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My big peptide log



Senior Member
May 9, 2011
Ok everyone, i am just going to copy this on over from another site to get it started and then i will continue to update it from there.


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
Initial blast with pics from november through april

Hey guys,

I have been getting a ton of pm's about what i run, how i run it etc. So i figured i would throw some pics up from november till now and go month by month. I am going to provide a tad bit of info about myself first so you know where i came from.

i was prepping for alocal show back ion 2005, i tore a pec doing flat bench and had it surgically repaired. Life threw some curve balls at me and i took some detours along the way, long story short, i didnt work out more than probably once a week from 2008 till apr 2010. I also kicked a drug habit in 2008, so iw as focussing on recovery during that period, tad bit more important than lifting. So after being clean for a while i started back lifting april of last year. I was small. I was probably 190 and FAT. I used peptides from last april till last november but did not supplement with hormones aside from HRT.

So in october, i was thinking things through and decided that i wanted to make a comeback and see what i could do SAFELY. I didn't want this sport to impact my life negatively and i didn't want it to jeopardize my recovery. So i set some limits for myself and went with it. So the first pic is from november(the date is encoded in the jpeg itself if anyone wants to see it, the date on picasa is when it was uploaded, i want to ehad drama off at the pass here). The last two pics are from earlier this month and last week.

I am going to go month by month and list out what i was doing training wise, diet wise and peptide wise. If you want to know about hormones, they are illegal where i live, but if you PM me, i could tell you hypothetically what i would have done at any point.


This month and last week


Senior Member
May 9, 2011

Well this all started in november. I decided to take the plunge and once again enter the world of Hobbyist Bodybuilding. So i set some goals for myself, set up my 2way DC blast and got to it.

I am not going to go into the training, it was the standard mon/wed/fri DC 2 way split. If you want info on that go to - Powered by vBulletin and read up. In my experience, it has always been the fastest way to put on muscle.

I started out with this diet and modified it as the months went by.
Meal 1
14 egg whites
1 cup (measured uncooked oatmeal)
1 piece of fruit

meal 2
50 grams whey protein isolate
piece of fruit

Meal 3
8 oz chicken
1 cup white rice
1 cup veggies

meal 4 (pre-workout meal)
80z chicken
1 cup (measured uncooked oatmeal)

meal 5(sorta...pre-workout drink)
25 grams bcaa's
10 grams eaa
10 grams glutamine
50 grams dextrose
(drank half before leaving for the house, dosed IGF1-DES and got to the gym, diluted the remaining with water for faster absorbption and sipped it throughout workout)

meal 6
75 grams whey isolate
1 piece of fruit

meal 7
8oz steak
2 cups some kinda greens(beans or salad usually)

Meal 8(if i was hungry)
50 grams protein, greek yogurt or some egg whites

This is where i started making my gains and it got exciting by the end of november.
I was running cjc1293/ghrp6 3x a day at 100/100mcg
I started running IGF-des 40mcg preworkout split bilaterally

So this is the starting pic again for november:


Senior Member
May 9, 2011

Ok so i made some great gains in a month, i was absolutely ecstatic, i had forgotten the results that came from the dark side. My diet was going great!!!! My lifts were going throught the roofs and i could see changes in my body on an almost daily basis.

So i made some changes. The diet while working wonders didn't have me feeling really great. I was hungry all the time etc. So i changed meal 3 to be 80z lean ground beef and 1 cup white rice. I also made meal 2 into meal 1 before leaving my house and changed it to the following
meal 1(used to be meal 2)
50 grams whey protein
1 cup greek yogurt
2 pieces of fruit(normally strawberries and banana blended in)

As for training, i was still doing dc and going strong. Beating the log book every week and either doing 10 min fasted cardio or 10 min post-workout.

the peptides changed up a bit at this point. I started taking the ghrp/cjc combo 4 times a day. I also changed the DES from training days only to every day and administered it ONLY in bi's/tri's.

