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Kluso’s not dead yet!



VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
So if it does work (and the muscle isn't too damaged), is it possible the muscle can get stronger once it starts getting a better signal? I'm being an optimist, that you did have a nerve issue way long ago that just caused the muscle to atrophy, and maybe a restoration of the signal can help it get stronger and pull it out of that theoretical bottom of the well where it's too weak but not getting proper stimulus. Kind of sounds like that's the intent, and I just reinvented the whole point of the procedure.
Haha. I’m not sure. I have tried injecting HGH below my bellybutton over my bladder even though i recall that you shouldn’t inject below bellybutton. In hopes of healing it but nada. I hope to run some hgh when I’m all healed up so maybe it would help with that if I injected it in the same area. That would be awesome if it did that!


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
All i can say about catheters is condom style can be more comfortable but are weird getting used to , ,and if you use a regular style look for the ones that have beveled tip and holes way less scratching , i dont know if you can use a whistle tip those will drain faster and coude tips have a bend in em ... the things you learn when you have a stroke
I have tried the coude tips and used them for a long time. Bit because the tip is harder and pointier it digs in more when I’m not in the right spot and it would cut me. So I been back on the straight tip for past year or two now. I haven’t heard of the whistle tip or condom style, I’ll look into that. Definitely some brands scratch more than others and are stiffer plastic. You definitely get what you pay for. And that’s another thing. I have to pay a lot of money for my insurance to get no deductible and better copay for my catheters. Without insurance it’s like $900 a month. Probably more now. It would save me a shit ton of money if I didn’t have to use them anymore! Glad you’re still kicking after the stroke man. I know I don’t have shit to complain about. It could always be worse!


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
. . . .Glad you’re still kicking after the stroke man. I know I don’t have shit to complain about. It could always be worse!
Klu, we knew each other a little back in the TSC days, we became Board buds when you came here a few yrs ago, but you have ascended to Inspirational status with this thread.

You check all the boxes for Attitude, Resilience, Perseverance, and whatever else rhymes with Inspiring.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
After this surgery is successful, you can start living the bodybuilding lifestyle where everything revolves around eating, training and recovery. You will see massive progress even at your age, because you have been limited for so long. Stay consistent for a couple years and you will be competing at the national level.
Heady Muscle

Heady Muscle

VIP Member
Oct 13, 2014
Dam. Thanks everyone! I been using a catheter for over 10 years now. I know it sounds bad. And it was at first but I’m mostly used to it now. It’s more of an annoyance now. It also causes me to not stay hydrated well because the more water I drink the more I have to pee, obviously. So that’s always hurt my BB and would be nice to not worry about also. But enough about that bull crap. I’ll update when I get the test procedure done. I’ll be off work for a few days and have plenty of time to fill you in.

I made it to the gym once this week. My workouts are pretty pathetic too. I started with 10min of HITT on the bike for legs. Hammer strength isolateral rows for back. Weighted dip machine for chest. Preacher curls for biceps and cable extensions for triceps. My arms and legs are most noticeable in looking smaller. I was definitely sore the next day. Since I’m only going once a week or so I’m doing full body. Switching up the exercises each time.

To @beefnewton, not even close to @genetic freak! If that man didn’t do as much cardio as he likes to do he would be twice as big as he is considering how much he abuses himself in the gym. I’m just lucky to have half way decent genetics that let me get by with half the effort as him. If I could lift and eat like GF maybe I could take him. But he would literally run circles around me afterwards. Thank you though! Appreciate the compliment but I’m not even in the same league buddy! That man is a beast! He’s always been my inspiration to be better ever since I met him.

To @rawdeal, thanks! Yeah, it is hard to pick an emoji sometimes. Especially after awkward personal posts like that. Lol. I do the same. I definitely don’t give a shit what you guys know about me. I often find myself spilling my guts out to you guys. And I can’t thank you all enough for just listening!

To @Yano, thanks my man! I had been trying to fallow your log I just haven’t had time lately. Always liked it! With your videos too. I don’t know how your body hasn’t broken yet. Haha

To @Heady Muscle, not sure how much you gonna learn but maybe laughing at my sorry ass will brighten your day. That’s my hope anyways. Haha

To @Wilson6, it honestly was devastating when I had to start using them. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do. The gym definitely helped me get over it!

