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Liberals are mad stay out of small towns!



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Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
I completely agree with you. Most C&W stars are FAKES with even FAKE southerner accents. CMT is nothing but a woke organization that represents Hollywood celebrities more than C&W fans. Once Hank Williams, George Jones and Charlie Daniels left the scene C&W started being taken over by fakes. Never heard of JW but he sure did seem to make out like a bandit with all the publicity. How does the woke culture cancel a guy who already has his own audience anyway? Didn't this whole thing start because JA defended Austin Moody for his song "Just Saying." His song also rose to the top after all the complaining.

Yea, I have not followed the story much, even though it is plastered everywhere. About the mid-90's is when I stopped listening to any of the newer singers and bands that were coming out. I'm sure there are some that are noteworthy, but I just had enough with it all.


Jun 12, 2023
Yea, I have not followed the story much, even though it is plastered everywhere. About the mid-90's is when I stopped listening to any of the newer singers and bands that were coming out. I'm sure there are some that are noteworthy, but I just had enough with it all.
The new stuff sounds like soft rock/pop to me. Like Kenny G but called country.


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Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
They all went better roads , better schools , better pay , they want cheaper power and cheaper fuel.

Better prices for their milk and eggs and wood and potatoes , that's the stuff folks are worried about around here.
Anyone who wants to be President in 2024 should remember the above statement by Yano. This is what moves the needle on independent voters who will decide the election. Sometimes it's just THAT simple.


VIP Member
Mar 21, 2017
No one wants racism to go away on the left. As you can see with all the hate crime hoaxes, the demand for racist hate crimes far outstrips the supply, and thus people make them up.
The Left is where slavery, KKK, segregation, anti-civil Rights came from. Its historical fact.

When they finally lost out to the Civil Rights movement in the '60s they changed tunes. Now calling the Right racists for opposing government programs that basically enslave minorities and the poor to the state.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
I got no problem admitting I'm a Republican but I am not a magadonian or a trumper , voted for him once. That was enough for me. The current state of the party and its members is laughably disgusting.

I would like to see the party go back to the middle of the road, led by some one with at least some morals and values. They don't have to have much mind you but common sense and lack of lies and conspiracy theories would be GREAT.

Fuck i've said it before i'll say it again , in this day and age if he was running I would vote for Mitt Romney in a heartbeat , hell I would vote for Liz Cheney if it came down to her or creepy ass fucking biden.

John Kasich comes to mind as well as a solid Republican with some common sense that could work across the aisle with folks and start to heal this nation and move it forward from all this hate and nonsense and the guys only 71 , hes up there but not a God damn dinosaur.


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2010
If you would have asked me 20 years ago I would have said I was a Republican. Not anymore. The Republican party these days is what I would call extreme left wing of just 10 years ago. I find myself agreeing with the Russian president more than the current Republican party. It's sad really. Trump for all his flaws was the best president we have had in my lifetime other than Reagan. It took him 4 years to even partially undo all the damage Obama did to our country.

These days I'd consider myself a right leaning Christian Libertarian.


VIP Member
Jul 7, 2021
The Left is where slavery, KKK, segregation, anti-civil Rights came from. Its historical fact.

When they finally lost out to the Civil Rights movement in the '60s they changed tunes. Now calling the Right racists for opposing government programs that basically enslave minorities and the poor to the state.

It would be real swell if people were educated in our own nations history. On the flip side I think that if someone were to find out that the roots of their political animal spirit stemmed from what is now the modern day opposition party their brains might explode. Come to think of it, that might not be so bad after all.


VIP Member
Jun 16, 2020
Anyone who wants to be President in 2024 should remember the above statement by Yano. This is what moves the needle on independent voters who will decide the election. Sometimes it's just THAT simple.
Well if Yano wants "Better prices for their milk and eggs and wood and potatoes" then lower your price on the damn lobsters you're hording, LOL kidding.

Everyon eis just trying to talk above the person bitching next to them these days tryign to get attention and their 15 minutes. They all need a huge dose of slap da shit outa them and STFU.
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