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Need help retraining my brain re:food!



TID Lady Member
Dec 1, 2011
Hi everyone. I am a very active 32 yr. old female. 5'3 128lbs at 20% body fat. Two weeks ago I decided I want to focus on building more muscle in order to cut in a couple of months. I am VERY sensitive to carbs, and do really well on low carb diets (once I go up to 50 carbs a day...which is not much...I start putting on the water weight). I am doing some demanding training 5 days a week, null cardio right now, and understand I have to give up my way of thinking. I am currently getting about 1800 calories a day, at least my weight in protein, and approximately 100g-150g healthy whole wheat/veggie carbs per day.I have already notice a change (not so good) in my body as I hold on to more water, but am wondering if I am going about this the right way. I am also taking my CLA, omegas, multi, chromium, and supplement with whey to get enough protein. I am splitting work outs upper and lower body, 5 days a week, 45 min-1 hour training with lil rest time, 8 reps 3 sets most exercises with heavy weight. Any help regarding diet especially is sooo helpful. I am not loving this body right now :( Thanks!


TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
i am by no means an expert on diet but i am a woman who struggles with it! i would think based on what your stats are that 1800 calories is going to be too much for you. i am 5'8" and 175# and my recommended calories for maintenence is 2300 and to control the fluff i am at 1850 calories. when i go above that, i start gettting way fluffy, like i am now :eek: dang holidays.

you need to get your maintenence calories figured and then cut by 500. that should still allow you to build muscle and cut fat.

we have some pretty good nutrition people here but they are going to want to know exactly what you are eatin. :)


TID Lady Member
Dec 1, 2011
Thanks a million AllTheWay. I will wait and see if anyone else has any suggestions. I really do not feel I need that many calories, as I have to force myself to eat to get to my 1850. I am comfortable at 1200 to 1300. Glad to hear I may be able to build muscle around that range. Thanks again ;)
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