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Nandrolone HRT



VIP Member
Sep 27, 2010
Still struggling to get estrogen under control, latest bw showed total test 1151 & total estrogen 3032, ffs. Doctor is growing tired of repeating himself, instructing to discontinue all hormones month after month. Unsure whether Test U lasts longer than I gave it credit, or maybe the masteron is actually testosterone or there's cross reactivity from a cheap lab test? Past month I have been better about logging my injections, should probably write down anti-estrogen doses as well. Learning the hard way that I may not be able to combine nandrolone & testosterone. Nandrolone solo remains an experiment I hope to test in the new year.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
You have to figure out what is causing what. Test and estradiol should only be assayed with LC/MS-MS. Check your nandrolone and masteron with RoidTest, crude tests but they work and will help to sort this out. Try running Mast only for about 12 weeks and retest (T and E2 with LC/MS-MS) no AI or ER blocker. Mast does not aromatize and will not cross-react on the LC/MS test. Depending on when you did the last TU, your T and E2 should be way down after 3 mo. Then add the nandrolone and repeat in about 6 weeks. Then add the T and repeat. That should get you the data you need to make decisions going forward.


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2010
Wilson6 was spot on, thanks again brother. Retested by LC/MS early in Nov to reveal tanked estradiol.
E2 5, ref range < OR = 29 pg/mL
Test total 485
Free test 134

In retrospect, don't believe I gave enough credit for the long life of TU. Further, given the degree of acceleration of male pattern baldness experienced while experimenting with masteron...fairly certain the ugl labels are accurate.

Feeling strong, have been running 30-35mg TE w/ 100mg deca 2x/wk, only used .25mg adex once in Nov. Sex drive is sufficiently numbed, but whatever.


VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
When TU inj first came out the ester was said to last 10wks. Personally I think TU sucks unless your going overseas and wont have any gear available for a long time. The ester takes up to much room so your getting a low % of test, who knows how long it stays active in your system so how do u properly dose? Also, taking nolva ONLY blocks estro from attaching to your breast tissue, it does not stop the accumulation in the rest of your body. Based on the amounts of gear your taking you need to take both nolva and arimidex. DO NOT take to much dex as you will have painful joints and your hdl/ldl will be off. You need estro to feel right and get results from the aas your taking. If I was you and hell bent on using deca as your main trt drug I would use it alone at 400mg wk for 12 wks and see what happens. Make sure you take .5mg caber 2x wk while on deca. If you dont like the result or dont feel right try some hcg at like 100ius? 2x wk. If that doesnt help add in 100mg test a wk and see how that goes. If you still dont like the results then can the deca.


VIP Member
Dec 29, 2016
No heart concerns with this?

I ran it at 200mg for a few years round but decided to drop it couple years back because of heart/rbc concerns.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
I feel like you said it all in your first post Vette, but maybe I just read between the lines that contained the words that answered the questions a little better...

My honest opinion is that you should try it and see. Easy way out as far as an answer goes, but you already have a buddy who swears by it, you know that there is a group of guys that do run deca with trt and swear by it (@BrotherIron ) , and you’re smart and know what to look out for.

I’m very interested in your experience because the years of powerlifting have ruined some of my joints.

It was life changing for me. My knees are not my own (total knee replacement + more with cadaver knees, surgery was 28yrs ago so knee surgeries didn't go as well as they do now) and all the mileage have taken it's toll on my body. I don't plan on stopping my training anytime in the near future and 100mg/wk works GREAT for me. I don't need anymore than that to feel the effects (I've run it at high as 150mg and as low as 80mg/wk). I wasn't looking for an anabolic dose, but instead a therapeutic dose.


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2010
Bloodwork done today, had it turn out kosher, doctor has no reservations prescribing nandrolone decanoate. Asked for sermorelin as well, however shared he would only Rx provided a lower IGF-1 result, meh.... Supposedly the compounding pharmacy will want $60 for 10mL ND at 200mg/mL, not too shabby (feared worse $$$).


Crossfit VIP
Jan 24, 2013
I would say don't reinvent the wheel and test is best


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2010
Latest labs in, doctor finally followed through with appropriate lab work (MS/LC).

On 80mg TE & 200mg ND weekly.
Total test: 620
Estradiol: 27

Realized the $60 deca durabolin from the compounding pharmacy is for 5mL.

Plan is to increase test to 100mg/wk & add Ibutamoren Mesylate Capsules (MK677)


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Latest labs in, doctor finally followed through with appropriate lab work (MS/LC).

On 80mg TE & 200mg ND weekly.
Total test: 620
Estradiol: 27

Realized the $60 deca durabolin from the compounding pharmacy is for 5mL.

Plan is to increase test to 100mg/wk & add Ibutamoren Mesylate Capsules (MK677)

The total T looks good for 80 mg TE/wk. Purpose of the MK677?


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2010
The total T looks good for 80 mg TE/wk. Purpose of the MK677?
Thanks Wilson6, yessir. Have wanted to add growth hormone to the cocktail in hopes of making gains in my bum leg post spine surgery. Had lost 99% of my calf muscle function and much of the hammy while L5/S1 nerve was under pressure. Currently adding ~5lbs/month on the heal raises, almost up to working out w/ 35lbs....pipe dream is that if I continue to gain/recover strength, I might be able to walk without a limp sooner than later. Anti-inflammatory effect from the nandrolone is really appreciated at this time. If money was no object, I would buy legit user friendly growth hormone...damned kids, haha.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Was thinking about this thread after posting the article link to MD on nandrolone for HRT. Added ND (compounded) to my HRT 80 mg TC/40 mg ND every 5 days. 500 IU HCG every 5 - 7 days. Overall feel much better, joint pain and tendonitis. Its been about 5 months. No other issues. I think a 2:1 TC/ND is a good mix. 100 mg or less a week of ND along with T could probably be run for life without adverse cardiac sides, beyond that we just don't know. Probably want an ECHO every couple years just to make sure, run an ARB with it and keep BP in check.
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