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Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Evening Workout
Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 7:25 PM

Hanging Knee Raise (Ab Straps)
Set 1: 30 reps
Set 2: 25 reps
Set 3: 20 reps

Calf Raise (Seated Smith Machine)
Set 1: 225 lb × 12
Set 2: 315 lb × 12
Set 3: 405 lb × 12

Nautilus Lying Leg Curl
Set 1: 60 lb × 12
Set 2: 80 lb × 12
Set 3: 100 lb × 12
Set 4: 120 lb × 8

Notes: Performed 8 partial burn reps at the end of the last set.

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 100 lb × 15
Set 2: 130 lb × 15
Set 3: 160 lb × 15
Set 4: 190 lb × 15

Box Squat (Safety Squat Bar)
Set 1: 145 lb × 8
Set 2: 195 lb × 8
Set 3: 235 lb × 8
Set 4: 285 lb × 6
Set 5: 325 lb × 5
Set 6: 355 lb × 3

Felt much better going into this workout than I did for last Monday’s workout. Still not feeling 100% but hopefully getting better.

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Afternoon Workout
Friday, July 10, 2020 at 5:59 PM

Kneeling Cable Crunch
Set 1: 130 lb × 50
Set 2: 150 lb × 50
Set 3: 170 lb × 50

Nautilus Multi-Purpose One Legged Calf
Set 1: 50 lb × 12
Set 2: 70 lb × 12
Set 3: 90 lb × 10

30^ Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 40 lb × 25
Set 2: 55 lb × 20
Set 3: 70 lb × 20
Set 4: 85 lb × 16

Push Up
Set 1: 20 reps
Set 2: 20 reps
Set 3: 15 reps

Chest Fly (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lb × 15
Set 2: 30 lb × 12

Seated Cable Row
Set 1: 140 lb × 12
Set 2: 170 lb × 12
Set 3: 200 lb × 12
Set 4: 230 lb × 12

Lat Pulldown (Front)
Set 1: 120 lb × 10
Set 2: 140 lb × 10
Set 3: 160 lb × 10

High Pulley Row (One Arm)
Set 1: 80 lb × 15
Set 2: 100 lb × 15
Set 3: 120 lb × 15

Side Lateral (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lb × 15
Set 2: 25 lb × 15
Set 3: 30 lb × 15

Rear Lateral (Bent Over DB)
Set 1: 20 lb × 12
Set 2: 25 lb × 12
Set 3: 30 lb × 12

Set 1: 8 reps
Set 2: 8 reps
Set 3: 8 reps
Set 4: 8 reps

Bicep Curl (DB Concentration)
Set 1: 15 lb × 15
Set 2: 20 lb × 15
Set 3: 25 lb × 15
Set 4: 30 lb × 12

Once again I woke up this morning not feeling well. My wife also wasn’t feeling well and called in sick to her work place. She then called and scheduled us both for a COVID-19 test. My god that was an unpleasant experience. I think they swabbed the back of my skull. Anyway they told us that we should have the test results back within 24-48 hours. I took some Aleve and started feeling better so I went ahead and worked out.


Jun 15, 2018
Afternoon Workout
Friday, July 10, 2020 at 5:59 PM

Kneeling Cable Crunch
Set 1: 130 lb × 50
Set 2: 150 lb × 50
Set 3: 170 lb × 50

Nautilus Multi-Purpose One Legged Calf
Set 1: 50 lb × 12
Set 2: 70 lb × 12
Set 3: 90 lb × 10

30^ Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 40 lb × 25
Set 2: 55 lb × 20
Set 3: 70 lb × 20
Set 4: 85 lb × 16

Push Up
Set 1: 20 reps
Set 2: 20 reps
Set 3: 15 reps

Chest Fly (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lb × 15
Set 2: 30 lb × 12

Seated Cable Row
Set 1: 140 lb × 12
Set 2: 170 lb × 12
Set 3: 200 lb × 12
Set 4: 230 lb × 12

Lat Pulldown (Front)
Set 1: 120 lb × 10
Set 2: 140 lb × 10
Set 3: 160 lb × 10

High Pulley Row (One Arm)
Set 1: 80 lb × 15
Set 2: 100 lb × 15
Set 3: 120 lb × 15

Side Lateral (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lb × 15
Set 2: 25 lb × 15
Set 3: 30 lb × 15

Rear Lateral (Bent Over DB)
Set 1: 20 lb × 12
Set 2: 25 lb × 12
Set 3: 30 lb × 12

Set 1: 8 reps
Set 2: 8 reps
Set 3: 8 reps
Set 4: 8 reps

Bicep Curl (DB Concentration)
Set 1: 15 lb × 15
Set 2: 20 lb × 15
Set 3: 25 lb × 15
Set 4: 30 lb × 12

Once again I woke up this morning not feeling well. My wife also wasn’t feeling well and called in sick to her work place. She then called and scheduled us both for a COVID-19 test. My god that was an unpleasant experience. I think they swabbed the back of my skull. Anyway they told us that we should have the test results back within 24-48 hours. I took some Aleve and started feeling better so I went ahead and worked out.

