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New - Getting Back In Shape



Jul 18, 2024
I'm getting back in shape.

Growing up, I was very skinny until around 3rd grade when I started eating school lunches and became the fat kid. I started exercising, working out, etc and was in pretty good shape by the time I was 15. I read the Warrior Diet by Ori Hofmekler around that time and was in excellent shape until my late mid-20s. I was still in okay shape, just not as good. I started 2020 in very good shape, but my lifestyle was turned upside down. Up until that point, I had been a very in-demand chef. The restaurant industry was already dying before Covid, and I figured that I'd be leaving the industry soon enough anyways.

The problem wasn't so much finding work. It's the structural change of going from working 5PM until 4AM 3 days a week to working a traditional Monday through Friday job that killed the fitness routine that I'd basically had for the past 20 years. I went to a workbook-based private school, so even when I was growing up I slept late, played around during the day and did most of my coursework at night. I'm almost 36 now, and I still struggle 4 years later with a schedule that is completely out of sync with my body's natural cycle.

But, I have to do something to adapt. I've maintained a sort of base level of lifting at home with free weights, so I'm not complete flab, but I've got a big belly now and just look (and feel) terrible. So, anyways, I came here to keep myself motivated, have some accountability, track my progress, etc.

Here's my pre-2020 workout plan:

7 days per week
Wake up around 11:00
Do 1 hour (2 episodes) of Gilad - 1 Bodies in Motion to warmup and 1 Total Body Sculpt for my more advanced
10 minutes of kettlebell (mostly traditional Russian moves, not the more Americanized exercises)
20 minutes of Total Gym
1-2 mile walk

3 days per week
12 hours of fast-paced, constantly moving work
Moderate heavy barbell workout

For my meal, I basically followed a low-carb, low-fat diet based around the Warrior Diet. I would eat a few cucumbers for breakfast, then around 3PM two or three boneless skinless breasts or 6 grilled wings for lunch with homemade Caesar salad and whatever for dinner (usually some kind of blue plate meat + 3 type meal centered around pot roast, steak or Swedish meatballs).

Anyways, here I am, 250 LBS and out of shape. That's going to change, though. I'm not sure exactly what my workout routine is going to be, but I honestly can't stand how I look and feel at this point.


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
. . . . So, anyways, I came here to keep myself motivated, have some accountability, track my progress . . . .

I've seen your posts about other subjects and just worked my way back to this one, sorry :(.

Guessing it got lost among the increased heavy activity here recently. Your Intro may provide some reverse-motivation to the many of us here who can barely remember being 36yo but who also need it now+then.

Continue to ask questions about training, diet, and motivation in the related Forums. It is not mandatory, but beginning a Log in that Forum of everything you are doing to achieve your goals has helped many here stay accountable to themselves. The occasional feedback you'll get within your Log from other members can keep your motivation motivating.

Welcome to TID, Brother.
BD Cool

BD Cool

VIP Member
Dec 1, 2011
Welcome to TID and wishing you luck in achieving your goals.
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