Skip this section if you don’t want to hear about my bladder issue. My bladder was twice the size on a normal bladder. I could still pee but I was only peeing what the pressure had bulked up from bladder stretched out. My bladder would still be half full after going. Bladder was pushing on my intestines and causing me digestive issues. I actually went to doctors about my stomach when he asked me if I had to pee. I said nope. He said well your bladder seems very full and is pushing on everything. If you got into a car accident your bladder could rupture from the seatbelt. So that scared me enough to do something about it. Urologists said hopefully after using catheter for a little while your bladder size will go back to normal and I could stop using them. That never happened. Did a bunch of tests and my bladder muscle has like 10% function. This device I’m gonna try at the end of the month basically gives the muscle the signal our brain should give it. A lot of older people have issues with losing that signal also. But if the muscle itself is actually damaged then it probably won’t work. I remember being in a bad car accident when I was 20 or so. Head on collision. I was lucky as hell and only had a bruised knee and bruised kidney they said because I was pissing blood. But I remember something didn’t feel right after that when I would pee. Think that’s when it started. I think the muscle is damaged but that’s me being a pessimist. Hopefully im wrong. I’ve had an mri done of my lower back when I had sciatica the first time and I asked the doctor if he could see anything that might cause my bladder issue. Like maybe that nerve or disc connected to that nerve looked damaged or compressed. He said no. All looked normal. So my negative ass doesn’t think this procedure is gonna work. And I don’t think they do bladder transplants yet. I just don’t see myself being able to do this when I’m 80. And what I don’t understand is why I can’t even piss myself when I have to go real bad. You would think It would start coming out when the pressure built up. But it won’t. I’ve tried waiting till it felt like my bladder was gonna explode and I would push and maybe a drop would come out. It’s like the muscle that pushes doesn’t work anymore and the muscle that holds it in is locked up. And these doctors have no answers. They’re morons! And don’t get me started on my issue with getting the catheter in sometimes. That will be a story for another day. This is already turning into a ramble no gives a shit about here. Lol.

To @MR. BMJ, thanks for the encouragement! And good point about staying lean. I do take berberine every day to help. I’ve never been a big eater though. Only time I could eat a lot was after a big cut on no to low carbs. I could not get full! Man, if I could eat like that all the time I would be huge! And idk what is up with my elbows. Most people have shoulder or knee problems. Not me. It’s my elbows! Well, and my back. But every time I lift now my elbows hurt. Even after giving them a long break. But hopefully some npp will help. Haha. When I have my comeback!

To @Glycomann, thanks! I’m trying to stay positive. Definitely harder some days.

To @kid666, thanks buddy!
No way I would laugh at you (unless it was really deserved) but I will definitely laugh with you. In your avatar picture you look fucking amazing and I am the furthest thing from a Homo! Well there are those strange Saturday nights where things get a little blurry....


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Oh man, the thought that I would live to 102 and am just halfway there is horrifying.
Right! Appreciate the love guys! The past two weeks were very lame. Didn’t make it to gym once. Almost made it Friday morning. I was dressed for it but I took to long getting ready and would have only had 30min for the gym so I changed into my work clothes and went to work. It’s definitely starting to depress me. Especially when people are starting to make comments. Comments from my mom, people at work and even customers don’t recognize me. “Have you lost weight?”, “You look skinny!”, “Are you Jamie?”. I haven’t missed two weeks in a long time and the comments are depressing. Trying to use it as motivation. I weigh myself at the gym so can’t share that. Still probably around 178lbs.

You know what gets me excited these days? Gardening! Instead of spending all my money on supplements I been spending it on different fertilizers and nutrients for my plants. Lol. It’s legal to grow 4 cannabis plants in my state now and im addicted! Kinda like I was to body building. Anyone else growing cannabis or anything else. I have an herb garden and a poinsettia that I rebloomed last fall for Christmas that I plan on reblooming this year also. I have a Blue Spruse bonsai I started from seed that is 3 years old now. I love it. Plants are so cool! You can clone them, graft them. Plants have hormones too. It’s really fascinating imo. Watching them grow or die and figuring out what’s causing the problems. Nutrient deficiencies. Controlling the environment with fans and lights and humidifier and/or dehumidifier. Growing inside and outside. Dealing with pests. And then finally enjoying your harvest. Lol. More like my wife. She’s the pothead these days. It’s too late this year to start a garden. I had some tomatoes and eggplants growing last year. Anyone else into gardening/ plants?


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
I have to be honest. Not being in pain every day is not helping my motivation to get in the gym. Seems like the less I lift the better my joints feel. But I hate being small! And it’s not like I have time to do stretches and warm up properly like Skip Hill does before his workouts. I do some warmup sets of course. But think only way I will be able to keep lifting like I was is by spending an hour warming up my muscles and joints before my workout. I already don’t have enough time for the gym as it is. My other thought is start taking a bunch of ibuprofen. Haha
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