You may want to forgo the NSAIDs if you think you may be Covid positive. Hope you guys feel better.

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
You may want to forgo the NSAIDs if you think you may be Covid positive. Hope you guys feel better.

Actually there is no direct medical evidence that NSAIDs worsen covid-19 in patients with it. Anyway I was pretty sure before going in to get tested that I didn't have covid-19. My wife works in the medical field at a major university hospital and one of her co-worker's husband tested positive for covid at the end of June. When she started feeling bad after I was feeling bad she decided there was no point in taking any chances and called the hospital she works for and made appointments for us both to be tested. Our test results came back negative so neither of us have the corona virus.
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Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Evening Workout
Monday, July 13, 2020 at 7:32 PM

Flat Leg Raise
Set 1: 30 reps
Set 2: 20 reps
Set 3: 25 reps

Calf Raise (Donkey)
Set 1: wife × 15
Set 2: wife × 15
Set 3: wife × 15

Notes: Wife sat on my back

Glute Ham Raise (Poor Man)
Set 1: 8 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 8 reps

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 100 lb × 15
Set 2: 100 lb × 15
Set 3: 100 lb × 15

Front Squat (Barbell)
Set 1: 45 lb × 8
Set 2: 135 lb × 5
Set 3: 135 lb × 8
Set 4: 135 lb × 8
Set 5: 135 lb × 8
Set 6: 135 lb × 8

Bulgarian Split Squat
Set 1: 0 lb × 12
Set 2: 0 lb × 12
Set 3: 0 lb × 12

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Evening Workout
Friday, July 17, 2020 at 7:34 PM

Pull-up (Light Band Assisted)
Set 1: 1 rep
Set 2: 2 reps
Set 3: 3 reps
Set 4: 4 reps
Set 5: 5 reps
Set 6: 4 reps
Set 7: 3 reps
Set 8: 2 reps
Set 9: 1 rep

Push Up
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Set 4: 10 reps
Set 5: 10 reps
Set 6: 10 reps
Set 7: 10 reps
Set 8: 10 reps
Set 9: 10 reps
Set 10: 10 reps

A quick body weight workout to get some blood pumping in the muscles. All sets were done with between 10 and 20 seconds rest between each set.

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Evening Workout
Monday, July 20, 2020 at 6:07 PM

Kneeling Cable Crunch
Set 1: 120 lb × 50
Set 2: 150 lb × 50
Set 3: 180 lb × 50

Nautilus Multi-Purpose One Legged Calf
Set 1: 50 lb × 10
Set 2: 60 lb × 10
Set 3: 70 lb × 10

Bench Press (DB Floor Fat Pad)
Set 1: 35 lb × 20
Set 2: 55 lb × 20
Set 3: 75 lb × 15
Set 4: 75 lb × 15
Set 5: 75 lb × 15

Bent Over One Arm Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 35 lb × 20
Set 2: 55 lb × 20
Set 3: 75 lb × 20
Set 4: 75 lb × 20

Side Lateral (One Arm Dumbbell)
Set 1: 12.5 lb × 15
Set 2: 15 lb × 15
Set 3: 20 lb × 15

Tricep Extension (Dumbbell Floor)
Set 1: 25 lb × 10
Set 2: 25 lb × 10
Set 3: 25 lb × 10

Cable Curl (One Arm)
Set 1: 25 lb × 20
Set 2: 35 lb × 20

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Evening Workout
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 7:06 PM

Russian Twist
Set 1: 15 lb × 15
Set 2: 15 lb × 15
Set 3: 15 lb × 15

Calf Raise (Seated Smith Machine)
Set 1: 135 lb × 15
Set 2: 185 lb × 15
Set 3: 225 lb × 15

Glute Ham Raise (Poor Man)
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps

Bulgarian Split Squat
Set 1: 0 lb × 12
Set 2: 0 lb × 12
Set 3: 0 lb × 12
Set 4: 0 lb × 12

Squat (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lb × 10
Set 2: 30 lb × 10

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Evening Workout
Friday, July 24, 2020 at 7:58 PM

Seated Sit-up
Set 1: 25 reps
Set 2: 25 reps
Set 3: 25 reps

One Legged Calf Raise
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps

45^ Inclined Bench Press
Set 1: 45 lb × 12
Set 2: 95 lb × 10
Set 3: 115 lb × 10
Set 4: 135 lb × 10

Seated Cable Row (Medium Width Grip)
Set 1: 140 lb × 12
Set 2: 160 lb × 12
Set 3: 180 lb × 12

Side Lateral (One Arm Cable Behind Back)
Set 1: 20 lb × 10
Set 2: 25 lb × 10
Set 3: 30 lb × 10

Rear Lateral (One Arm Lying On Side)
Set 1: 12.5 lb × 10
Set 2: 12.5 lb × 10
Set 3: 12.5 lb × 10

Tricep Extension (Lying EZ-Bar)
Set 1: 40 lb × 20
Set 2: 60 lb × 15
Set 3: 60 lb × 15

Preacher Curl (One Arm Dumbbell)
Set 1: 12.5 lb × 20
Set 2: 15 lb × 20
Set 3: 20 lb × 20

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Forgot to post this week’s workouts.