These are the december pics:


Senior Member
May 9, 2011

Alas as all good things must, my DC blast had to end. Joints were hurting and i was feeling a bit rundown. I couldn't eat anymore food so i knew it was time for a cruise.

During my cruise, i took 3 weeks and switched to straight sets using BigA's Growth Principles for Beginners(i fall into this category)

As for changes i actually changed my peptides dosing considerably here. I took the 4 dosing i was doing and modified it because my ankles were killing me and my hands looked like the STA-PUFF marshmallow mans.
I ran the following:
I took ghrp6/cjc 100mcg upon waking and pre-bed. Then during the day i took ghrp6/cjc 50mcg each 3 times during the day. I believe we gain more from increasing the number of pulses throughout the day rather than increasing the amplitude of the pulse because that is a game of diminsihing returns and increased side effects. Your store of GH replenishes itself in your pituatary in 3 hours , there is no diminishing returns there, just a time constraint.

As for the DES i took this month off. I thought i needed a break.

here are the jan pics, not so exciting in my mind but i can see some progress:


Senior Member
May 9, 2011

Ok so here is where i decide to begin my training blast again and start back on DES(YAY).

So i went back at about 75% of my last log book weights from the blast. I destroyed them.....YAY again.

Changes here i decided to add some bcaa's with each meal and to increase the portions of the meat by about an oz or so. I dont force this down every day, i eat if i am hungry, this is a guideline that i have on hand. I did end up eating this most days because i am always starving when i am killing the weights.

Stayed with the cjc/ghrp dosing protocol.
Fro DES i did up it to 66mcg split bilaterally

Pics from february:


Senior Member
May 9, 2011

So this month i am cruising again. Just kinda chilling. I am planning out my next blast.

I have honestly been shooting for like 400 grams protein a day and completely let my diet slide. If i do a local show it is in august and i need to decide this week so next week would be 16 weeks. We will see. I have been eating most of whats written down. Dinners have been off (always a lot of meat but sometimes it would come from a heaping plate of chicken fingers)

Took a whole week off the gym. Then have been doing BigA's routine. I always write everything down though and still try to at least match my performance from the week before.

Dropped the IGF-DES
Stayed with the cjc/ghrp BUT i went back to the 50mcg throughout the day doseages. The morning and night servings still had 100mcg and were followed by 2iu Riptropin.

here are the pics. I like the ones from last week but not seeing improvement:

ON THIS ONE, it almost looks like i have some type of 'flow' (other than a cinderblock) to my shape!=-)


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
Disclaimer about results

OK guys there it is
here is the disclaimer for progress:
1) I was bigger than november in the past so some was muscle memory
2) i would have been clean for a number of years aside from lose dose HRT in november IF hormones were legal
3) I only workout 3 times per week

I assure you that if hormones were legal, my doseages would have been considered low. I am not preaching, i went other routes, like peptides but i know that my bloodwork and all was looking good through the two tests i had and i feel great.

I will begin my next blast either next week or the week after. It will include some leg shots, actual poses, not half-gay pics in a gym mirror etc.

I will be adding in the following:
-Riptropins 3x week 10iu
-Slin(3-5iu postworkout)
-IGF1-DES 66mg Pre&Post Workout
-A bit different diet, more to follow on this. Going to try something more 'natural' and step away from my traditional white rice diet=-)

If anyone is interested in following the new one, what kinda other info would you like?


Senior Member
May 9, 2011

Ok, i am geting a lotta questions about what i consider minimal hormone doseage.

IF IT WAS LEGAL and i was going to run it, it would be something like:
Test 600mg
Deca 200mg
Proviron 25 mg ED

That is what i consider minimal. The gains could have probably been better with more and i would imagine that hypothetically next blast will be around the same if i was going to run this stuff.

People always say why deca? That is too low to get any effects, right? ETC. My answer is that when i was coming up the school of thought was, take test, take something to make the test better and then throw in a low dose of an anabolic for good measure. Right, wrong or indifferent, its what always seems to work for me. And the deca seems to help my joints. EQ always seemed to do the same BUT i had to run it higher and the goal here was to stay below a gram total.


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
may 2nd Blast

Ok everyone its time. Its been roughly a month since my blast ended and certain things had 'scaled back' into cruise mode even before that. I couldn't quite line everything up. I got my blood work back late last week and my endo feels that everything is good(HRT is working)

So after the last blast i did BigA's beginner routine for one week and then i actually took a completel week off from anything but cardio(for my heart). So i took a leg pic this morning and i took a pic at the gym after cardio to set a starting point.

Ok so here it is, i will pot the pic go into each facet of the blast and then post up at leat once a week if not more.

here is a leg pic. yes i know they could be bigger:

And here is the start picture for all of it. I weighed 228.5 this morning on an empty stomach, so it will be interesting to see where i end up:


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
peptide Protocol

Peptide Protocol
Okie dokie,

So i am going to step things up a hair here and see what kind of results i can get. I am going to branch out into the peptide world a bit.

My base stack will be:
cjc1293 100mcg 4x Day - upon waking. 2 times during the day, and post workout.
GHRP2 100mcg 4x day - upon waking. 2 times during the day, and post workout.
ipamorelin - 1xday 100mcg - pre-bed

GH - 10iu post workout MWF
IGF-DES 50mcg ed (pre-workout on WO days)

So i have my grubby paws on some myostatin pro-peptide. The jury is out on this BUT i am going to try this for the first four weeks of the blast. I am working on follistatin (344 98%) right now with my private peptide guy, it is just a bit pricier than i budgeted for AND its a tad late in the game to get it in for the first part. So the first 4 weeks will be:

MYO PRO Peptide 20mcg upon waking after ghs has had time to release natural GH

In order to control the whole prolactin sides that i could possibly get from taking the peptides this often and high dose, i have cabergoline on hand(dostinex).

I think this about covers it. If results stall with the DEs, i have enough on hand that i can actually take it Pre and Post WO at 50mcg. So i am covered there.


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
Diet and secret compound

Diet and Secret Chemical
Ok so for the diet i will be sticking with the same thing i always eat. I have mentioned before i am going to be hiring phil after the show i will 'possibly be doing' this summer. The reason i am not sure if i will do a show is that i have a torn pec and while it is repaired, i am not sure i would be comfortable getting onstage with it. I am going to prep like i am doing it and it is about 20weeks away right now, so i am not in too horrible of shape.

So here is the secret compound i am going to take to aid with gaining muscle as rapidly as possible:


but seriously, for me, diet is by far the most important part of the equation and i know there are other ways to diet and i look forward to trying them BUT for right now, i am going to go with what i KNOW to work for me.

Meal 1
14 egg whites
1 cup oatmeal
1 tbsp natural peanut butter

Meal 2
75 grams TrueProtein teamskip blend
1 banana or apple

Meal 3
10-12oz chicken
1 cup white rice

Meal 4 (Pre-workout)
10-12oz chicken
1 cup oatmeal

Meal 5 (Sorta pre/intra workout)
50 grams dextrose
25 grams bcaa
10 grams eaa's
10 grams glutamine
(unfortunately i am dropping the kool-aid and adding crystal light.....fucking blows!)

Meal 6 (post=-workout)
75 grams TP TeamSkip blend
1 can mt dew(i know people are going to comment. I like it, my body likes it) .

Meal 7
12 oz chicken
1/2 cup white rice
1 cup green beans

meal 8
Egg whites or teamskip protein blend

Ok so some of you probably noticed that i was cooking steak and burgers. This is not set in stone, its just this is what i have found to AT LEAST eat when i am doing everything right. I also take steak lunches and ground beef with me if i am still hungry ajnd my body tells me to eat. As for figuring out the protein etc, i have no clue truthfully, never sat down and calculated it.
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