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Not sure I understand Trump's movement in the polls

Heady Muscle

Heady Muscle

VIP Member
Oct 13, 2014
I disagree, look at the past 6 days......
I also believe you are incorrect about the energy, they are currently buying LNG from russia but are planning a move to US products when Trumpy gets in office.
So you honestly thimk that all 3 of the markets AND bitcoin hit all time highs less than a week after the Election and that has NOTHING to do with it.
You have not been watching the stick market LG. It hit an many all times highs the last few months prior to the election. I know you are excited about Trump but enthusiasm should not replace facts.

I am glad to hear immigrants are headed the other way.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Recently a nuclear test was noticed in Iran. Honestly. I sincerely hope Iran has nukes soon. If nothing else to act as a counter against the true Axis Of Evil: America, Britain and Israel. That genocidal imperialistic trio of war mongering countries that feel they own the world.

If Iran can demonstrate a multistage nuclear delivery system then Israel and the United States of War will come to the table. Peace through deterrence.
America, Britain and Israel each are representative democracies. Iran and Co. are not. I think we define "evil" somewhat differently.

If Iran can demonstrate a multistage nuclear delivery system there will not be peace. There will be war. Iran was safe from attack until they attacked with their proxies. They started and/or green-lighted the present mess.

Israel has had nukes for decades. Nobody in the Middle East is afraid. If Iran gets nukes, everyone around the world is afraid, because they're psychos. A freaking death cult. And if Iran gets nukes, Saudi Arabia will purchase nukes from Pakistan and/or India. Shoot, even from North Korea.

We're closer to peace right now, as Iran has lost its ability to misbehave and project power via its proxies. And they've shown themselves to be paper tigers with their direct actions on Israel. The leaders in Iran are worried about Israel externally, and their own people internally. Totalitarians don't get voted out. Rather, they end up with their head on a pike (not a fish).


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
America, Britain and Israel each are representative democracies. Iran and Co. are not. I think we define "evil" somewhat differently.

If Iran can demonstrate a multistage nuclear delivery system there will not be peace. There will be war. Iran was safe from attack until they attacked with their proxies. They started and/or green-lighted the present mess.

Israel has had nukes for decades. Nobody in the Middle East is afraid. If Iran gets nukes, everyone around the world is afraid, because they're psychos. A freaking death cult. And if Iran gets nukes, Saudi Arabia will purchase nukes from Pakistan and/or India. Shoot, even from North Korea.

We're closer to peace right now, as Iran has lost its ability to misbehave and project power via its proxies. And they've shown themselves to be paper tigers with their direct actions on Israel. The leaders in Iran are worried about Israel externally, and their own people internally. Totalitarians don't get voted out. Rather, they end up with their head on a pike (not a fish).

Iran has not lost power. Iran in fact (according to Peter Zeihan and John Mersheimer) has the ability to tank the global economy if they want. Iran has strategic control over the Strait Of Hormuz and has the ability to easily destroy the oil refineries in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the all the US / Israeli aligned gulf countries. In fact, the is the plan if the US and Israeli strike Iranian refineries. Iran will wipe of the entire oil product in the Mideast and the world economy will enter a great depression. This is why the US and Israel avoid those oil production areas.

Iran is the rational actor here. After Israeli violated international law and committed multiple crimes murder on Iran's turf, Iran had to respond. Because Iran is responsive to the will of its people and the people demanded a response, Iran had to do something. Iran contacted the Unites States (for both Iranian responses) and informed the US and Israel where and how their responsive attacks would be. You probably think that the US and Israeli just shot down the Iranian drones and missiles out of pure superiority? No. The US and Israel were informed about all the details of the coming strike. (This is widely available information by the way) They were ready. The Iranians did not want to escalate. They have not wanted to escalate.

As for democracy.. That is a name the west gives its own process. But every country has their own way. It is not up to us to judge them. What works for one culture will not work for others. Americans need to stop acting as if we have it all figured out and everyone else is just backwards. If and when the Iranian people want a system like ours they will fight for it. Once it is fought for it will be earned. They will then have a cultural identity that is ready for it. For now, they have their own system.

Ever notice how US states have different laws? Different people in different places have different identities and needs and desires, so the states should reflect those differences.. So it is the same for countries. There is no one size fits all economic system, religion or culture and especially power structure. They are different because the people of the world of different. It is not up to one group of people to impose their worldview on others.

Russia I would argue cares more about their people than US leaders care about theirs. You cannot fool me on this issue. I have well over a hundred Russian friends. They do not feel the everyday government presence inhibiting them like we do. I would argue that in the US we have more negative interactions with government control that Russians do. They are living their lives as happily as we do. And their government, despite having a different power structure responds to the people's needs better than our government does.

it is eye opening to realize that you and I are the bad guys. We are ones allowing our corrupt and imperialistic government to ruthlessly wage unending war around the world.

