Fair... I think there a few variables in why some get various results...L-Carnitine never did anything for me. I don’t see wasting money on it. I know it has a lot of hype, but that’s all it is hype. I think green tea extract has some promise when used with everything else. I saw a pretty good drop in fat in 6 weeks. Maybe do a titration and run it through a 22um filter and inject and let us know how it works….
I know @beefnewton has using it before but don’t think he noticed much. Could be wrong.
Are you saying take 20-40g fast carbs if not using slin or with?
The AR response,
LCLT supplementation upregulated (P<0.05) preexercise AR content compared with PL (12.9+/-5.9 vs 11.2+/-4.0 au, respectively).![]()
Androgenic responses to resistance exercise: effects of feeding and L-carnitine - PubMed
In summary, these data demonstrated that: 1) feeding after RE increased AR content, which may result in increased testosterone uptake, and thus enhanced luteinizing hormone secretion via feedback mechanisms; and 2) LCLT supplementation upregulated AR content, which may promote recovery from RE.pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
HOW it does that? Don't know... the teste's do use Carnitine to aid in spermatogenesis and testosterone production, but again, how it increases AR receptor I THINK is unknown.
IF: I did it for a long time, I would always do L-car first thing in the morning before my workout, partly to enhance the FFA "shuttling" into the mitochondria.
Yeah, it is interesting the variable results people get, it's not like Test Cyp that everyone will respond to... while there does seem to be some physical reasons why some might respond better (low Andrgoen rececptors, low carnitine levels, protocol, etc), ie Chase Irons responded really well to it, there does seem to still "something" or "someTHINGS" that can make one person respond better than another.... at the end of the day, it seems it's one of those compounds one just has to give an HONEST try (correct protocol, duration, and REASOANBLE expectations <we all want a miracle drug/supplement>), and see how they respond.A lot of people, myself included, started on Carnitine over either that study or others like it. I started brewing my own and injected up to 1g a day for over a year and noticed no difference whatsoever, bloodwork or otherwise. This was before I had started lifting or even doing any kind of fitness over ten years ago. I was in piss-poor shape and had already been through the first 40 years of my life with low testosterone, so I felt I especially had a low density of receptors. What did seem to upregulate AR's was more androgens over a long period of time, though (years). At the time, I was looking for chemical solutions for lifestyle problems, so it may be that it requires the combination of physical stress... but then who is to say that it isn't just the physical stress itself that causes the increase? I am too lazy to read the study and too dumb to completely understand it anyway.
Because most producers don't pH balance it.I've tried to use before but the stuff burns like hell. I just started again using L-Carnitine with Mic but just started it a few days ago so I can't really say how it's going. I'm doing half a cc every day. I ordered it from Amino asylum. I assume it's legit.
I'll know more further down the road
It's not hard to balance, just a little time consuming as for whatever reason each batch will vary in it's "baseline pH" so then it has to be adjusted accordingly, it's not like you can just mix the buffer or acid at a measured amount during the brewing stage.Because most producers don't pH balance it.
The more I get into growing “trees” I’m learning how important that the water needs to be the right ph and can vary out of the tap water I use. Think I have just been lucky but need to start testing and adjusting. Especially when I fertilize. Plus I’m interested in going hydro. Pretty cool it’s legal to grow two plants in my state now so not breaking rules here I hope.It's not hard to balance, just a little time consuming as for whatever reason each batch will vary in it's "baseline pH" so then it has to be adjusted accordingly, it's not like you can just mix the buffer or acid at a measured amount during the brewing stage.
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