- Aug 30, 2011
- 759
- 162
Had the same last November myself and I'm barely doing body squats at 3 months post. But I will say it's been a lot smoother than my previous fusion, but the first one wasn't a ALIF hybrid. What's your age if you don't mind my asking? I didn't have any prostate issues prior to this last surgery but ever since I've had a hard time with capacity and flow. It would take me 5 minutes just to urinate and I could never really empty my bladder. Taking Flomax now which has helped but not sure if it's related to the surgery or not.ALIF hybrid March 21st. Fuse L5/S1 and Prodisc L L4/L5. Doc said 3 months in a brace then back in the gym and start working up. At 6 mo could go sky diving if I wanted. A friend used the same docs, hybrid as well from S1 - L3. Was back squatting at 3 mo, light. Will update as I go. Glad I had the prostate HoLEP in Sept. Bladder capacity and flow like I was 20, sleep through the night (aside from L5 pain and f'd up shoulders) but one less issue to deal with.
Good luck with your surgery, hope everything works out.