For self defense yes, I’m guessing it’s very short range. Probably within hands reach.
But let’s say it’s a hostage situation? Or you’re trying to help a loved one or innocent person with an attacker on them.
I like having the option.
Break it down.
The chance you ever have to draw your gun is slim to none.
The chances that you draw your gun and have to shoot someone, is slim to none.
The chances that you have to draw your gun and try to save someone in a hostage situation simply dont happen.
So all this laser talk is just mental masturbation.
But lets pretend it happened.
To take a shot with a handgun in that situation you would have to be close.
if you can't take the shot without the laser then dont take the shot and even if you have the laser - you are not good enough of a shooter to take the shot.
Most people shoot worse with a laser than without one. Same with a red dot until they get used too it.
Unfortunately most people spend money on gear and little money on practice and training.
We did the shoot house at Thunder Ranch. Nobody was shooting back but fuck my adrenaline was pumping anyway.
The instructor was behind you calling scenarios on the fly and it was stressful. Shooting on a reactive target and having to react to it, changed everything.
its easy to put 2 to the body on a range with a static target but when you shoot on a reactive target and its not going down when you put to in the chest to simulate body armor, then you have to think and reassess -its a world of difference.
During an IDPA competition we had to hold a baby (doll) and draw/fire without dropping it. First thing I did when beep went off was to drop the baby, and that was after focusing on not dropping it.
Your small motor skills goes away when you are in a hot situation and the body dumps a ton of adrenaline to save your ass. You have to reduce everything to the simplest form.
Train the way you fight, fight the way you train.