lol CRAZY Strong!
He is leaving so much of his potential pressing power untapped. Look how far he lets the bar sink into his chest. Tweaks in form alone would bring him close to the 715 record.
lol CRAZY Strong!
He is leaving so much of his potential pressing power untapped. Look how far he lets the bar sink into his chest. Tweaks in form alone would bring him close to the 715 record.
I dont know that if he tweaks his form, it will make room for more weight. The guy has been benching this way for years. Any changes would take time for him to get accustomed to and it may not give him more in the terms of numbers. I say DO NOT FIX ANYTHING THAT IS OBVISOUSLY WORKING!
Still think If he would stop the bar just touchin his chest instead of sinking it in so far, it would shorten the range of motion/ thinking in terms of board height that's about 20lbs right there.