My Goal is to get to 180-185 lbs and get even leaner then i am now and manage that weight... I'm not really looking to get "monster".
Honestly I'm more like 5'6" and I'd say i'm pretty lean.. any for the five cycles they have been pretty spread out and nothing to heavy.. ive been training natural for the past 4-5 months and the last cycle i did was 12 weeks at 250mg a week at the beginning and by week 6 i moved up to 500 mg a week (250mg twice a week). For my diet during cycle it usually consist of waking up and having half of a protein shake (GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60) with two-three egg whites. few hours later ill have a plain rice cake with all natural peanut butter with no salt. then for lunch ill usually have chicken with some sort of veggies. then a couple hours have a rice cake prepared the same way as explained earlier. Then will have quarter of my protein shake before the gym, then after the gym ill have the rest of my shake followed by dinner which usually consist of chicken or beef with all natural rice and veggies...
Okay, not to point and say this, but you have no reason to be using steroids of any kind till you get your food intake in order.
This meal plan is weak, for a girl, not filled with whole grains and lots of nutritious protein for a man, if you want to get to 180/185 and lean then you seriously need to bump up your calories, EACH MEAL should be around 400-600 calories each X 6 meals per day.
I'm just shocked, a rice cake with peanut butter, that's around maybe 250 calories, and next to nothing maybe 3 grams of protein.
Half of a protein shake for breakfast, before the gym, seriously?? That's maybe again a few grams, again, seriously, how do you have energy to even work out.
YOU should have a caloric intake of 30grams of protein, 40grams of Carbs, and 6-10 grams of fat per meal X 6 meals a day.
If you ate right, your 5 cycles would have been 1 or 2 and you would have been at your goal. I'd seriously suggest you not use anything till your diet is in order. AND when you can follow that nutrition plan and be consistant with that schedule, then use the test and tren, but not before till that Food plan of yours gets fixed.
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