a lot over the years. At 6 weeks off not a lot is happening even with PCT in place. With PCT I would be around 300 at 6 weeks. then somewhere between 12 and 16 weeks off I would be in the 500-600 range.
I cycled on and off for 3 years and then went off for about a year and a half and I bounced back. then cycled on and off for another 3 years and went off for 10 years and bounced back. it took about 6 months before I felt normal and then by about a year off before I was back to normal. Then cycled on and off from 46 to 55 and always bounced back to 500-600 ng/dL range in 12-16 weeks. So I was pretty lucky or between my approach and my genetics I was always able to bounce back. If you are like me, and I don't think I am an exception, you have a chance. I always cycled off after 3-4 months on so that probably helped a lot. I still cycle off for periods at 63 YOA.All good brother. I was on TRT prob for a year. And then stopped. Hoping things get to somewhat normal range especially my Free t3 . Just started Clomid 4-5 days ago so hopefully it’ll work. If not I’ll try and find a good doctor not an online bs and just get dialed in not a crazy dose.
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