Hello I'm new to the forum scene.
Been lifting for about 2 years.
Just hopped on my first cycle a month ago. 15mg dbol 5weeks 500mg test c 10 weeks .5mg adex e3d.
I must say the gains in strength is no joke. I added about 30 lbs to my bench, and 15lbs in most other exercises. So far so good.
I was going to use 50mg clomid and otc liver pills for the dbol that I got from my local supp shop.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 230
Age: 31
Don't know my bf % rn but if I had to guess I would be maybe in the mid 20s. I've been trying gain some weight for the bulk.
Hope to be somewhere around atleast 250 by the end of this bulk cycle.