I haven't updated my log since we have tapered off and the meet is about 6 days away.
Good news is I have learned a lot about myself through this meet prep. Bad new is that I have a minor left pec strain and have to pull out of the meet. 4-6 weeks in my recovery time frame. I saw a sports med doc. and he said I can still bench but stay away from anything 300 or more pounds. I will take the first two weeks completely off from benching. Also no straight bar squats. Either Duffalo Bar or SSB.
Take away from all this is I gave my coach the benefit of the doubt with certain things, IE widening my grip on bench which placed more stress on my pecs and anterior delts. Did I make good progress yes. But wider grip is not for me. I can't get my shoulders pulled back and down tight enough. And I can't lock my elbows hard after lifter off. With a closer grip I can maintain more my tightness.
This term goes across the board for anything in life. If it ain't broke leave it alone. My bench was fine with my original grip. Next meet and the rest of my training my grip.
My next log will start next week and I will be more detailed with my training and log my ups and downs throughout the day. So you all can get a better glimpse of my day. I will even log my non-training days as I usually perform active recovery.