So this starts tomorrow. After looking at all the feedback, I'm going to do 600 sust/300npp per week, with pins m/w/f. I'm also going to do the tbol at 40mg a day first 4 weeks, then reassess for the final four.
I have exemestane on hand if needed, and I also have losartan, and atenolol if my blood pressure gets out of hand. I have a cuff so I will monitor it several times a week.
I haven't journaled workouts for several years, but plan too, so I can accurately post them up as I go.
I'll use my fitness pal to log my calories, and will try to post that up as well. I haven't worked over the past two winters as I have a seasonal job, and found my maintenance calories during winter to be around 2300. I'm planning on starting at 2500 and will go from there.
I took a couple before pics, not too good, but I was by myself. I'll try to get my kid to take a couple more, at least from the back and side, so we have something to compare to at the end of the cycle.
I haven't done many shirtless pics as my skin isn't the best after the weight loss, but, at least the real loose stuff sits at my waist line or below.
Starting weight 226.6 as of this morning.
Thank you for all your advice on this thread!