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Left Shoulder - Guess I Gotta Take it Easy



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Sometime in May was diagnosed with a pretty bad tear in RC in my left shoulder (he says its hanging on by a thread). My plan was to lay off the heavy weights, creep by this summer, get lean for possibly a show in early Nov, then have the surgery in Nov.
Now i'm not so sure.....i'm not sure the workouts can sustain me for a bodybuilding show.....ugh.....

During workouts the last couple of weeks, shoulder has been in pretty bad pain, getting worse. Now i didn't ask the doc, nor did the doc say to ease up....but....
When in pain during a workout I either stop or decrease the weight. My trainer knows and has been adjusting the workouts accordingly.
Today, i'm sort of thinking that i should layoff upper body workouts and just do lower body until about Oct/Nov when i can get the surgery.
I don't want to have it during summer....i wanna have too much fun and the gosh darn sling would mess with my tan lol!
Besides, i have grandbaby #3 coming in Aug, so definitely want to wait until after that so i can hold her and love on her some before i can't......

I know the stage will always be will, ain't going no where.....
The revelation just bums me out.....

But i have time to now plan for the recovery....woohoo......

(FYI, had full tear in RC and a full tear repair of RC surgery in right shoulder in 2018, was diagnosed in Dec while training for a show, competed in first show in April 2018; surgery in Aug 2018.).


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Hey Bova, so, so sorry to hear this. I hate when an injury interrupts plans, especially for a show. I think you've described the best course of action. Doing the type of intense training you'll need to properly prep for the show will only continue to aggravate it. I just don't think it's smart, and might even make things worse.


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2013
I think you already figured out the best thing you can do for it. Sorry about your bad luck.


Feb 27, 2024
Damn sorry to hear this. I think you're doing the right thing. Injuries suck, especially when planning for a show, but you've got the right mindset. Wishing you the best.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
Thanks, this solidifies my thinking of just taking it easy....and support from the community is always welcome, so thank you for your responses.

Injuries suck....many i remember during the last surgery i was telling myself i am never gonna have shoulder surgery again! and here we are planning for my second. Matter of fact, during research on my first surgery, many reported that if they tore the one side, that they would tear the other side after and here we are.

I'm also researching some helpful compounds that will help in my recovery this fall. Didn't do too much on the last one.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
I tore both my RCs. Never had them fixed. I did a lot of rear delt work and that must have compensated. Now decades later the one is hurting but in the AC joint where the front delt ties in.


VIP Member
Jun 16, 2024
I had my right shoulder rebuilt and an inch of my clavicle was removed, just the floating end. I wore the sling for a week or two and honestly, by week six I was back to incline dumbbell presses. I stayed away from barbells for a long time due to the fixed positions made it hurt. Not suggesting get it done but as healthy as you seem to be, you will bounce back quick. I agree with laying off a bit but I have had 13 surgeries now and I never lay down as long as the think. I would switch to dumbbells if you haven't already and I would get it fixed as soon as I can. Just my .02



Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
Yea, my right shoulder is giving me hell right now. I was up 'til 4:30am last night:mad: I haven't trained in a few weeks for various reasons, this just one, but just laying in bed in any position seems to set it off hurting. It's in the front like @Glycomann mentioned above with him:(

It's been giving me fits the last 2-3 months now....makes the shit not even fun to be honest:(
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
One of my worst fears is injury during prep. You bust your ass all year to get ready for a show and something like this can completely derail you.

I would suggest keeping the show as the goal, focus on lower body and only slightly touch upper body enough to mitigate atrophy. It only takes 1/3 the work to retain muscle as it does to build it and always felt AAS makes this even easier, maybe 1/4 the work.

Bands may give you enough tension to drive stimulus before reaching the point of doing more damage, either using them on their own or reverse banding whatever machines you can to protect you when you are weak and push you where you are strong. I am just throwing out some ideas. I used a lot of bands prior to my shoulder surgery, so I could still train will less pain. Also, switched to a lot of reverse grip pressing when I actually did press. I had to find the right angle and width to get the groove, but found a couple where it was almost pain free even going heavy.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
We must have the same shoulder. Nandrolone might be helping mine ~50% as far as pain. I just switched things up a lot. Light weight 15 -20 reps, 100 mg/w nandrolone. Seemed to be going well. Added BPC and TB500. Poking it seems to be inflaming it.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2019
That stinks! As it has been said, do what is right for you and bands may work. I have tried BPC on several different injuries and never got anything from it. Also ran some lower dose GH for several months and nothing.

Remember, everyone that has pain at night, sleep on your back and hug a pillow. If that does not work get a 45 degree foam wedge and sleep on that hugging a pillow (with pillow under your knees too).


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 21, 2011
We must have the same shoulder. Nandrolone might be helping mine ~50% as far as pain. I just switched things up a lot. Light weight 15 -20 reps, 100 mg/w nandrolone. Seemed to be going well. Added BPC and TB500. Poking it seems to be inflaming it.

I may add in some low dose nandrolone soon as well. I always feel sio much better when on it, especially my shoulders and everything, it's very noticeable for me now that i'm older, lol. I know it isn't fixing anything, and surgery is probably the inevitable solution, but I can't do that any time it's either mask it or not train at all. I used some BPC in April, and it seemed to help some, but there was still some small dull pain there on training days. I have never used TB.

I may add some BPC back along with low NPP or deca. The BPC goes by quick at 500mg per day. A bottle only lasts like 10 days, lol.
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