Afternoon Workout
Monday, July 27, 2020 at 4:28 PM

Russian Twist
Set 1: 15 lb × 20
Set 2: 15 lb × 20
Set 3: 15 lb × 20

Seated Calf Raise (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lb × 10
Set 2: 75 lb × 12
Set 3: 75 lb × 12

Nautilus Lying Leg Curl
Set 1: 60 lb × 12
Set 2: 80 lb × 12
Set 3: 100 lb × 12
Set 4: 80 lb × 15

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 80 lb × 10
Set 2: 80 lb × 10
Set 3: 80 lb × 10

Squat (Barbell)
Set 1: 45 lb × 20
Set 2: 135 lb × 20
Set 3: 185 lb × 20

Evening Workout
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 7:39 PM

Seated Sit-up
Set 1: 35 reps
Set 2: 35 reps
Set 3: 35 reps

One Legged Calf Raise
Set 1: 15 reps
Set 2: 15 reps
Set 3: 15 reps

Push Up
Set 1: 25 reps
Set 2: 25 reps
Set 3: 22 reps
Set 4: 15 reps
Set 5: 15 reps

Pull-up (Light Band Assisted)
Set 1: 5 reps
Set 2: 6 reps
Set 3: 6 reps
Set 4: 6 reps
Set 5: 5 reps

Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Set 4: 8 reps
Set 5: 8 reps

Afternoon Workout
Friday, July 31, 2020 at 2:33 PM

Russian Twist
Set 1: 15 lb × 20
Set 2: 15 lb × 20
Set 3: 15 lb × 20

Calf Raise (Seated Smith Machine)
Set 1: 135 lb × 20
Set 2: 185 lb × 20
Set 3: 225 lb × 15

Standing Leg Curl
Set 1: 55 lb × 20
Set 2: 65 lb × 20
Set 3: 75 lb × 20

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 80 lb × 15
Set 2: 80 lb × 15
Set 3: 80 lb × 15

Front Squat (Barbell)
Set 1: 45 lb × 8
Set 2: 135 lb × 8
Set 3: 185 lb × 8
Set 4: 225 lb × 3
Set 5: 225 lb × 2

Step-Up (Barbell)
Set 1: 45 lb × 10
Set 2: 135 lb × 10
Set 3: 155 lb × 10

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Wife and I were out of town on vacation last week and got back home this past Monday. We didn’t workout at all during our vacation. But we’re back home now and back in the gym. For now I’m doing full body workouts three days a week. I’m also focusing on doing more body weight exercises during the workout and in general just having fun in the gym.

Evening Workout
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 7:18 PM

Front Raise (Plate)
Set 1: 25 lb × 10
Set 2: 25 lb × 10
Set 3: 25 lb × 10

Dumbbell Power Snatch
Set 1: 35 lb × 10
Set 2: 50 lb × 10
Set 3: 50 lb × 10

Pull Up (Band)
Set 1: 6 reps
Set 2: 6 reps
Set 3: 6 reps

Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps

Squat (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lb × 10
Set 2: 30 lb × 10
Set 3: 40 lb × 10
Set 4: 0 lb × 20

Evening Workout
Friday, August 14, 2020 at 6:26 PM

Overhead Squat (Box)
Set 1: 0 lb × 10
Set 2: 15 lb × 10
Set 3: 45 lb × 4
Set 4: 45 lb × 10
Set 5: 65 lb × 10

Sissy Squat
Set 1: 15 reps
Set 2: 15 reps
Set 3: 15 reps
Set 4: 15 reps

Push Up
Set 1: 20 reps
Set 2: 20 reps
Set 3: 20 reps
Set 4: 15 reps

Pull Up (Band)
Set 1: 8 reps
Set 2: 8 reps
Set 3: 6 reps

Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 9 reps

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
Evening Workout
Monday, August 17, 2020 at 6:59 PM

Seated Sit-up
Set 1: 50 reps
Set 2: 50 reps

Front Raise (Plate)
Set 1: 25 lb × 15
Set 2: 25 lb × 15
Set 3: 25 lb × 15

Dumbbell Power Snatch
Set 1: 35 lb × 10
Set 2: 50 lb × 10
Set 3: 65 lb × 10

Set 1: 12 reps
Set 2: 12 reps
Set 3: 10 reps

Squat (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lb × 10
Set 2: 40 lb × 10
Set 3: 55 lb × 10
Set 4: 65 lb × 10
Set 5: 30 lb × 20
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