As for Israel they do not use their nukes because nuking a country a few hundred miles away is tantamount to nuking yourself. If the Israeli people were so repressed by their government Bibi would be in prison now and there would be a chance for peace. Bibi is consolidating power, changing their constitution so he is the supreme leader.
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VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
America, Britain and Israel each are representative democracies. Iran and Co. are not. I think we define "evil" somewhat differently.

If Iran can demonstrate a multistage nuclear delivery system there will not be peace. There will be war. Iran was safe from attack until they attacked with their proxies. They started and/or green-lighted the present mess.

Israel has had nukes for decades. Nobody in the Middle East is afraid. If Iran gets nukes, everyone around the world is afraid, because they're psychos. A freaking death cult. And if Iran gets nukes, Saudi Arabia will purchase nukes from Pakistan and/or India. Shoot, even from North Korea.

We're closer to peace right now, as Iran has lost its ability to misbehave and project power via its proxies. And they've shown themselves to be paper tigers with their direct actions on Israel. The leaders in Iran are worried about Israel externally, and their own people internally. Totalitarians don't get voted out. Rather, they end up with their head on a pike (not a fish).


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I don't know how old that tweet is, but I'm not aware of any US bases presently in Afghanistan along Iran's east coast, or the number of US bases presently in Iraq along Iran's west coast.

Was the U.S. staging terrorist attacks on Iranian infrastructure and civilian population at any time? Please.

We can certainly agree that the US footprint over there can and has decreased. But Iran's behavior in the Middle East has nothing to do with any US presence over there. It hates Israel because that's where the Jews are. The Iranian regime is a bunch of anti-semetic, psycho, Islamo death cultists. They hate Jews more than they love their own children, and thus are happy to have their children live in a dump while Iran's resources go toward destroying Israel.


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
They hate Jews more than they love their own children, and thus are happy to have their children live in a dump while Iran's resources go toward destroying Israel.

This is an easy to prove or disprove theory.

if the Iranians hate the Jews so much they will sacrifice everything important, then why have they not yet sacrificed everything? They are suicidal? Ok, then why not launch everything and the kitchen sink? Just fire all their tens of thousands of missiles and drones? Send their tens of thousands of bomb filled boats out into the gulf? Just make it a day of suicidal death? Why not?? They hate the jews so much they will sacrifice everything? So why haven't they?

The US has this posture BECAUSE THE IRANIANS OVERTHREW THE UNITES STATES PUPPET REGIME in their country. The Unites States for decades drained the Iranian people of their wealth. US companies propped up a puppet regime and the Iranian people were told to grab their ankles. This led to a popular movement to expel the US. The US does not like what it cannot control, so since then the Iranians have been demonized.

As for Israel, they have worked hard to earn the hatred they receive. Like the US imperialists constantly taking what is not theirs, so has Israel. From the land to the sea? Yes, Israel is constantly ejecting Palestinian people from their ancestral lands. This is the driving force of the hate since 1947. Imagine your family lived somewhere and had roots going back a thousand years and then suddenly a bunch of white people from up north had a war, involved you.. And then stabbed you in the back, took your lands, kicked you off of your ancestral lands and then moved in millions of people who then created a apartheid state.

But the nightmare for the Palestinians didn't end there. Every day some new area is taken, arab families ejected into the streets forcefully. Told to keep walking.

The nightmare for these arab people started in 1947 when their homeland was forcefully taken from them and occupied.


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
Americans have this view that America and Israel and trying to hold the world's hands and sing kumbaya, giving them love and peace and freedom but for some insane reason these people just hate them.

We are the bad guys. USA/Britain/Israel = The Axis Of Evil.


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
If you live in the place that you think so little of, why do you still live here?

Honest question.

If I was growing up in a house that had the reputation of being the worst house on the block, and I was better than the heads of the household that allowed the house to have that reputation, I’d move out.


I’d concede that there are issues, but I’d be proud of where I’m from and try to be a positive change.


I certainly wouldn’t live in the house and talk mad shit about it and everyone in it.

Aren’t there other countries you like more? Why not move?


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
If you live in the place that you think so little of, why do you still live here?

Honest question.

If I was growing up in a house that had the reputation of being the worst house on the block, and I was better than the heads of the household that allowed the house to have that reputation, I’d move out.


I’d concede that there are issues, but I’d be proud of where I’m from and try to be a positive change.


I certainly wouldn’t live in the house and talk mad shit about it and everyone in it.

Aren’t there other countries you like more? Why not move?

Common retort. When your friends were whining about Obama and then Biden why didn't they move? Did you tell them to move?

I plan on moving. So there is your answer to that. Unfortunately my business is located here, so once my family trust is in my name I'll sell the business and move on.

You should watch Youtube video where expats talk about how nice it is to leave the US.


VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
Was the U.S. staging terrorist attacks on Iranian infrastructure and civilian population at any time? Please.
Oh of course not TG. America has its own language and definitions about such actions, thus America NEVER engages in “terrorism,” nor do we fund, arm, train nor enable it :eek: We’re as pure as the driven snow… Lilly white.
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