Still training hard. Mondays -- deadlifts, Tuesdays -- Overhead Presses, Wednesdays (at home) -- Biceps Curls, Thursdays -- Squats, Fridays (at home) -- Triceps, Saturdays -- strongman training. This is what my week's training looks like.
Mondays Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are with my coach. Saturdays are a group training and a lot of fun. Most times there are four of us, me and my coach and two women who are a part of our team, one of whom is a top strongwoman competitor and looking like she will be the national champ in a year or two! Sometimes we get another person to come and train with us and have a lot of fun.
My coach and I have been working on my deadlifts, trying to fix problems with form, and getting me to be more consistent. Lately I have seen a lot of improvement in my form, but my numbers are mediocre. I doubt I could get a 625 lb deadlift these days, which was my 1rm two years ago. But I hope to get back there in the next year or so.
I am focused on losing my bodyfat, hoping to diet down another 10 lbs to 210, then do a slow bulk with infrequent dieting for the indeterminate future.
Thanks for reading . . . Cheers!