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New Member
May 15, 2024
I'm a 61-year-old body builder and vegan. Ten years ago, I changed my lifestyle after being 150 pounds overweight and having a health scare. I've been trying several supplements in my daily workout to test out which one works for me. I just wanted to share the information I learned in return to help someone else who's also striving towards a healthier lifestyle. First off due to me being a vegan it limits certain protein powders and or supplements I can use towards my daily workouts. secondly, it has to taste good I dont want to feel like I'm punishing myself it needs to be good for my body as well as my tastebuds. I look for a smooth non gritty texture because who wants to drink oatmeal. Third how much protein am I getting per serving. Ive tried several plant based protein powder orgain and kos there both a good choice but recently I tried a new protein powder from fit extend they sell through different sites amazon, ebay, so far its the best vanilla flavor out of the others I have tried it mixes to a very smooth shake it kind of taste like the op nutrition vanilla but better, i tried the garden of life vanilla and it tasted like i was eating raw vegetables in a garden yuk orgain has the peanut butter which i dont like the fit extend organic vanilla protein powder gave me the same tingle i got from fiji water so i assumed its good for me it has more protein per serving and more servings per container for less so far this is my favorite i hope they dont raise the price because similar products are selling for over 40 let me know which one you like.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Welcome to the iron den. Congratulations on the weight loss and lifestyle change. It is never too late to make a difference. Looks like you're an old guy just like most of us here. Lots of great information, lots of experience and more sarcasm than most people can deal with. Enjoy your stay


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
To answer your question on protein powders I think they all suck and I stopped using protein powders a long time ago I try and use whole foods as much as possible. I do not or I should say I cannot drink any type of milk / Whey type product and I stay as far away from soy as possible.

I think they're ready to drink "only what you need" owyn brand protein shakes are fantastic.

They come in several varieties the high protein one is very very low in carbs. To me I couldn't tell the difference between this being a vegan shake and any other type of shake. It's not cheap if you buy it directly from the company and you do a subscription I think you save 15 or 20% on each order. Those are my backups when I need to have protein and I don't have time to eat a real meal. They do sell it as a protein powder which I have never used but the macronutrients are different from their RTD to their powder varieties


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Welcome! Please make yourself at home, and I hope you'll be able to find good info to further your progress.

My recommendation on proteins is Beverly's UMP. See link here to see ingredients, etc. and see if you can use this as a vegan.

Add 2-3 tablespoons of heavy whipping cream to increase calories (particularly as an evening meal before bed), and it's high quality and great taste.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015

Best of luck on the protein powders. I have not found a single vegan protein that tastes good. RedCon1 had one they claimed was vegan that tasted great, it wasn't 100%, which is why it tasted good. LMAO. Even being non-vegan, I have pretty much sworn off powders. However, I also understand it is nearly impossible to get enough protein as a vegan without them. Making matters worse, you have to mix multiple sources to ensure you are getting a complete protein. Worse yet, even if it is complete you have to make sure there is enough leucine for muscle protein synthesis. Rough.
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Welcome to the den. Congrats on the weight loss, that is great work.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Welcome to TID:)
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