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New cycle - what to watch out for



VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Didn't know what to put in the title but I am going to start a new cycle that will comprise of:

Test C 100mg
NPP 100mg
DBol 50mg


Why test C rather than test prop it's just a blend that I have already has cypionate in it

I have not done deca of any sort in years and years. Used to do it 20 years ago for joint pain but back then getting legit stuff for me was tough so never know if it really helped or not.

I don't remember sides or anything I should add to the cycle. I am generally not prone to high estrogen but I do have anastrozole on hand but if I remember correctly Deca is more prolactin?? Then estrogen honestly don't remember.

Is there anything else I should throw in the cycle to keep things balanced out estrogen-wise such as proviron?

The goal on this cycle is to try and bulk up a little but maintain some leanness. I have a tendency to stay more on the lean but smaller side because my joints have been trashed for so long it's just hard for me to lift heavy like I used to. I'd like to do a good long 12 to 15 week cycle and see if I can get a little bit of bulk back in.

Thoughts? Open to all suggestions.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I like it! I'm planning on doing something similar to what you're doing once I get down to a target BF level (I'm about 5-7 pounds away from that target). I'll be doing it with prop instead of cyp, but I really don't see any significant difference there. That's a nice blend.

I also plan on running proviron in AM and PM with that. If you're not gyno prone, I really don't see a need for an AI or caber. Just monitor things. I think people overreact to a little itchiness and think they'll automatically awake with moobs.

The gear is good, and I know you're conditioning is good. Just up the calories commensurate with your desired rate of growth (I'm guessing about 0.5lb/week?). And keep cardio in. At our age, I think the LISS has benefits on so many levels for us).


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Thank you very much for your feedback. How much proviron are you using? The last time I ran a super heavy cycle was 5 years ago I included 100 mg of proviron for 12 weeks and a final three weeks before vacation I ran Halo. I was very very lean the only problem is I lost weight during the cycle. I don't think I was taking in enough calories overall.

Rolling up on 57 and feeling old. Just thought a good strong heavy cycle kind of getting my motivation and my head straight.

If I can put on and hold 10 lb over a 15 week cycle I would be ecstatic. I'm using the NPP this time hoping that will help with my joints I haven't used it 20 years probably. I'm not prone to estrogen issues early on when I first started I was but all the cycles I've done over the years nothing seems to cause any issues anymore.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I run 25mg of proviron in AM and 25mg before bed. It's not magic, but I like it.

I'm just like you on estrogen. Seems like I was sensitive to it in my younger days, and not any more. Of course, my doses have never been crazy. Running prop at 100mg ED will be the highest I've ever taken my test, and prior to NPP at 100mg ED, my previous high was 100mg EOD. So my anabolic load will be significantly higher than what I've done in the past.

I think with proper nutrition, and with injectible dbol at 50mg ED, you can readily hit your goal. One other little thing you could consider to keep fat gain minimized during the cycle is run 500mg L-Carnitine ED pre workout.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
BTW, I think you'll like the NPP. I sure do.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Thank you very much I didn't think about it but yes I'm going to add the L-Carnitine back in I used to use that years ago before I lost all my body fat the very first time I would do that and I also added alpha lipoic acid with each meal if I remember correctly that was supposed to help break down carbohydrates for energy more efficiently.

I was doing a shot from Amino asylum that had the L-Carnitine and a couple other fat burners in it I think it was MIC.

As much as I'd hate to take another shot every day that might definitely be the way to go. Thank you for the reminder on that.

I will post how things are going. Really looking forward to getting a little bit of muscle back on. I always seem to get almost through summer before I start to get serious about getting in summer shape


VIP Member
Nov 11, 2022
AA's L-Carnitine gave me some pretty gnarly lumps. Apparently it's not pH-adjusted. Matter of fact, the lumps were bad enough to get me patted down going through xray at airport (saw the highlights on the screen). They're going away... slowly. Been months though. Wouldn't use Synthetine either... goofiest damn vial I've ever seen in my life. So surprised they have not had sterility issues. Inconsistent fill and overpriced as well.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
AA's L-Carnitine gave me some pretty gnarly lumps. Apparently it's not pH-adjusted. Matter of fact, the lumps were bad enough to get me patted down going through xray at airport (saw the highlights on the screen). They're going away... slowly. Been months though.
Well that is definitely not good. I was using it a while back and kind of ran into the same thing. I may just go with oral capsules and just bypass the extra shot. Thank you for the reminder on that.


VIP Member
Nov 11, 2022
You can find pH-adjusted L-Carnitine other places. I'd just avoid those two.
BD Cool

BD Cool

VIP Member
Dec 1, 2011
A daily dose of 100 mg of NPP and 50 mg of D-bol will put some significant size/strength on you extremely fast... keep an eye on your BP. Should be a great cycle though.
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