Well this all started in november. I decided to take the plunge and once again enter the world of Hobbyist Bodybuilding. So i set some goals for myself, set up my 2way DC blast and got to it.
I am not going to go into the training, it was the standard mon/wed/fri DC 2 way split. If you want info on that go to - Powered by vBulletin and read up. In my experience, it has always been the fastest way to put on muscle.
I started out with this diet and modified it as the months went by.
Meal 1
14 egg whites
1 cup (measured uncooked oatmeal)
1 piece of fruit
meal 2
50 grams whey protein isolate
piece of fruit
Meal 3
8 oz chicken
1 cup white rice
1 cup veggies
meal 4 (pre-workout meal)
80z chicken
1 cup (measured uncooked oatmeal)
meal 5(sorta...pre-workout drink)
25 grams bcaa's
10 grams eaa
10 grams glutamine
50 grams dextrose
(drank half before leaving for the house, dosed IGF1-DES and got to the gym, diluted the remaining with water for faster absorbption and sipped it throughout workout)
meal 6
75 grams whey isolate
1 piece of fruit
meal 7
8oz steak
2 cups some kinda greens(beans or salad usually)
Meal 8(if i was hungry)
50 grams protein, greek yogurt or some egg whites
This is where i started making my gains and it got exciting by the end of november.
I was running cjc1293/ghrp6 3x a day at 100/100mcg
I started running IGF-des 40mcg preworkout split bilaterally
So this is the starting pic again for november: