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Muscle Minds Podcast with Scott Stevenson



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Muscle Minds Episode #167: Tren Cough (The WORST) + Cardarine Risk to Reward

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00:00:00 - Introduction to Muscle Minds with Scott Stevenson
00:01:00 - Scott Just Got "Tren Cough" From Test
00:03:21 - Blood Circulation and Respiration in the Lungs
00:09:42 - Treating Nausea with Acupuncture
00:12:42 - Dealing with Panic Attacks
00:15:45 - Cardarine ( GW501516 ) Risks
00:15:56 - The Mechanisms of Cancer Growth
00:19:11 - The Complexity of Carcinogenic Actions
00:22:15 - The Cardiovascular Benefits vs. Cancer Risk
00:25:31 - Taking Risks and Making Decisions
00:28:50 - The Relationship Between Muscle Growth and Endurance Exercise
00:31:53 - Fiber Change From Cardarine?
00:35:00 - Preemptive Health Measures
00:41:01 - Glycerin / Hydromax taken preworkout
00:44:15 - Hydration and Sodium Intake Tips
00:47:20 - Restoring Gut Health while Bulking
00:50:41 - Digestive Issues and Enzymes
00:53:44 - The Benefits of Greens Formulas
00:57:00 - Nutrient Timing and Green Veggies
01:00:23 - The Connection Between the Nervous System and the Outer Ear
01:03:50 - The Lore of Pirate Earrings
01:07:06 - Strategies for Water Loss and Retention
01:13:22 - Feeling Better


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Scott's killing me on listing the episode numbers....he states this is 162. lol.

Muscle Minds Episode #162: Is it Possible to Gain 20 LBS A YEAR?

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00:00:00 - Jordan's 10,000 Calorie Diet
00:03:58 - Gains and Limitations
00:08:25 - Contextual Information for Muscle Gain
00:12:34 - Bulking and Muscle Gain Tips
00:16:40 - Pushing Through Challenges in Bodybuilding
00:20:32 - Balancing Body Weight and Limitations
00:24:19 - Consistency with Food and Caloric Intake
00:28:26 - Setting Realistic Goals
00:32:30 - Bulking Up and Body Composition
00:36:25 - The Impact of Water Retention and Appetite on Body Weight
00:44:09 - Shifting Perspectives in Bodybuilding
00:48:29 - The Benefits of Multivitamins for Bodybuilders
00:52:26 - The Impact of Diet on Training Adaptations
00:56:10 -Creatine monohydrate vs creatine HCl
01:00:04 - The Marketing Scam of Creatine
01:04:03 - Impact of Deca on Heart Health
01:08:39 - Experiencing Exhaustion
01:12:28 - Behind the scenes coaching for a pro qualifier
01:20:50 - The Joy of Thinking
01:25:00 - The Importance of Symmetry in Bodybuilding
01:28:58 - Plagiarism and the Rise of AI
01:32:51 - Reaching out to Scott for consultations


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Muscle Minds Episode #163: Thyroid Hormone Deep Dive T3, T4, T2, Reverse T3

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00:00:00 - Thyroid Hormone Regulation and Metabolism
00:03:21 - Thyroid Hormone Conversion
00:07:24 - The Formation of Reverse T3 and T2 in Thyroid Hormone Metabolism
00:11:20 - Thyroid Replacement and T4 to T3 Conversion in the Body
00:15:21 - The impact of caloric deficit on T3 levels
00:18:56 - The Effect of Yohimbine on Insulin Levels
00:22:46 - The Role of Glycogen and Insulin in Fasted Cardio
00:26:18 - The Effects of Insulin Levels
00:29:36 - Training Variation and Deadlifts
00:33:04 - Learning Effects and Auto Regulation in Training
00:36:27 - Live Q&A and Personal Updates
00:40:38 - Coming off a Growth Cycle and Going into a Deficit
00:44:20 - The History of Steroids in Bodybuilding
00:47:39 - The Importance of Satellite Cells and Muscle Overlap
00:51:07 - Exercise Selection for Targeting Specific Muscle Groups
00:54:43 - Incorporating Deadlifts for Bicep and Trap Growth
00:58:10 - Arm Training and Overuse
01:01:36 - The Importance of Interpreting Lab Work Accurately
01:05:05 - Common Blood Work Issues and Misinterpretations
01:08:13 - The Importance of Specialized Medical Knowledge
01:11:44 - Effective Time Under Tension
01:15:07 - Creating Overload through Novelty
01:18:37 - Exploring Partial Reps
01:21:48 - Muscle Minds Episode with Scott Stevenson
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